Shanzhu can imagine that four days ago, Shanzhu and Chunhong spent the Yumen pass together. When it was raining at night in Wushan, aunt Ma had been listening to the movement outside the courtyard.

At that time.

Shanzhu is very excited, almost all of his energy is spent on Chunhong. He has done it twice to make Chunhong comfortable, beautiful and refreshing. He has never noticed that Chunhong's mother, aunt Ma, is in the yard, just outside the window, eavesdropping on the actions of the couple inside.


Aunt Ma just hopes that Chunhong will repay Shanzhu for her kindness for the first time. Next, aunt Ma still hopes that Chunhong will go to a good university. It's better to find a good man outside and a city dweller, so Chunhong doesn't have to go back to Xiushui village, a poor mountain village.

At that time, Chunhong could become a city dweller.

No way.

That night, Chunhong didn't listen to her mother's advice and didn't take the contraceptives, which annoyed aunt ma. However, Chunhong has now gone to Shanghai to go to university.

"Mountain pillar."

Shanzhu with the embolus, er Niu, just came to the quarry. Sure enough, Shanzhu hasn't collected stones, wood, etc. into Shennong tower in four days. A lot of stones have been piled up here, and they have been piled up in small hills. Uncle Ba has also sent people to tidy up the wood.

As soon as Shanzhu came back, uncle Ba waited for Shanzhu and said hello to him warmly“ Uncle eight, I'm not here these days. It's hard for you. "

Shanzhu knows that uncle Bashu is still doing a good job. In the past few days, Shanzhu has been arranged in good order. Some strong young men go into the mountain with Uncle Bashu to cut down trees, collect stones and so on.

Some women and so on have stayed in the village and ploughed the 100 mu of fertile land in front of the river bank, waiting for the pillars to come back to plant.

"Shanzhu, this one is technician Zhang Xiaoyan. She has measured our land and is still suitable for planting colored potatoes. However, this kind of planting is very risky. She also suggests that we build 50 mu greenhouses, even in winter, we can get harvest." Eight uncle said, at the same time, introduced him side, about 22 years old, wearing a brown plaid clothes girl.

This young girl, with a face like melon seed face and a figure of only 1.56 meters, is delicate and clever, just like her sister next door.

This young girl, Zhang Xiaoyan, a county agricultural technician, is also a student of Mr. Li. She has not graduated yet and is still one year away. Now she has come to the county to practice.

"Mountain pillar."

Zhang Xiaoyan stares at Shanzhu. Shanzhu is 1.78 meters tall. Standing in front of Zhang Xiaoyan, she is standing high. Zhang Xiaoyan has been busy in the field these days, wearing cloth shoes. Standing in front of Shanzhu, she knows that Shanzhu is under her chin. Compared with each other, Shanzhu is like a huge tower.

"Welcome, Miss Zhang." Shanzhu is also very happy. This Zhang Xiaoyan is an agricultural technician of the county. If other towns want to come, they can't do it.

This time.

Zhang Xiaoyan's teacher, Miss Li, made a phone call to her in person. Zhang Xiaoyan cleaned up and really came to Xiushui village.

You know, Miss Li is not only an expert professor in the University of Agricultural Sciences, but also a tutor of Zhang Xiaoyan. When Zhang Xiaoyan was in the University, Miss Li often took care of her.

Mr. Li's words, Zhang Xiaoyan is very clever, but also listen to Mr. Li, and Zhang Xiaoyan is still very worship Mr. Li.

"Hum, I'm not small. Just call me little swallow or technician Zhang. Call me Xiao Zhang. You'll be small if you call me Xiao Zhang. If you're so small, people will get married." Zhang Xiaoyan on one side also laughed. This time, Shanzhu was a little embarrassed.

This side.

Uncle Ba even introduced Shanzhu. He has built three rows of simple houses beside the quarry. Among them, the simple house in the east row is where Shanzhu works. The two in the West are the simple rooms that uncle Ba arranged for Zhang Xiaoyan. Moreover, uncle Ba also arranged a computer here.

In the south, there is also a row of simple houses, with a total of 12. Among them, four are for villagers to study and rest, and the seven computers Shanzhu bought are also arranged together.

In addition, there are eight connected warehouses, which can become a simple warehouse. This warehouse is also arranged by Shanzhu.

"Marry! Oh, it's like getting married when the swallow is so small. At least we're waiting for us to develop. We should be the girls of Xiushui village and get married with the wind and scenery. " Shanzhu also laughed. Just now, Zhang Xiaoyan was joking with Shanzhu. Now, Shanzhu is also joking with Zhang Xiaoyan.

Zhang Xiaoyan is a girl who Shanzhu likes very much. She is skilled and lively. As soon as she comes to the village, she starts to work.

Surveying the land, ploughing and so on, we can't see that she is a weak girl, not like a city person who grew up in the city.

Zhang Xiaoyan has been here for two days and has a good relationship with the villagers.

"Well, uncle Ba, you are here. You have to testify with me. Shanzhu said that when I get married, you should give me wind and scenery and give me dowry. You can't be stingy at that time."

On one side, Zhang Xiaoyan, skipping, has gone to another piece of land for sampling with a fellow villager.

Shanzhu shakes his head. Zhang Xiaoyan is as lively as a swallow. When such a good girl comes to their Xiushui village, Shanzhu can't afford to lose a little girl.

Zhang Xiaoyan left, eight uncle is with Shanzhu, came to Shanzhu's simple room built into the office. It's also very simple, with a bed, a computer desk, a computer on it, and a small tea table with several cups and teapots on it.

Simple even a sofa also did not have, also did not install what air conditioning.

Uncle Ba and Shanzhu sat down together, with a few small wooden benches, which were made by the villagers themselves.

Now, Shanzhu and uncle Ba are talking about the development of Xiushui village. Moreover, now, uncle Ba has also received a phone call from deputy county magistrate Wang, and he has learned about Shanzhu's bet with Qi Wei and Qi Shao.

"Shanzhu, if you want to develop well, you have to rely on our Xiushui village. The village is full of villagers. As long as you lead us to become rich and well-off, and live a good life, the villagers will never forget you. When you're done, uncle Ba, the head of the village, won't be right. You can be the head of the village. "

Uncle Ba is so direct that he wants Shanzhu to be the village head.

village head.

Shanzhu didn't think about it. He must have a way to be the head of the village. Shanzhu can't handle some things as easily as he does. Moreover, now, his appeal in the village is also the head of the village.

"Well, let's talk about it later. Let's develop it first. By the way, uncle Ba just said that it cost 30000 to build a simple house. In the past half a month, we have to pay the villagers when they go to the mountain to mine stones, timber and so on. In all, it costs 55000. Uncle Ba and ER Gouzi will go to town tomorrow and get back 150000. They will pay for the simple house in advance, Then give money to the villagers, and take the rest to the cattle farm at the foot of the mountain with me. "

"The cattle farm at the foot of the mountain, since I dare to pack it, I will do it well and let the villagers have a look. There are no cowards in Xiushui village."

The mountain pillar can't help but say, very firm and resolute.

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