At present.

In Tang Xiaoyou's family, the eldest sister and the second sister have been married. Among them, her eldest brother-in-law has a shrewd business mind, a large company and billions of assets.

Tang Xiaoyou's second brother-in-law is a navy captain. God, he is so powerful. Shanzhu never thought of this aspect.

Is it true that master Tang mobilized Zhouqiao troops.

"By the way, Shanzhu, my aunt loves me the most. You treat my aunt better and your score can be increased. My grandfather loves me and my aunt the most now." At this time, Tang Xiaoyou said again.


Shanzhu nodded.

"Xiaoyou, what does your aunt do?" At this time, Shanzhu can't help asking Tang Xiaoyou, he must be the three daughters of Tang.


Tang Xiaoyou shook his head.

"Auntie, I've never seen her. Even, I don't have a picture of her at home." Tang Xiaoyou can't help but say that as soon as he talks about Aunt, he is not happy.

"By the way, Shanzhu, don't mention my aunt. My grandfather's face changed as soon as I said this. Now, my mother is waiting for our result. This time when I go back, I will break my engagement with the Qi family. In this way, in order to avoid conflicts with the Qi family, my mother will certainly pass on the succession right to my elder sister. Don't you mind?"

At this time, Tang Xiaoyou said again.

Shanzhu hugs Tang Xiaoyou. On the one hand, how can Shanzhu mind? If Tang Xiaoyou marries Shanzhu, he must be with Shanzhu. Then, the Tang family must take care of Tang Xiaoyou's elder brother-in-law.

Tang Xiaoyou's elder brother-in-law is very smart and capable. Now, he has lost weight successfully, thanks to Shanzhu's explosive diet pills and green health diet pills.

"Do you really mind? That's a hundred billion dollar asset. " At this time, Tang Xiaoyou began to laugh again, playing mischievously with Shanzhu's moustache.

Shanzhu's chin, there are some moustaches, especially lovely, Tang Xiaoyou nothing, like to play for a while, tight.

100 billion assets?

Shanzhu had to smile bitterly. This hundred billion yuan asset was accumulated by a big family for decades and worked hard for several generations.

How to distribute it is, of course, the power of others.

What's more, if you want to join the Tang family, you have to give birth to a child whose surname is Tang.

For the time being, Shanzhu has no idea of joining the Tang family. He must rely on his own hands to make a career and the world.

"Don't worry, Xiaoyou. As long as you and I are together, we can have so many in the future." Shanzhu could not help saying that at this time, the team had arrived at the exit of the provincial capital.

At this time, Tang Xiaoyou's face couldn't help changing.

Shanzhu also noticed that there was a fleet of nine cars at the exit in front, all of which were high-grade sports cars.

"Qi Wei, Qi Shao?"

Shanzhu also found that the motorcade was Qi Weiqi Shao's motorcade. The full-service Porsche motorcade, especially Qi Weiqi Shao's ten million red Porsche, was particularly conspicuous.

Qi Wei, Qi Shao to meet Tang Xiaoyou?

Sure enough, the Tang family's motorcade came and stopped for a while, and the housekeeper came down in person, warmly greeting Qi Weiqi.

Tang Xiaoyou also opened the window.

"Xiaoyou, you're back, I'm waiting for you..." Qi Wei said happily. However, at this time, when Tang Xiaoyou opened the window, Qi Wei also found the pillar in the car.

This time, Shanzhu and Tang Xiaoyou came together, and they were still in the same car. They were so intimate that Qi Wei and Qi Shao could not help but get angry.

Shanzhu and Tang Xiaoyou are together. How can Qi Wei and Qi Shao bear it.


At this time, Qi Wei and Qi Shao put up with it“ Xiaoyou, how did you bring this poor boy back from the foot of the mountain? It's my aunt's birthday the day after tomorrow. "

Aunt's birthday.

Every year, at this time, Tang Xiaoyou will come back, and Qi Wei and Qi Shao will come to accompany him. Surely, this is Tang Xiaoyou's mother.

