Twenty four million. Three hundred year old ginseng fruits were photographed. In this way, the price of one hundred year old ginseng fruit is eight million.

What's more, it's Shanzhu's own treasure.

"24 million, the third time, deal. Congratulations to Ye Shanzhu, the owner of Longteng mountain villa and Ye Ling Agricultural Technology Company, for obtaining three hundred year old ginseng fruits. "

At this time, sun Yalan made a final decision, and the auction ended like this. Within ten minutes, the first group of ginseng fruits with a history of 100 years were sold, with a total of 24 million.

For Shanzhu, the 24 million yuan is just a trifle. Moreover, the next revenue will be much higher than the 24 million yuan.

Qi Wei and Qi Shao are very proud. Since Shanzhu needs ginseng fruit for a hundred years, he tries his best to raise the price with Shanzhu. As a result, the money Shanzhu earns today is greatly reduced.

Shanzhu has already taken out 25 million yuan and bought eight houses in Yixin community. Now, he has taken out another 20 million yuan to buy three ginseng fruits. Next, what else can he do with Qi Weiqi.

It's better for Shanzhu to spend all his money, or accept other people's assistance. In this way, as long as he receives a cent from others, Shanzhu will lose.

This time, the money making competition is just like that.

Over there.

Liu Bingbing is also very upset. Sun Li comforts her. General manager Liu of Fuhua hotel also feels that he has no face. How can he be robbed of the limelight by a young man in his twenties who is not well-known and can't pass on. This young man is with Tang Xiaoyou. If he isn't with Tang Xiaoyou, general manager Liu doesn't look at Shanzhu once.

"Sister, don't be upset. There are nine others. Otherwise, let's auction together. Sister needs one. How about that?" Sun Li comforts Liu Bingbing.

Liu Bingbing has no choice but to nod like this. Although they are two big stars, they can only be in the ordinary hall when they arrive at the duobaoge auction hall. They can't enter the VIP room. Now, the entrepreneurs in the ordinary hall, the rich, are worth hundreds of millions.

Next, a beautiful woman in a red Qipao comes to Shanzhu with a silver plate. Shanzhu gives her a card.

At the same time.

"Miss, please give these three groups of Centennial ginseng fruit to the big star Liu Bingbing. It's not a small gift. By the way, the Centennial ginseng fruit has the best effect now. Ordinary people just take it and don't need to refine it. I guarantee that Miss Liu Bingbing can look at least seven or eight years younger after taking it, and reappear the Peak scenery of that year."

At this time, Shanzhu said in a loud voice, which could be heard in the whole hall.


Shanzhu spent more than 24 million to photograph three groups of century old ginseng fruits. Unexpectedly, he wanted to give them to the big star Liu Bingbing as a gift.

A little gift.

This gift is not small. Three hundred year old ginseng fruits are worth 24 million. They were taken with real gold and silver. Shanzhu has already paid for them.

"This one?"

This is the first time she has encountered such a situation.

Is that right.

Now this young man in his twenties, ye Shanzhu, general manager of Yeling agricultural technology company, is a super fan of Liu Meimei, a big local tyrant.

"Yes, sir."

The maid in red Qipao said respectfully that soon she came to the first row of Liu Bingbing and Sun Li with three hundred year old ginseng fruits.

"Miss Liu, this is a gift from ye Shanzhu, general manager of Ye Ling Agricultural Technology Company. Please accept it. It's a little gift from him."

Red cheongsam service lady, can't help but respectful.

Sun Li, Liu Bingbing, can't imagine that Shanzhu spent so much money and even sold it to them in front of so many people.

At this time, Liu Bingbing and Sun Li also know that if Shanzhu's face is set aside, they will not give him face. They have been in the entertainment industry for so many years, and they deeply know the seriousness of this situation.

Yeling agricultural technology company.

It seems that I have never heard of the name of this company. However, the young man in his twenties is so generous that he gives them the hundred year old ginseng fruit worth tens of millions at once. Moreover, it doesn't cost a cent. It's too luxurious and generous.

"Thank Mr. Ye Shanzhu for me, and our sisters accepted the gift. In order to live up to Mr. Ye's good intentions, I'll try the taste of Centennial ginseng fruit. "

Liu Bingbing couldn't help but say that he also turned back to smile at the pillar. This smile is even more enchanting. A man can't hold it.


Liu Bingbing and Sun Li ate a hundred year old ginseng fruit.

"Shanzhu, people's big stars are looking at you. You are so happy." At this time, Tang Xiaoyou whispered, joking with Shanzhu.

"Shh, what do you know? This time, it's a great opportunity to publicize our Yeling agricultural technology company. You see, those entrepreneurs and rich people have started to search our Yeling agricultural technology company. Next, our Yeling agricultural technology company will really soar to the sky and make a big splash. This is the effect of propaganda, Liu Bingbing and Sun Li, This is a big star. They take our century old ginseng fruit, and the publicity effect is the biggest. "

"You wait. Within three minutes, the result will come out."

Shanzhu and Tang Xiaoyou whispered.

Sure enough.

At this time, Liu Bingbing's assistant has searched Yeling agricultural technology company on the Internet. Tang Xiaoyou has already introduced Yeling agricultural technology company on the Internet. He has also established a company website to introduce Yeling agricultural technology company's Yezi farm, Longteng mountain villa, Shanxia cattle farm, Mei Garden and other projects.

Among the introductions, ye ye farm and Longteng mountain villa were introduced, especially ye ye farm, which now has high-quality garlic, milk, watermelon, ginseng, carrot and other special products.

And now, the most popular weight loss drugs on the market, explosive weight loss drugs, special green health weight loss drugs, and even King Kong No. 9, King Kong No. 9 enhanced and so on, are all natural green products of this agricultural company.

Longteng mountain villa has already caused a sensation in the whole province.

"Sister, how do you feel? Your skin is so ruddy and white. It's just like ten years ago. Your skin is like a baby. It can't be broken. Sister can't help feeling it!" At this time, Liu Bingbing had been taking ginseng fruit for five minutes. Looking at Sun Li beside him, he couldn't help laughing.

Sure enough.

Now, after taking the Centennial ginseng fruit, Sun Li's temperament is more elegant, her complexion is more ruddy, her skin is more lubricated, and she is at least five or six years younger, and her skin is more like a baby.


This, hundred years ginseng fruit, the effect is too strong, they two feel, as if, once again back to the pure years when they were 23 years old.

No matter how much money, energy or cosmetics you spend, you can't buy it back and maintain it.

Years are like flying daggers, which make people old.

However, after taking the ginseng fruit, Liu Bingbing felt that he was at least seven or eight years younger.

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