Just now.

The two presidents also inquired about the relationship between guoshanzhu and Tang Xiaoyou. When they learned about the relationship between them, Shanzhu turned out to be Tang Xiaoyou's boyfriend. They looked at each other and readily agreed to the loan. They even delayed the repayment of the loan owed by Shanxia cattle farm for two years.

Here's a look.

Shanzhu did not expect such a big change“ Yaya, I'm a good girl. I didn't expect that these two presidents would give Tang Xiaoyou such face. It seems that Tang Xiaoyou, a cousin, is definitely not simple. " Shanzhu thought in his heart.

It's not easy.

It's definitely not easy.

On this point, Shanzhu is not a fool. Director Zhang, deputy county chief Wang, and two other governors all give Tang Xiaoyou special face, which makes Shanzhu feel confused.

About an hour later, the two presidents left first.

"Shanzhu, after your company is registered, you can come to me to get the appointment certificate of manager of Shanxia cattle farm. Now, you only need one yuan to contract Shanxia cattle farm. However, the town still holds 50% of the shares. You must make Shanxia cattle farm recover in three years, pay off the loan and other foreign debts, at least more than four million yuan, and, When you get to the cattle farm at the foot of the mountain, you have to pay every month, and you have to pay the wages you owe slowly. Otherwise, our county Party committee will take back the cattle farm contracted by you at any time. "

At this time.

Deputy county magistrate Wang can't help but say.

One yuan!

This time, Shanzhu is even more silly“ Look, I'm right. Shanzhu must be stupid. Uncle Wang, your plan is too wonderful. " Tang Xiaoyou can't help smiling.

One yuan, contract Shanxia cattle farm.

Shanzhu couldn't believe his ears. Now, vice magistrate Wang said that Shanzhu didn't come back for about a minute.

However, Shanzhu also knows that at present, the cattle farm at the foot of the mountain owes the bank nearly 3 million yuan in loans. Even if all the cattle and equipment of the whole cattle farm are mortgaged, they can no longer be paid off. Moreover, they still owe nearly one million yuan in debts and so on. Of course, there are also the wages of workers and so on.

In all, now the cattle farm at the foot of the mountain is losing at least four or five million yuan.

One yuan is just a form. Next, Shanzhu knows that he must invest more. Otherwise, I'm afraid the cattle farm at the foot of the mountain will not be able to develop.

"Mr. Wang, don't worry. I promise by clapping my chest that I will never be in arrears with the wages of the workers. I will try my best to make the wages go down gradually. I promise by Shanzhu that as long as I have a breath, I will never make the workers of the cattle farm hungry. Even if I am hungry, I will never be in arrears with workers' wages. " Shanzhu patted his chest and said solemnly.

"Good, good."

Vice magistrate Wang also got up and clapped Shanzhu on the shoulder“ Shanzhu, do it well. I will retire in two years. I hope... I hope I can see the cattle farm at the foot of the mountain return to its former style before I retire. " Vice county magistrate Wang, some of them could not help but shed tears.

Five years ago.

Shanxia cattle farm is still very profitable, and it is also the four star enterprises in Chenjiagou town. As a result, the melamine milk storm swept across the country, and the efficiency of the cattle farm went from bad to worse.

Every year we borrow money, every year we are in debt.

Now, with his sister-in-law, Huang FA, the bullshit factory director, took away more than two million yuan of loans and ran away, bringing down the cattle farm.

Deputy county head Wang, tears are about to flow down. In those years, when the cattle farm could be set up at the foot of the mountain, he did not know how many roads he had run and how many departments he had gone to. Deputy county head Wang still can't forget the constant rush of more than ten years ago. Now, deputy county head Wang is also old and can't walk any more.

"Shanzhu, do well, I support you."

Here's a look.

Vice county magistrate Wang, holding Shanzhu's hand, couldn't help but burst into tears. On one side, director Zhang also burst into tears“ Mr. Wang, you have heart disease. Don't get excited. " Zhang Taichang said.