Tang Xiaoyou's mother still loves Tang Xiaoyou the most among the three thousand gold coins of the Tang family. She may even pass on more than half of her family to Tang Xiaoyou.

In this way, Qi Wei and Qi Shao could get all the property of Qi family and Tang family. At that time, who could compare with Qi Wei and Qi Shao.

"Well, don't worry about it. We'll go back now. By the way, when you come to celebrate my mother's birthday the day after tomorrow, remember to take our engagement with you. It's time to break it." Tang Xiaoyou is more direct and can't help saying.

Bring the engagement.

This time, Qi Wei and Qi Shao's face changed, and he couldn't help being happy. Is Tang Xiaoyou going to break up with Shanzhu?

"Well, well, Xiaoyou, you've finally figured it out." Qi Wei and Qi Shao are happy to say that it's obvious. When you bring the engagement, Tang Xiaoyou agrees.

"What are you happy about? I asked you to bring an engagement. Did I ask you to marry me? I asked you to bring an engagement. Then we'll be separated."

"Well, I'll go back."

Tang Xiaoyou smiles a little. Sure enough, Tang Xiaoyou urges the motorcade to leave and directly returns to Tang's home. This time, the housekeeper can't help smiling.

"Mr. Qi Wei, you don't mind. You also know that the young lady's temper is like this. How can Shanzhu, a poor boy at the foot of the mountain, compare with you? The master and his wife have said that the day after tomorrow, they will decide the marriage of Miss Xiaoyou. If you come early, you can certainly beat Shanzhu."

Said the housekeeper.

Qi Wei and Qi Shao nodded. This pillar is arrogant for a few days. The team just started. Suddenly, it stopped again. Tang Xiaoyou opened the window again.

"Qi Wei, did your bet with Shanzhu count?" At this time, Tang Xiaoyou asked Qi Wei and Qi Shao, and Qi Wei thought that Tang Xiaoyou had changed his mind.

A bet?

Qi Wei and Qi Shao were shocked. Then he remembered that he had made a bet with Shanzhu, that is, if Shanzhu made 30 million yuan in a year, then he agreed to break his engagement with Tang Xiaoyou.

At present, the original bet that a bank card, Shanzhu has more than 25 million.

A few days ago, when Shanzhu handed over the crops of YeYe farm, milk, watermelon, colored potatoes, ginger No. 9, the first batch of red explosive weight-loss drugs and green healthy weight-loss drugs to boss Wang, Shanzhu's bank card was more than 10 million.

This time.

In a month, plus Longteng villa's income of millions in a month, when he came, he handed over some King Kong No. 9, explosive diet pills and special green health diet pills to the hospital for treatment, and Shanzhu got more than 7 million yuan again. Now, Shanzhu's bank card has more than 25 million yuan.

Ten million, Qi Wei, Qi Shao called Shanzhu grandfather.

Qi Wei and Qi Shao agree to break their engagement with Tang Xiaoyou.

Qi Wei, Qi Shao, and Shanzhu had just made this bet. In addition, they could make four contracts, which were clear in black and white.

At present, this is just over five months.

"Oh, I remember that. What's the matter? You and Shanzhu are poor in the countryside. Will you come to the provincial capital to ask for some money? Ha ha ha, you should remember the original gambling agreement. The money lent to him by others is not the money of this poor country boy. He must earn it. "

Qi Wei and Qi Shao got up again.

"Ha ha ha... Qi Wei, Qi Wei, I'll wait for your words. I'll give you a small ticket. Go and cry by yourself, ha ha ha..."

At this time, Shanzhu printed out the short messages sent by the mobile bank. There is a micro printer on the car. Now, Shanzhu printed out all these messages.

Sure enough.

In the past five months, Shanzhu's original bank card has continued to generate hundreds of transfer income. Now, it's more than 25 million.

of course.

Before that, Shanzhu took out three or four million yuan and gave it to Tang Xiaoyou to handle the grain and oil processing plant. There are millions of Jin of grain stored in Tianxin warehouse, and so on. Let alone the 30 million yuan ransom paid to Shanzhu by housekeeper Li and master Shen for redeeming snake king ghost sword.

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