White half fist size garlic, piled up like a hill, appeared in front of Shanzhu, so that Shanzhu's mouth could not be closed.

"It's sweet and slightly spicy."

Shanzhu took some garlic, weighed it, peeled it off and tasted it. The taste of garlic White was very beautiful. It was at least one higher quality than the garlic planted outside.

Garlic outside can sell for seven yuan a Jin. Garlic planted in Shennong tower can sell for at least ten yuan a Jin. There is no doubt about this.


Shanzhu stood in the initial farmland, a white light rose from the foot of Shanzhu and penetrated Shanzhu's body, which made Shanzhu dizzy. At the same time, it made Shanzhu's eyes shine.

For a moment, the white light disappeared, and peace was restored around the pillar.

"Primary fluoroscopy unsealed."

In Shanzhu's mind, a stream of information gathered together. At the same time, Shanzhu understood the magic of the initial farmland.

This time.

When Shanzhu planted garlic in the original farmland, the original farmland began to be restored, and more than 10000 Jin of garlic was harvested, which made Shanzhu get a reward.


Primary fluoroscopy, you can see through clothes, wood, thin iron and other obstacles, improve vision, you can see the scene 360 meters away.

"No, you need to wait 30 minutes for one cast. It's a long cooling time." Now, Shanzhu has mastered this primary fluoroscopy.

30 minutes, once.

If you forcibly cast it twice or three times in 30 minutes, it will hurt Shanzhu's eyes. At the same time, you can't cast fluoroscopy in the next day or even several days.

Shanzhu stares at Bai su.

Shanzhu shook his head again.

Bai Su also said with a smile, "Shanzhu, you want to see me clearly. With your current cultivation level, it's still far away, not to mention that my real body has been destroyed. Now it's just an empty spirit. You can't see through me."

Shanzhu is simple and honest. It's a little smart. Shanzhu wants to see through the guardian spirit Baisu. It's absolutely impossible.

One percent of the original farmland is restored.

The eye of the holy spring is dry.

The initial farmland is in urgent need of repair and needs a lot of materials.

Shanzhu calmed down. With Bai Su's communication and conversation, Shanzhu realized that there was still a long way to go to transform the original farmland into good farmland.

"Shanzhu, next, you can plant some cereals to upgrade the level of the initial farmland. At the same time, you can catch some animals, such as pigs, cattle, sheep and chickens, and start to raise them in captivity. In this way, you can gain more accomplishments and skills."

Bai Su said with a smile.


Shanzhu gets excited. According to the conversation between Shanzhu and bailing, Shanzhu also knows that this primary fluoroscopy can be upgraded again by getting rewards.

Primary fluoroscopy.

Intermediate fluoroscopy.

Advanced fluoroscopy.

The eye of a thousand miles.

Others, such as wind, cloud, rain, and even the powerful Vajra palm, Baibu Shenquan, can be practiced.




It's a lot of work.

These are the four core heritages of Shennong's inheritance. Among them, medicine represents the cultivation and inheritance of Shennong's medicine, pharmacy, pills and so on.

Agriculture represents Shennong's farming skills, cultivation, captivity, domestication and so on.

Wu represents the cultivation of Shennong's martial arts, Taoism and mana.

Gong represents the study of natural engineering.

"Well, I'll go first. Now I'm afraid I have to collect more seeds. The day after tomorrow, I'll go to Linchuan county to buy some seeds, such as millet, wheat, millet, corn, soybean and so on." In Shanzhu's mind, he has begun to lay out a blueprint for developing and upgrading the initial farmland.

All kinds of seeds, some fertilizer, some water and so on.

"Well, you can go ahead. Planting more wheat and so on can quickly upgrade the initial farmland level. But you need to find some superior soybean and sunflower seeds. I have a wonderful use for planting these two seeds." Bai Su said that Bai Su used to work with Shennong. Of course, he knew how to repair the original farmland and restore Shennong tower.



Shanzhu nodded, indicating that he had written it down.

In the initial farmland, the first step is to plant grains, and the level of upgrading is relatively fast. Moreover, the seed acquisition of these grains is very simple.

Wheat can be harvested in about nine days.

Corn can be harvested in about four days.

Millet, it will take about five days.

Now, Shanzhu is about to master. This initial farmland of hundreds of Mu is the core of the first floor space of Shennong tower. A day here is about one month outside.

Shanzhu bid farewell to Bai Su, went out of Shennong tower again, and appeared under the big Bluestone beside the pool.




Comfortable, faster... Cool

As soon as Shanzhu came out of the Shennong tower, he planned to turn around and leave. When he returned home, he suddenly heard waves of love action movies, in which the heroine often moaned.

It's a familiar voice.

Shanzhu hid behind the big Bluestone and looked ahead. Not far away, under a big tree 40 meters away, a man about 1.6 meters tall was working with a woman.

The woman is holding the tree and pouting his big white buttocks. The man is behind, working hard to cultivate and open up wasteland, and doing what men love most.

In the middle of the night, the moon is hazy, and by the side of the stream, it has a different flavor.

"Uncle Ba, you... You are sure to have a golden spear. Baodao... Baodao is not old... Hurry up, I'm coming again. You are much more powerful than Biaozi."

The woman, once again, cried out.

"Well, I'll feed you later."

The man also roared, worked harder and faster. His hands also touched the two protruding places in front of the woman's body, rubbed and stroked.

Village head Chen Laoba.

Sister in law Xie Qing Xie Dajiao.

Shanzhu obtained primary fluoroscopy, which made his eyesight doubled. Looking at the couple more than 30 meters away in the night was as clear as looking at the monitor.

"Eight, you are much better than that two centimeters."

a moment.

The man and woman stopped, especially the woman half collapsed and sat on the ground, but her face was very ruddy and moist, obviously very comfortable.

The man sighed and breathed a sigh. At the same time, he picked up his trousers and looked around. He didn't find anything, so he sat down.

In the distance.

Shanzhu hid behind the big Bluestone, and was even more happy. This love action movie, Shanzhu is also a feast for the eyes, but also an eye opener.

As expected, the eighth uncle's sword is not old, and the golden spear is still there.

What's more, Xie Qing, the wife of the bully Biaozi, is so coquettish and moving, not to mention the two centimeters of the bully Biaozi.

Two centimeters, that's so funny.

The little brother under the bully Biaozi grows only two centimeters. No wonder his wife Xie Dajiao comes out of the wall and buckles a big green hat for the bully Biaozi.

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