Time is pressing, and Shanzhu is forced to. This time, if Shanzhu's Zhentian stele hadn't been separated into the pyramid shaped spaceship, I'm afraid I didn't know that Fang Xiuzhu, the leader of the Yin and Yang gate, had begun to plan such a careful action.

"The relationship between lotus and Fang Xiuzhu, the leader of the Yin and Yang gate, is really not simple. He can cut off my deduction. Now, lotus doesn't know where to go?"

"In that case, we'll force her to show up."

After a little deduction, Shanzhu is consumed by this powerful energy, which is the secret of his first love for Chen Hehua. It's not easy.

Lotus is a big variable. Even this variable is bigger than Qi huangda, the elder of Qihuang group and the second elder of Yin Yang sect.

There is also elder Qu Yang in Shanzhu. In the gate of yin and Yang, elder Qu Yang is in charge of management, elder Qi huangda is in charge of wealth and treasures.

"Shanzhu, in that case, are you still going to the party in the evening?" Tang Xiaoyou inquires about Shanzhu. He must have a reception dinner in the evening.

Mr. PI, Tang Lei, Mr. Sun, Mr. Sun, black phoenix, etc. will also meet and discuss with Shanzhu. In more than four months, the general treasure house of Xiushan divine doctor's family is about to open. Each branch has four disciples. You can enter it to search for treasures.

What kind of treasure can be rewarded depends on their own nature. Moreover, a double dragon jade pendant can only carry four people into it.

This time.

Heifenghuang and sunlao plan to discuss with Shanzhu. At the same time, they ask about the Shennongjia treasure house. Shanzhu must have taken almost 90% of the treasure from the treasure house.

"Not for the time being. By the way, how about the third plan now? This time, Qihuang group has reached its peak. It's time to start collecting the net. "

"This time, it must be forcing Qi Huang to appear."

At this time, Shanzhu recovered a little, and then he deduced the Qi emperor again. This is the ancestor of the Qi family, who has lived for more than 400 years.

It's Qi Wei's ancestor. Now, he's also hiding. Shanzhu must find out and kill Qi Huang to make Qu Yang, Miaozhu fairy and elder Luofeng master the gate of yin and Yang.

In this way, the whole gate of yin and Yang will fall into the control of Shanzhu. In this way, the master of yin and yang can be forced to separate, and Chen Hehua will appear again.

"Well, we have already implemented the third plan. Tomorrow, an explosive news will be published in the newspapers. No matter on the Internet, or on radio or TV stations, it will start to raise a huge dragon."

Xiao Hong has a plan in mind.

The third plan for Qihuang group has been implemented for two years. At this time, it's time to close the network. Once this plan is fully implemented, the Big Mac of Qihuang group will fall down.

The third plan is to take Qihuang bank as a breakthrough point and launch a Jedi counterattack against Qihuang group.

Gold turns into dung.

Jewels turn to rubble.

Now, the underground treasure house of Qihuang bank has almost undergone a qualitative change. At that time, the billions of dollars of gold stored in Shanzhu has all come to the end of time and has turned into dung.

At the beginning, it was Shanzhu who evolved from a cornucopia and could only last for one year. With dozens of identities, Shanzhu stored so much gold and jewelry in Qihuang bank.

Qihuang bank's underground treasure house is the best insurance place in the province. What's more, if the core of Qihuang bank loses its customers' stored treasures, treasures, calligraphy and paintings, gold, silver, diamonds and so on, the reputation of Qihuang bank will collapse in an instant.

Qihuang bank is the key of Qihuang group, financing, assets, money scheduling and so on, almost all rely on this Qihuang bank.

The Qihuang bank belongs to the Qihuang group in name, but it is also the wealth of yin and Yang in secret, which has hundreds of billions of wealth.

Now, the gate of yin and Yang has been in a precarious situation.

Sure enough, Xiao Hong and Tang Xiaoyou have already gone out to arrange the evening dinner. Meanwhile, they begin the third plan.

This third plan also needs the assistance of President PI, Tang Lei, sun Lao and so on. Only when it is implemented can it have an immediate effect.

At the same time.

Shanzhu has given an order to alert Chunhong, Hao Meili and others in Longteng villa. The counterattack of Yinyang gate may be coming these days.

Now, this is the most calm time before the wind and rain, and also the darkest time before dawn, which is the most critical moment.

