This time, Qi Wei, in order to lead Shanzhu out, what a sin he had done. Moreover, there was an elder shile lying in ambush. Fortunately, the elder shile knew that Shanzhu had Shennong tower, so he lost his mind. He really went after Shanzhu, came to Longteng villa and entered the deep part of Xiushan.

In this way, it's a dead end. I can't blame others.

Shanzhu has also got the news. At present, in order to cope with the opening of the treasure house of the divine doctor, the master of the Yin Yang sect has begun to practice behind closed doors, ignoring the outside affairs for the time being.

Compared with the death of a big elder, the Yin Yang sect can bear the loss. Even the master of the Yin Yang sect taught other big elders not to snatch the treasure of Shennong tower from Shanzhu.

The treasure of Shennong Pagoda in Shanzhu is not owned by others, but by the leader of Yinyang gate.

"By the way, Shanzhu, when will you go to the provincial capital?" Tang Xiaoyou asks Shanzhu again and sits beside him. She is very beautiful in her dress today.

What time do you go?

"Tomorrow, I have discussed with red sister. Six months ago, she has already begun to carry out my plan. It has given me a new identity. That is the returned rich. This time I go to the provincial capital, and deposit these gold into the seven bank of the bank. At the same time, I set up my eyeliner in Qi family."

Shanzhu couldn't help but smile and said that with a wave of Shanzhu's hand, the soil on his desk gathered again. Under the control of tulingli and jinlingli, it turned into gold bars one by one. Once again, it turned into twenty gold bars. This is just a small part of Shanzhu's gold bars.

Tang Xiaoyou nodded. Now, Tang Xiaoyou is more and more admiring Shanzhu. Shanzhu has already started his plan to deal with the Qi family.

Half a year ago.

Isn't it when Xiao Hong, the red sister, just came to Longteng villa?

"By the way, Shanzhu, how did you and sister Hong get better? You said that you had known each other more than 20 years ago and were still together. Actually, Xiao Qingqing was your daughter. She was too big, older than me. If the family got together in the future, how could Xiao Qingqing call me?"

Tang Xiaoyou laughs. This is really a problem.

"Ha ha ha, isn't this coming?" Shanzhu can't help turning on his computer. Sure enough, now, on the other side of Australia, Ike, the son of Kubo tycoon, has relapsed after a long illness. This time, it's more serious than the previous several times. Even old doctor Li over there can't treat it.

At present, Cooper has issued a miracle doctor order, no matter who can treat his son Ike, Cooper is a rich man, willing to give half of his wealth to the miracle doctor who can treat Ike well.

Cooper loves his son most. Although Cooper has several sons and daughters with other women, his favorite is Ike.

Ike is simply an economic genius. He helped Cooper to create so much wealth. Their wealth is about 70 billion US dollars.

"You mean, your superpower comes from Ike, but Ike hasn't been here yet, have you?" Tang Xiaoyou still can't understand.

Ha ha ha

Shanzhu laughed.

It's true that time is wonderful. Shanzhu has just touched the threshold, and he just knows something about it. However, he is satisfied.

Sure enough.

Shanzhu shows his show. Five seconds is a real man. He controls the time and can return to five seconds ago. He also throws a teacup on the ground and smashes it to pieces.


The next moment, when Shanzhu exerts the art of time, the teacup returns to Shanzhu's hand again, still intact.

This time, Tang Xiaoyou was even more wonderful, and he gave a thumbs up to the pillar.

"Ah, you mean that Ike is the son of time, and our apprentice, Pang Wenwen, is the daughter of darkness. Even Hao Meili's sister is Lei Ling. It turns out that she is so wonderful. What am I to you?" Tang Xiaoyou is more curious, Shanzhu deduction many times.

It's almost certain.

This time, Shanzhu not only wanted to follow the doctor's order, but also accepted Ike as one of Shanzhu's apprentices, Shanzhu's second apprentice.


Hao Meili's skills were almost learned together with Shanzhu, but Tang Xiaoyou has some stupid, so many precious medicinal materials, such as flame fruit, ginseng fruit, Centennial ginseng, Millennium ginseng and so on. At present, Tang Xiaoyou has just reached the middle of the congenital realm.

Shanzhu smiles and holds Tang Xiaoyou in his arms“ You, you are my yolomei. " Shanzhu pointed to Youlemei on his desk and couldn't help joking.

Tang Xiaoyou's waist is a little thicker and fuller than before. He must have had two children and become more mature.

"I hate it."

Tang Xiaoyou can't help but look at Shanzhu. He can't help but remember that this time last year, the damned boss of Shanyang chemical plant dared to kidnap himself.

Fortunately, on the way, I met Shanzhu, who came back to sell garlic in the county. When I found that Tang Xiaoyou had been kidnapped, Shanzhu saved Tang Xiaoyou.

Fortunately, Tang Xiaoyou came to Xiushui village that year, and made several students who were out of school in Chenjiagou town return to school, including Ye Xiaojing.

So, Shanzhu's impression of Tang Xiaoyou is very deep. All this is like a dream.

Tang Xiaoyou also sat on the leg of Shanzhu, and let Shanzhu touch her body dishonestly. Sure enough, she was a little sensitive.

"Shanzhu, don't touch, don't touch. I'm old and married. It's not good to touch again. It's in the office. What if someone comes? By the way, where's pretty girl? " Tang Xiaoyou sat on the thigh of the pillar, also felt the dishonesty under the pillar, and stood up.

Hao Meili went there.

These days, Hao Meili has never come out, and Tang Xiaoyou has never seen Hao Meili. She is the general manager of the leaf farm group.

Tang Xiaoyou is known as the chairman of YeYe farm group. At that time, Shanzhu closed the door and did not give him a position. Of course, Shanzhu also wanted them to call Shanzhu, but factory director ye would do it.

"Beautiful? Oh, Meili is practicing on the second floor of Shennong tower. If her child is left, she will be at least seven or eight years old. I'm afraid her child is bigger than ours. However, this child may be more powerful than you. However, he can't bully you. At least you are his mother. "

Shanzhu said with a smile.


Hao Meili doesn't see each other these days. Shanzhu arranges her to go to the second floor of Shennong tower to shut down. She can also build an array, where the flow of time is doubled and the baby is born. In this way, the baby will at least walk, run, talk and so on.

Tang Xiaoyou didn't expect that Shanzhu was so partial to Hao Meili. Sure enough, as soon as he pouted, he ignored Shanzhu.

Even Tang Xiaoyou had to get up and not sit on the leg of the pillar.

"Shanzhu, you are too eccentric. Why don't you let our Xiaofeng and Xiaolong go to practice? You are eccentric. Hum, I don't care about you."

At this time, Tang Xiaoyou becomes coquettish.

Shanzhu laughs and appreciates Tang Xiaoyou's coquetry. Sure enough, when Tang Xiaoyou is coquetry, he doesn't really have the taste of an unruly young lady.

My naughty young lady.

Sure enough, Shanzhu once again pulls Tang Xiaoyou to his leg. Tang Xiaoyou still refuses to let go, and the powder fist greets Shanzhu's chest.

Creak, the door rang, someone came in.

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