If you want to really start practicing Wuqinxi ancient boxing, at least you have to reach the third level of physique. Er Gouzi's physique is already the fourth level of physique.

In this regard, Shanzhu can see through erguzi's physique through fluoroscopy. For sure, erguzi often goes deep into the mountains to practice. For decades, erguzi's physique has been developed.

Although Shanzhu is also a second-class physique, his body has been strengthened by green light, and there is no problem in practicing the ancient boxing of Wuqinxi.

"Let's talk about it next time. You have to practice my boxing and exercise. Now, I'm afraid you can't do it." Shanzhu is very serious. Shanzhu knows that now, even if Shanzhu has passed on the ancient boxing techniques of Wuqinxi to Tang Xiaoyou, it's a hundred times more difficult for Tang Xiaoyou to practice.

The method of Wuqinxi.

It is also recorded in the ancient Chinese medical skills of strengthening the body. It is said that Hua Tuo created this skill at that time.

Shanzhu's Wuqinxi ancient boxing is closely related to Wuqinxi. Wuqinxi has many practitioners all over the country, which is not a big secret.

Now, it's 10:30 in the evening.

"Er Gouzi, take a taxi to take Sister Zhang Ying home, and then go back to tianxiangge restaurant." Shanzhu explained that at this time, Tang Xiaoyou will go back to rest. Moreover, Chunhong is tired, so she will go back to rest. She must get up early tomorrow.

Chunhong will get up at least at five tomorrow. She will leave for the provincial capital with manager Sun Jiayi at six, and then go to Shanghai by train.

"Okay, boss."

Er Gouzi nodded, and ER Gouzi and Zhang Ying left together. Just now, er Gouzi had been protecting Zhang Ying. Zhang Ying looked at long San and other six little gangsters, and she was pale with fright. Leaning against Er Gouzi's arms, she was still a little trembling. However, Shanzhu came out and easily solved long San and other gangsters, and Zhang Ying relaxed.

On this side, Tang Xiaoyou also called a car and went back by car.

"Brother Shanzhu, let's walk back."

Tang Xiaoyou took a taxi and left. Er Gouzi also took Zhang Ying back. Now, Chunhong and Shanzhu are the only two people left. Originally, Shanzhu also planned to call a taxi and ride back to tianxiangge restaurant to have a good rest. It is certain that Chunhong will leave tomorrow.

Take a walk.

Shanzhu doesn't understand Chunhong's intention. Chunhong also knows that she will go to the provincial capital with manager sun tomorrow, and then go to Shanghai for school.

I'm afraid it's less than half a year, more than a year. Chunhong and Shanzhu can't meet again.

It's already half past ten. There are fewer vehicles on the streets of Linchuan county. Shanzhu and Chunhong are walking on the sidewalk towards tianxiangge restaurant. It's about forty minutes.

"Chunhong, are you tired? Are you cold? Put on my brother's shirt." After walking for about ten minutes, Shanzhu found that Chunhong was shivering and had two cold wars.

Shanzhu took off his shirt and only wore a vest. Shanzhu put his shirt on Chunhong and Chunhong didn't refuse.

"It's not too cold, but I'm still a little tired. There's a bus stop Pavilion in front. Let's sit there and have a rest for ten minutes." Chunhong points to the front, where there is a bus stop and six chairs. They are plastic chairs for waiting people.

Now, it's almost eleven o'clock in the evening, and the bus has been shut down. Of course, there is no one here.

Shanzhu nodded, holding Chunhong came here, looking for a seat to let Chunhong sit down, Shanzhu also sat beside Chunhong.

Chunhong leans on Shanzhu's shoulder and closes her eyes slightly. At this time, Chunhong hopes that this moment will last forever.

About ten minutes later, Chunhong had a good rest.

"Brother Shanzhu, what happened last night was voluntary. Don't blame yourself. You can find someone better than me after I leave. I will never be sad."

