The next day, Shanzhu went to the county and attended the county meeting. All the procedures had been completed, and shunshun Lili took over as deputy county magistrate.

Ye Shanzhu, deputy head of Linchuan county.

At this time, Shanzhu got a new title, which made him feel a little mysterious. Three years ago, I'm afraid, I couldn't believe that he was a small farmer and could become a deputy county magistrate.

That night, Shanzhu also set up a medium-sized banquet in the county seat to entertain vice county magistrate Wang, county magistrate Zhou, president Song and so on.

The next day, Shanzhu and Liu Meimei went to the provincial capital. Tang Xiaoyou and Xiao Hong had already made preparations in advance.

"Director ye, do we really want to take those two pieces of land for development? Of the two pieces of land, only the third is better, and the other is not? " Along the way, Liu Meimei communicated with Shanzhu.

This time into the provincial capital, Shanzhu has been ready to come to a full bloom.

Longteng real estate company is going to enter the provincial capital market. It is going to take down an urban village reconstruction project near the second ring road. Shanzhu is ready to take down this project.

After the transformation of this village in the city, it can develop and drive the surrounding land price. This time, the province also attached great importance to it and started bidding.

Longteng real estate development company, to enter the provincial capital market, just to win this project, to show the strength of Longteng real estate company.

Longteng real estate company, subordinate to Longteng villa group, is the second leading enterprise besides Longteng villa. This time, it can better publicize the strength of Longteng villa group.

"Of course, the village in Xinzhuang city is rebuilt, and the plot outside is very flat. Just as we are, we can take it down together, which can not only develop real estate, but also start new agricultural production in the provincial city, and expand our production scope again. Is it not a two stroke success?"

"By the way, it seems that there are three companies competing for the Xinzhuang reconstruction project. Among them, the Qi family and we are fighting for the most?"

Shanzhu asks Liu Meimei about the situation.

Liu Meimei nodded.

Indeed, the other two companies, along with Longteng real estate development company and Qijia excellent real estate company, have a much smaller competitive advantage.

If the final fight, at least belong to Longteng real estate development company, with the excellent real estate company, the two companies for the final competition.

"The Xinzhuang reconstruction project needs at least 10 billion yuan. I don't know if we can win the auction?" Liu Meimei asks Shanzhu.

Ten billion?

Shanzhu smiles a little. The 10 billion yuan was an astronomical figure before, but now it's easy for Shanzhu to take it out.

Dozens of overseas marine resources collection vessels can collect more than 5 billion yuan of revenue from the seabed resources collected every month. It has been half a year, and the total revenue has reached more than 30 billion yuan.

In addition, the resources obtained by the moon last time, after the treatment of the pillars, have gained more than 20 billion.

There are more than 20 billion other assets, which are stored in the account of Yeling agricultural technology company, with a total assets of 70 billion to be dispatched by Shanzhu.

And now, although zhentianbei has entered the pyramid spacecraft, it can't be separated for the time being, but for overseas affairs, Shanzhu has been handed over to Ike.

Not to mention that now, there are 10 undersea collection vessels, which have been expanded to 24, more than doubled. The collection of undersea resources is beyond the imagination of Shanzhu.

With Hanhan's technology and the convenient collection of the nine curves of the Yellow River, Shanzhu has been in the forefront of the world in terms of ocean opening.

"Don't worry, money is not a problem. Apart from Xinzhuang reconstruction project, we need to take down qinglongwan, which is outside Huangye port in our province. It is estimated that it will cost 56 billion. If qinglongwan is taken down, our business can be expanded at least three times."

Shanzhu said happily.

Green Dragon Bay?

Liu Meimei was also shocked. This Qinglong Bay is near a port with serious pollution. It used to be the intersection of shallow water area and deep water area. It is rich in fishery.

However, now, after decades of indiscriminate over exploitation, the fishing production there has been cut off, and the pollution is serious.

"More than five billion? Shanzhu, are you going to build a sea paradise Liu Meimei was stunned. If we want to control pollution there, at least we need billions.

We have to spend a lot of money to buy the whole Qinglong bay for tens of nautical miles. I'm afraid we have to invest at least 10 billion yuan.

Liu Meimei also knows that Shanzhu has ordered Tang Xiaoyou and Xiao Hong to acquire the provincial capital's Xinzheng electronics and two electronic processing plants of Dongfang Electronics.

These two electronic processing plants have also spent more than 3 billion to upgrade, at least hundreds of millions, and to launch new products. I'm afraid it will cost more.

So much money, if Shanzhu takes it all out, if he loses it, I'm afraid that all the money he has made in recent years will be completely lost. Moreover, he may lose his wife and become a soldier.

In the end, you may lose all you have to pay.

"Don't worry, Cooper promised to give me three billion dollars of guarantee, and we have an overseas economic team. We can't lose money. Don't worry. Do you think we've lost money in the past three years?"

Shanzhu laughed.


In the past three years, Liu Meimei has been following Shanzhu, and has never done anything at a loss. In particular, Shanzhu is still a practitioner, which is much better than Liu Meimei.

Shanzhu is now in charge of the fairyland fruit auction, which is held once a year. Every year, the fairyland fruit auction can bring billions of dollars to the leaf agriculture group company.

In addition, celestite is also an important source of income for the sale of some other Lingshi. Throughout China, only Shanzhu provides celestite.

The fruit of fire.

Centennial ginseng fruit.


With so many excellent resources and exclusive resources, any other big family can't compare with Shanzhu. Liu Meimei knows that Shanzhu can't stand down with these.

Not to mention that Shanzhu is following the overseas, the relationship between Cooper and Ike, the Australian tycoon. This time, Shanzhu took Ike as an apprentice, and the return he got was a huge profit.

This time.

In Australia, the support of three billion US dollars has made Shanzhu proud of the provincial capital.

An hour later, Shanzhu and Liu Meimei have arrived in the provincial capital and directly went to tianxiangge restaurant in the provincial capital. This time, Ren Ranran met Shanzhu through the relationship with Tang Xiaoyou, hoping to negotiate with Shanzhu to get a new contract of high-quality thin skinned walnut.

Now, the leaf farm group, like Lanling drinks company, provides 600000 Jin of excellent thin skinned walnuts every month at a price of 30 yuan per Jin.

JUNLEBAO drinks company, this is 42 yuan, which is one third lower than the price. Therefore, the competitive pressure of JUNLEBAO drinks company is too great.

However, without the high-quality thin skinned walnuts provided by YeYe farm group, the grade of walnut dew produced by JUNLEBAO beverage company will be reduced by three grades.

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