Two million.

Shanzhu can still be taken out, played and compensated. Moreover, Shanzhu is not afraid of compensation and can not compensate.

Shanxia cattle farm, once in Shanzhu's hands, at least, Shanzhu's money can come to normal, and at that time, the milk and dung of the cattle farm can also be turned into treasure.

Cow dung can be used in farmland, and milk can irrigate some special crops. The harvest is many times better than selling.

"Now I can gather 1.2 million in cash, 600000 of which is in cash. This time, I'm going to find Xiaoyou to borrow one million yuan, and I can gather two million yuan. Do you think my proposal just now is all right?" Shanzhu said, surely, Shanzhu couldn't take out so much at the moment.


Now Shanzhu has to work together. Shanzhu has already been in the farmland of shennongta. It has drawn out 120 mu of farmland for planting garlic, and another 200 mu for planting coriander and so on.

Planting garlic all the time, the level of Shennong tower can't be improved, and the experience gained is very little. Planting more other crops, raising all kinds of animals, planting some trees and so on, the improvement is too fast.

The experience gained from single planting is little, and there is also a limitation. This is exactly what Shanzhu knows about the growth conditions of the initial farmland of shennongta.

"In this case, you have something to do with Xiaoyou. Let me say hello to the leaders of the county. As you know, now the leaders of the county are dealing with the traffic accident, but vice county chief Wang, who is in charge of agriculture, is still in charge of the work in the county. I can communicate with him. Now, as long as someone is willing to manage and take over the Shanxia cattle farm, the county will be happy."

"Well, that's it. You take care of Xiaoyou for an hour. It's three o'clock. You'd better come to the gate of the county Party committee. Thirty or forty people surround the gate of the county Party committee. What will the county Party committee do if it's publicized? Not to mention, at this critical moment, how many leaders in the city and the province are staring at Linchuan county and can't have any more problems. "

Zhang Taichang can't help but say.

Shanzhu also knows that this accident has already shocked the province. More than 20 people have been killed and more than 20 people have been injured. This accident is absolutely a big one.

The county Party committee is like an ant on a hot pot. Now, if we can get more news from the cattle farm at the foot of the mountain, it will attract more attention.

At this time, Tang Xiaoyou also woke up and couldn't help answering the phone. With the director talking, the director concerned about Tang Xiaoyou and asked him to have a good rest.

Now, Tang Xiaoyou's first task is to rush to the county Party committee in a moment to solve the problem of going down the mountain to the cattle farm, so that he doesn't have to go to the provincial interview.

This time, Zhang asked Tang Xiaoyou to solve the problem of the cattle farm at the foot of the mountain, and he also attached great importance to training Tang Xiaoyou. Tang Xiaoyou also has some relations with Shanxia village.

At that time, the out of school teenagers in Shanxia village, Xiushui village, Nanzhang village, etc. in Chenjiagou town were interviewed by Tang Xiaoyou, so they got the chance to go to school again. Moreover, the county also gave some financial subsidies to the senior high school students in several backward villages in Chenjiagou town every year.

Now, primary school and junior high school are free. At that time, Xiaojing went to high school, and Tang Xiaoyou's interview focused on the graduation project of out of school teenagers.

Moreover, Tang Xiaoyou also went to the cattle farm at the foot of the mountain to interview three times. As the staff of the cattle farm at the foot of the mountain spoke better, the interview was more appropriate.

Director Zhang hung up. It's two o'clock twenty“ Xiaoyou, in that case, you'd better lie down and have a rest. It's forty minutes before three o'clock. " Shanzhu concerned said, Tang Xiaoyou now wake up, still have some dizziness, and, also dizzy severe.

Of course, I haven't got down yet. I'm afraid it won't work if I go at three o'clock.

"Shanzhu, you help me pour some water, and there is a hangover at the front desk. You help me get some. I should have a half-hour rest. How about Chunhong?" Tang Xiaoyou is lying on the bed, his head is still very high.


How can Chunhong be? She has gone to sleep, and is taken care of by ergouzi and Zhang Ying. Zhang Ying has asked for leave, accompanying ergouzi to take care of Chunhong.