At this time, Chunhong leaned on Shanzhu's shoulder and said, which surprised Shanzhu even more. Last night, Shanzhu and Chunhong had been together in wushanyunyu. Chunhong had become Shanzhu's woman.

Besides, Chunhong is the first woman in Shanzhu.

Now, Chunhong says this. In fact, Shanzhu knows that Chunhong is very happy to see Shanzhu and Tang Xiaoyou together, as if she were lovers for many years.

In women's eyes, they are most sensitive to these things. What's more, Chunhong always has a pillar in her heart.

Just as Shanzhu was about to explain, Chunhong put out her finger and blocked Shanzhu's mouth“ Brother Shanzhu, don't say it. No matter how many women you have in the future, just remember that an Chunhong is your first woman. This is something other women can't compare with me. I'm satisfied with this. "

Chunhong also knows that such kind-hearted, amazing and promising young people as brother Shanzhu must attract many women's hearts.

Chunhong and Shanzhu sit on the same seat. At the same time, Chunhong kisses Shanzhu and is very happy.

Chunhong looks up at the stars in the night sky and makes a wish silently.

On the street, although there are few vehicles, there are also some vehicles passing by. Looking at a young man and woman sitting in front of the window, they must be young men and women falling in love.

At this time.

Er Gouzi calls to inquire about the whereabouts of Shanzhu and Chunhong. It's already 12:00 p.m. and ER Gouzi has returned to room 520 of tianxiangge restaurant. After waiting for about an hour, er Gouzi has never seen Shanzhu and Chunhong come back. Worried about Shanzhu, er Gouzi calls.

Sure, Shanzhu just taught long San of the long family army a lesson. Two dogs beat Shanzhu and met the Revenge of the gang of the long family army again.

"It's twelve o'clock. So fast Chunhong looks at Shanzhu's mobile phone. It's already 12 o'clock. Chunhong has been sitting on this seat with Shanzhu for nearly an hour and a half.

"Yes, Gouzi is worried about the call we just made. It's going so fast." Shanzhu said, sitting with Chunhong, he also felt that it was passing quickly. More than an hour passed, as if it was just a few seconds. Shanzhu also hoped that time would stop and Chunhong would accompany Shanzhu more.

Shanzhu tells Er Gouzi that Chunhong and he are still resting outside and have nothing to do for the time being.

Again, about half an hour later, it's already one o'clock“ Brother Shanzhu, let's go back. There's a taxi coming. It's still empty. Let's go back together. "

After sitting for more than two hours, Chunhong is still so close to the pillar. Chunhong is satisfied. Now, it's time to go back.

Shanzhu nodded, got up and waved. The taxi in the distance came.


Shanzhu and Chunhong take a taxi to tianxiangge restaurant again. The Shifeng farm car driven by erguzi has also been driven to the parking lot in tianxiangge courtyard.

At this time, there are no vehicles outside tianxiangge restaurant. Of course, tianxiangge is open 24 hours a day, and it is not closed at this time.

Came to Tianxiang Pavilion, Chunhong and Shanzhu came to the fifth floor, came to room 519“ Brother Shanzhu, please stay with me for another night. " Chunhong can't help saying.


The two rooms opened by Shanzhu are double rooms with two beds. Chunhong went first. When Shanzhu arrived next door, he saw Er Gouzi first.

Er Gouzi is fast asleep.

Shanzhu smiles and doesn't disturb Er Gouzi. She comes to room 519 of Chunhong. Chunhong is lying on the left bed.

Shanzhu smiles at Chunhong. Shanzhu also lies on the right bed. Chunhong smiles at Shanzhu, slowly closes her eyes and falls asleep.

Shanzhu sits on the edge of the bed, staring at Chunhong who has been sleeping. He is full of emotion. He can't help recalling the crazy night of Shanzhu and Chunhong last night.

A spring night is worth a thousand dollars.

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