The green light of the seventh hatch flickered, and Shanzhu couldn't help but be happy. Now, Miaozhu fairy and elder Quyang have come back, and they have got it.

"Master, my subordinates are back. The Luding mountain treasure house and 70% of the treasure resources have been included in the Jiuqu Yellow River map."

At this time, Miaozhu fairy came back. She went to Luding mountain with elder Qu Yang yesterday and took out the treasure hidden in Luding mountain.

This not only communicated with Fang Xiuzhu, the leader of the Yin and Yang sect, but also obtained the consent of Fang Xiuzhu, the leader of the Yin and Yang sect. All these resources and wealth are used to fight against Ye farm group and ye Shanzhu.

Fang Xiuzhu, the leader of the Yin Yang sect, can expect that the elder Qu Yang, Miaozhu fairy, has become a subordinate and servant of Shanzhu.


Shanzhu smiles and waves the picture of the Yellow River, then it flies into Shanzhu's hand. Shanzhu turns it over and brings the picture of the Yellow River into Shennong tower.

Shanzhu carefully examined the Jiuqu Yellow River map, and sure enough, these cultivation resources, wealth, treasures and so on are similar to Shennongjia treasure house.

"There are twelve top-quality spirit stones and tens of thousands of them. Now, the wealth is worth at least 70 billion yuan. Now, if all these cultivation resources are included in the Shennong tower, the Shennong tower will be promoted completely and the Xiantian space will be evolved."

"Xiantian space, even, can communicate with the netherworld, the legendary nine heaven fairyland."

Shanzhu can't help but secretly say that the nine heaven fairy world is more powerful than the world of Xiuzhen, and it is also the upper world of countless Xiuzhen worlds.

That world, however, belongs to the immortal world. Once we communicate with the Jiutian fairyland, we can even get the spirit of the fairyland. At that time, Shanzhu can easily cultivate in the earth, and even reach a higher level.

"Han Han, analysis and calculation, these cultivation resources can make Shennong tower promoted to Xiantian space." The mountain pillar communicates with Han Han.

Han Han's analysis and calculation is beyond the deduction of Shanzhu.

"Well, I need three hours of analysis and calculation. The amount of analysis and calculation is still too much, GA GA, but it doesn't matter. I'll do it as soon as I do it."

Han Han communicates with the mountain pillar.

Han Han's real body, at any time with Shanzhu, can help Shanzhu analysis and calculation, and even, can also deduce and so on.

"Miaozhu fairy, you've done a good job. It's a reward for you." With a smile and a wave of his hand, Shanzhu saw a top-quality lingbing and a top-quality Taoist robe in front of Miaozhu fairy.

This is one of the top ten treasures of Luding mountain treasure cave.


Miaozhu fairy was also shocked. Shanzhu gave her two of the ten treasures, which was the greatest trust in her.

These two treasures can at least enhance Miaozhu's strength by three to five times. They not only reward Miaozhu with two treasures, but also reward Miaozhu with a thousand top-quality spirit stones.

This kind of top-grade spirit stone is very valuable, but it's a superior cultivation resource that can't be found on the earth. With so many top-grade spirit stones, Miaozhu fairy can at least break through to the middle of yin and Yang.

"Thank you, master."

Miaozhu fairy is kneeling down, now, she is Shanzhu's slave, Shanzhu actually still attach so much importance to her, is to make Miaozhu fairy grateful.

"You're welcome. This is the reward you deserve for your success. Now you have a life span of more than 500 years. If you break through the mixed cave, you can have a life span of at least 3000 years. When my Shennong tower evolves into Xiantian space, you can easily break through the mixed cave with the spirit of Jiutian fairy kingdom."

"At that time, you don't have to wait 300 years. As long as you reach the mixed cave, I will lift your seal and give you real freedom."

Shanzhu said solemnly.

what? Freedom? Mixed cave.

Miaozhu has been practicing for more than 300 years. She has gone through a lot of ups and downs. She has no idea. With her cultivation talents and qualifications, she can't get cultivation resources or break through to the mixed cave.

The Yin Yang sect or the divine doctor sect has been established for more than a thousand years. At present, only Fang Xiuzhu, the leader of the Yin Yang sect, has broken into the mixed cave.