Sober up, Shanzhu also know that this time Tang Xiaoyou to the county Party committee to solve the problem, is also a very important thing, soon, Shanzhu to a glass of boiled water.

"It's a little hot. You wait and I'll pour it for you." Shanzhu poured a cup of boiled water. After tasting it, it felt a little hot. He took another cup and poured it over and back. It would be cooler.

After pouring it dozens of times, Shanzhu tasted it again. It was not too hot. It could be used and drunk“ Xiaoyou, you can drink. It's good to have a massage when you're drunk. I'll get you some antidotes first, and then I'll come back and give you a massage. It's estimated that it will be ready in half an hour. "

The mountain pillar can't help saying, handed the water cup to Tang Xiaoyou.

Tang Xiaoyou lay on his side and took the cup. Sure enough, the cup was not hot and he drank it just right“ Shanzhu, thank you very much. You care about your sister so much. My cousin doesn't know what to say. "

Tang Xiaoyou is deeply moved. No one cares so much about taking care of himself. This time, Shanzhu makes Tang Xiaoyou excited again.

Last time, Shanzhu saved Tang Xiaoyou. It was the help of the people who saved his life. Tang Xiaoyou wanted to solve some difficulties for Shanzhu. It was a reward for saving his life.

Now, Tang Xiaoyou is already very excited. Yes, he is a little excited.

In Chunhong's room, Shanzhu hands over Er Gouzi, takes out 3600 yuan, and gives it to ER Gouzi, so that Er Gouzi can take time to take Zhang Ying around the night market at night.

Spend some money and buy whatever Zhang Ying likes. If it's not enough, she shouts down the mountain. Er Gouzi was very excited. Shanzhu took so much money all at once. Er Gouzi didn't know what to say. Er Gouzi refused three times, but he accepted it.

Shanzhu came down to the front desk again.

At this time, manager Sun has already come back. Moreover, manager Sun is criticizing Zhang Lei, as well as the front desk cashier who collected more than 8000 yuan.

"You? What do you do? Zhang Lei, can't you do such a small thing? How can you let brother Shanzhu spend money? If you let your master know, he will not scold you to death. Xiao Zhang doesn't know the situation. Don't you know the situation? I... how can I say hello? "

Manager Sun Jiayi has come back and is dealing with the situation at the front desk. Unexpectedly, after checking the charging situation, she finds out that Shanzhu has settled the account. This makes her angry. Zhang Lei is still asleep at this time and is being criticized.

"Manager Sun, i... I've drunk too much with Shanzhu brothers. Originally I told Sister Li, but Sister Li has something to do with her children. Xiao Zhang, a new comer, didn't wait for me to come down. He's already settled the bill. They all blame me for drinking too much." Zhang Lei slapped himself in the face.

On this side, the new receptionist Xiao Zhang, who is also Li Hua Dai Yu, started to cry. She didn't expect that manager sun came back to check the front desk a little. He was so angry that other cashiers also bowed their heads.

In the reception hall, some customers also gathered around to watch.

"Manager Sun, blame me, blame me." As soon as Shanzhu came down, he saw this scene and couldn't help coming forward“ Manager Sun, it costs so much. I'm not happy to let manager Sun treat me. Next time, let's sit down again. " Shanzhu is smiling. Meanwhile, he asks the front desk for two bottles of sobering medicine.

That's too much.

It's more than eight thousand. It's really too much. Shanzhu doesn't want to meet for the first time, which makes manager Sun spend so much. Surely, although he is the manager of Tianxiang Pavilion, he can't afford to spend eight thousand at a time. Shanzhu has nothing to do with it.

Other people's money doesn't come from strong winds.

"Next time, how can we wait for next time? Xiao Zhang, apologize to brother Shanzhu quickly. Don't cry, Xiao Zhang. Take out 8000 and give it to brother Shanzhu." Manager Sun couldn't help saying.

Manager Sun insisted on returning the 8000 yuan to Shanzhu again.

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