It's the first time Shanzhu has heard about it. However, Shanzhu also knows that this time, I have to thank Vice Mayor Li. He brought the tashimen cattle five years ago. After so many years of raising them, he had two cows. When he got sick, he had two bezoars.

One is in the gallbladder.

The other is in the liver.

"Deputy factory director Zhang, let's have a butcher in the cattle farm at the foot of the mountain. Now, the second thing I do as factory director is to kill all the two sick cows. Remember, I'll watch them kill on the spot." The mountain pillar cannot help but solemnly say.

Shanzhu became the factory director of the cattle farm at the foot of the mountain. The first thing he did was to get a month's salary. Now, Shanzhu has to do the second thing.

Kill cattle!?

What's more, it's the tashimen cattle that Vice Mayor Li sent in those years, and it's also the ten big cattle. At the beginning, the mayor and so on told us that without the order of the town, these ten big cattle can never be sold, let alone killed. What if county magistrate Li or vice mayor Li came to visit that day?

"Factory director ye, I'm afraid it's not right. If there's no bezoar in these two sick cows, and you kill them, how can I explain to the mayor and vice mayor Wang? Well, you'd better call the mayor and ask for advice."

Deputy director Zhang nodded and said.


What's more, we still need two sick cows. Even if we kill deputy director Zhang, he doesn't believe in such a big joke.

Shanzhu is just a hairy boy. I don't know what's going on. I suddenly got to know Mr. Wang. He had some money in his hand. In order to solve the problem of the cattle farm at the foot of the mountain, Mr. Wang arranged for the hairy boy to come here, which made Mr. Zhang very upset.

Ask the mayor?

Ask vice magistrate Wang?

This time, Shanzhu did not expect that vice director Zhang was not as polite as he had just been. Instead of calling Shanzhu, he called Shanzhu's surname directly.

"Is it necessary?"

Shanzhu can't help waving his hand. Shanzhu has already killed the two sick cows and the big cow. The two bezoars are worth at least two or three million.

With these two or three million, Shanzhu can set up ostrich farms, plum blossom gardens, boar farms, contracted land, fish ponds and so on, so that it can do a lot of work.

Now, there are ostrich farms, sika deer's plum blossom garden, boar factory, gaonongjiale tourism and so on. Without money, they can't go on. These beautiful blueprints can only be put into Shanzhu's mind and can't really be put into action.


Zhang, deputy director of the factory, showed no sign of weakness. At this time, the eighth uncle also nodded. The other six group leaders and four group leaders agreed with vice director Zhang. It's better to ask the town's opinions. It must be that the Shanxia cattle farm belongs to a collective cattle farm in the town.

"Director Shanzhu, you don't know that you just came here. In fact, the town has shares. Moreover, vice mayor Li sent these ten cows. In case Vice Mayor Li comes back to visit and doesn't see these cows, we can't explain. Let's ask the mayor."

The leader of the fifth group is more sincere.

The pillar looked around and nodded“ Well, let's have deputy director Zhang make a call to the town and ask the town director's opinion first

At this time, Shanzhu also had some problems.

What's wrong with killing a cow? It's not murder. Moreover, it's Shanzhu's first day as the manager of the cattle farm at the foot of the mountain.

If Shanzhu can't kill the two cows and get the bezoar this time, I'm afraid these people may simply sell or bury the two sick cows.


Deputy director Zhang made a phone call. As a result, he didn't get through. It turned out that the mayor of Chenjiagou town also went to the provincial capital. In the accident four days ago, four of them came from Chenjiagou town. The mayor went to the provincial capital to deal with the aftermath, but he hasn't come back yet. Now, it's time for the meeting, he doesn't answer the phone at all.

Think about it.

Among the officials in the provincial capital, which one is not older than the town, a small mayor dares to call casually with a mobile phone while holding an important meeting.

"Deputy director Zhang, in this case, I'll call deputy county head Wang, OK?" Shanzhu inquired about deputy director Zhang, which made him a little creepy.

At this time.

Shanzhu's eyes are already shining green. Two big bezoars are worth at least two million. How can they give up for nothing.

"Of course, of course. Deputy county magistrate Wang was the old mayor of the town. The cattle farm at the foot of the mountain was run by deputy county magistrate Wang." Zhang, deputy director of the factory, had no choice but to say so.

Sure enough.

Next, Shanzhu got through to vice county magistrate Wang. Originally, at this time, it was vice county magistrate Wang who presided over a meeting of the county Party committee and discussed the aftermath. However, vice county magistrate Wang saw that it was Shanzhu who had hung up once, but Shanzhu called again.

Knowing that there must be something important about Shanzhu, deputy county magistrate Wang left the meeting room for the time being and answered Shanzhu's phone first.

About ten minutes.

"Deputy director Zhang, deputy county head Wang, you can take the call." Shanzhu gave his fake machine to deputy director Zhang.

Yesterday, when Shanzhu returned to Xiushui village, he also entrusted ergouzi and went to the mobile phone business hall where Zhang Ying was. He had bought a Xiaomi mobile phone. Shanzhu only used this mobile phone for surfing the Internet, chatting, wechat, Taobao and so on. Surely, there are not so many apps on Shanzhai machines.

"Well, well... Yes, well, well, the magistrate is right. I'll do it now. Please rest assured."

At this time.

Deputy director Zhang bowed his head and bowed his waist. He continued to call respectfully. The call from deputy county head Wang was so important.

"How are you? Deputy director Zhang. "

The group leaders of the six groups asked vice director Zhang again. Just now, Shanzhu and vice county magistrate Wang had been chatting for ten minutes. They were very happy. Moreover, they had been chatting for such a long time. Now, the six group leaders, accountants and so on, all of them had a clear idea.

Behind Shanzhu, there is the support of vice magistrate Wang, which has been really confirmed. Moreover, it seems that the relationship between Shanzhu and vice magistrate Wang is still very close. Vice magistrate Wang takes care of Shanzhu as if Shanzhu is the son of vice magistrate Wang.

"Kill! The deputy has the final say, the factory manager of the mountain column has the final say, and all the consequences are borne by the director of the mountain column. He will kill the two cows and make a small noise. He also wants to alarm the mayor. He also disturb the deputy governor of the county. It is a big deal. And now the mayor is so busy in the province.

Just now, Mr. Wang told Mr. Zhang a lesson on the phone, so that Mr. Zhang knew that he could not stop Shanzhu from killing his cow this time.

"Hum, Shanzhu, Shanzhu, just wait. If there is no bezoar in these two sick cows, how can you end up at that time? Just now, the mayor sent a text message after the meeting, saying that he wanted you to kill him. This time, he met Vice Mayor Li in the province and invited him back to his hometown. Hum, you wait. When Vice Mayor Li comes back, he will surely take your position as factory director. Ha ha ha... "

On this side, vice director Zhang was even more secretly proud. In the eyes of deputy factory director Zhang, Shanzhu, the factory director of the cattle farm at the foot of the mountain, has not been a few days.

Shanzhu, Shanzhu, dares to kill the cow sent by the mayor. Didn't you stab the beehive?

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