Ha ha ha.

Ha ha ha.

Deputy county magistrate Wang couldn't help laughing“ What are you afraid of? I'm old. It's you. If you don't take out the fragments of shrapnel in your intestines, you'll have severe stomachache in cold weather. " Deputy county magistrate Wang is very open-minded.

Shanzhu was astonished.

Zhang Tai Long's stomach, unexpectedly, has shrapnel? Shanzhu couldn't help but cast his perspective, which was really amazing.

Zhang Tai Chang's stomach, intestines with a small nail plate size shrapnel, with Zhang Tai Chang's intestines wrapped together, has grown into it.

This small piece of shrapnel is connected with an important blood vessel, so it is impossible to operate. Once the operation fails, Zhang Taichang will die.

In those days, the medical skills were backward, and it was still on the battlefield. There was an environment where shrapnel could be taken out to save one's life. Thank God.

A decade ago, this kind of operation could not be performed.

Now, I'm afraid, the doctors in the county hospital can't and dare not do this operation. Even if they come to the province, it's half the hope.

Mr. Zhang, worthy of his military background, has been able to endure it for nearly 30 years“ Hahaha, this is the best military medal. I'll take him with me all my life. Now when my grandson asks me what's wrong with this hole in my stomach, I say it's left by me fighting monkeys in the battlefield. "

Zhang Taichang is very heroic.


Shanzhu also understood that Zhang Taichang had participated in the fighting of self-defense and counterattack in Southwest China. About ten minutes later, vice county magistrate Wang and Taiwan magistrate Zhang also left.

Wearing a black dress, Tang Xiaoyou couldn't help smiling at Shanzhu. Now, the food and wine have been removed, and the place has been cleaned up. Other waiters have also retreated, leaving Shanzhu and Tang Xiaoyou“ Director ye, ha ha, director Ye of the cattle farm. "

Tang Xiaoyou smiles like a silver bell.

Director ye, director Ye of cattle farm.

Shanzhu was originally named Ye. Now, Shanzhu contracted the cattle farm at the foot of the mountain. Tang Xiaoyou called Shanzhu Ye factory director, and there was no mistake.

"Dare not, dare not." Shanzhu couldn't help holding his fist, which was also funny.

"Director ye, I don't know who your wife is? Is Mrs. Ye going to raise cattle, too? " At this time, Tang Xiaoyou joked again.

Director ye, madam Ye.

Shanzhu couldn't help but get close to Tang Xiaoyou's ear, smelling the fragrance of Tang Xiaoyou's body, he couldn't help but blow a breath and said: "if I were factory director ye, then you would be the wife of the factory director. Just now, didn't you introduce me to President Zhou, I'm your boyfriend? Ha ha ha... "


At this time, Shanzhu couldn't help kissing Tang Xiaoyou's right face. Tang Xiaoyou didn't refuse, and turned back to smile.


Tang Xiaoyou asked Shanzhu to pretend to be her boyfriend. It's as simple as that. Shanzhu contracted the cattle farm at the foot of the mountain and borrowed 500000 yuan.


Shanzhu's third batch of garlic will be harvested in five or six days. In addition, Shanzhu has already made a small achievement in medicine, and has become a registered Intern of traditional Chinese medicine in the county hospital. In one month, all kinds of people can earn more than 10000 yuan.

It can be said that it will be a matter of time before Shanzhu becomes famous. Moreover, Shanzhu will make money very quickly. It will take two or three months to pay back the 500000 yuan.

Linchuan County, highway exit, nine luxury cars are off the highway, of which a red Porsche is particularly prominent.

"Qi Shao has arrived in Linchuan county. Now, Miss Xiaoyou is in tianxiangge restaurant, which is owned by sun Changhai."

Outside the red Porsche, a middle-aged man in black, like a housekeeper, whispered.

"Let's go straight to tianxiangge restaurant."

On the red Porsche, wearing a beige plaid shirt and sunglasses, Qi Shao couldn't help waving his hand.

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