Even the three great elders did not break through the mixed cave. Surely, the cultivation resources on the earth are too scarce to obtain superior cultivation resources. Surely, it is the end of the Dharma era on the earth.

At the end of the Dharma era, it was very, very difficult to cultivate to Yin and Yang, and gain a life span of more than 500 years.

"Thank you, master. Thank you, master." Miaozhu said respectfully that she was also grateful. Now, Shanzhu has cultivated to the late stage of yin and Yang, and has a strong Yin and Yang power. Moreover, the Dantian lingchi, the powerful black and white Yin and Yang power, has begun to breed a strong space.

Dantian lingchi, if it evolves again, it will turn into a mixed cave, that is, a mixed cave of yin and Yang. However, the mixed cave is much more powerful than Dantian lingchi.

Dantian lingchi, the largest space, can also tightly accumulate a space the size of a football field. The spiritual power generated is very leisurely.

However, once the mixed cave is broken through, the Dantian lingchi becomes a mixed cave, and then the real inner space can be evolved and a higher level of cultivation can be started.

One flower, one grass, one world.

The evolution of the mixed cave is more towards the world. The immortal has this powerful mixed cave in his body, which turns into a more powerful space. How many times more powerful than the practitioner.

As for how the mixed cave will evolve, Shanzhu simply can't know. Now, Shanzhu has just broken through the boundary of yin and Yang.

"This is a reward for elder Quyang and elder Luofeng. At the same time, I have three letters. You ask elder Quyang to give them to the three great elders of our miracle doctor."

At this time, Shanzhu waved his hand and three treasures appeared again. Among them, the first two treasures were given to elder Qu Yang and elder Luo Feng.

The third treasure contains a trace of spirit and power. This is the key to cohere the mixed cave. It is also a keepsake. This is what Shanzhu wants to give to the three great elders of the Yin Yang gate.

The three great elders of Yin Yang sect have been trapped in the peak of Yin Yang realm for 300 years. If they can't break through the mixed cave realm in another hundred years.

Then, their life expectancy will rapidly decline. For example, they still have 300 years left.


A hundred years later, the three supreme elders are unable to break through the mixed cave. Then, the remaining 200 years of their life is only 40 or 50 years, or even less than 30 years.

Surely, the three great elders have lived for more than 500 years, which is the limit of the practitioners of yin and Yang.

"Yes, master."

Miaozhu got up respectfully, took the three treasures, left Shanzhu, stepped out of hatch 7 again, and went to the headquarters of Yinyang gate.

The headquarters of yinyangmen is located in Lushan, Shishi City.

Shanzhu already knew this. He must have subdued Miaozhu fairy and elder Quyang. He knew that it was no secret.

Shanzhu continued to practice, but now, the situation outside is more complicated, more turbulent and unpredictable.

However, with the mountain pillar in the town, the leaf farm group is simply invincible, turning decay into magic.

Sure enough.

The next day, three big newspapers, four big internet portals, and even Shishi TV station 2 suddenly began to expose Qihuang bank.

Xiao Hong even sent dozens of people to Qihuang bank to collect the gold deposited in Shanzhu that year.

Gold turns into dung.

Jewelry turns into stone.

Now, all these rumors and news are true. Moreover, almost all the underground treasure houses and safes of the Qihuang bank have been loosened. Some precious calligraphy and paintings, some precious treasures, and some treasures kept by the rich have almost disappeared.

"Hahaha, the underground treasure house of Qihuang bank, these organs are all controlled by computer system. Under the control of Hanhan, these systems are the back garden of my home, with the hidden door left by the original pillar. I do these things, it's like modifying a small program."

"Hahaha, now, there are almost thousands of people queuing up to go to Qihuang bank to collect money. Most of these people are middle-income. Now, Qihuang group is very busy."

"Ha ha ha, now, the Qihuang group is in a mess."

Han Han is monitoring the Qihuang bank all the time. Now, one of her powers has intruded into the main system of Qihuang bank.

Even, Han Han has mastered almost all the accounts and evidences of some Qihuang group and bribery officials, and began to spread them to the Internet.

With this spread, there are thousands of people in Qihuang bank, who have been lining up all night. Those rich people who have lost precious calligraphy, paintings, gold, silver and jewelry are claiming for compensation from Qihuang bank.

Here's a look.

Tens of thousands of people went to the headquarters of Qihuang bank to protest. Even the city began to investigate overnight. Special teams have been sent to the five banks and headquarters of Qihuang bank.

This check, sure enough, on the network about the seven Huang group, bribery of government related staff cases, completely began to surface.

"Damn, who divulged these secrets? That's a small part. That's our best friend." Qi Wei was furious.

"Yes, we must."

Qi Bo was also angry. All the news was on the Internet, and it was impossible to block or block it. Moreover, the disseminator had to publish the list of officials bribed by Qihuang group in seven days.

Here's a look.

Qihuang group has become the target of public criticism. Even the precious calligraphy, paintings and treasures of the rich can not be explained.

There are also hundreds of customers. Almost all of their gold has been turned into dung, which is even more unexplainable.

"No investigation. It's made by Shanzhu."

At this time, an old man in a Yellow Dragon Robe appeared in the secret Hall of the Qi family. The old man was about seventy or eighty years old. He was as old as old age.

This old man is Qi Bo of Qihuang group, Qi Wei's ancestor, and Qi Huang, one of the eight elders of Yinyang sect. Now he finally appears.




Dozens of disciples of the Qi family, including Qi Bo, Qi Wei, Qi Heng and so on, paid homage to this old man wearing a Yellow Dragon Robe.

Emperor Qi, the ancestor of the Qi family, has lived for more than 300 years. The Qi family, which he founded, has given the Qi family such a huge amount of savings.


In the past three days, the Qi family has lost more than 50 billion yuan, and the loss is still expanding. Originally, the Qi family, together with the three families, won the Xinzhuang reconstruction project, just to crack down on the leaf farm group, but suddenly this kind of thing happened.

Qihuang bank has been completely out of their control. This afternoon, it has been completely closed down. The centralized withdrawal of tens of thousands of depositors has completely paralyzed the business of Qihuang bank.

What's more, the loss of treasures, precious calligraphy and paintings, jewelry, gold and so on made Qihuang bank and Qihuang group unable to account to the outside world.

"Ancestor, how did you come back? Aren't you practicing behind closed doors? " Qi Wei inquired about Qi Huang. He had been practicing for more than 400 years and was stuck in the middle of yin and Yang. In less than 30 years, if he could not break through the later stage of yin and Yang, he would die of old age.

If a practitioner can't break through the realm, he can't live for a long time. He also needs to grow old and become loess. He can't live forever.

Qi Huang, who is over 300 years old, has reached his limit. I'm afraid that he can only live for more than 30 years at most. Now he is too old to hide.

With Qi Huang's cultivation talent, he can't break through the later period of yin and Yang, let alone break through the mixed cave. Only by breaking through the mixed cave can he have a life span of thousands of years.

"It's no use practicing any more. Now, I can't survive this catastrophe, and I will fall down completely. Now, listen to me. No matter these things, now, we should use all our strength to deal with Ye farm group and ye Shanzhu, and ye Shanzhu must suffer heavy losses."

"This time, we have to deal with Shanzhu even if the Qi family is destroyed. As long as we can delay for another three years, then all the sacrifices are worth it. At that time, the lotus can protect the Qi family. Everyone is like a dragon, and everyone will live forever."

At this time, Qi Huang could not help saying.

Everyone is like a dragon.

Everyone lives forever.

live forever and never die.


This is the wish of many emperors and great figures. However, who can escape the baptism of the long history will become a part of the long history.

"Really? "Ancestor

Qi Bo couldn't help but open his eyes. If he could live forever, he would have accumulated billions of personal wealth, which he had secretly swallowed in the past ten years as the head of Qi family of Qihuang group.

With so much money, if he can't spend it all, Qi Bo is uncomfortable.

"Of course, the master of the Yin Yang sect has mastered 90% of the insect nest, and is about to refine the empress and control the insect nest. Now, let the mountain column toss about. As long as it can be delayed until the master is born, no one can stop the master. What is immortality? In the future, you can follow me and manage one by one."

"It's just like the feudal lords in ancient times. Now, let's take action to make ye farm group and ye Shanzhu know the strength of our Qi family."

At this time, Emperor Qi could not help but give an order. For more than 300 years, besides the Qihuang group, the Qi family also has these three killer organizations.

Now, Qi Wei also controls a killer organization, which is called Huolian action team. At present, it is the lotus that Qi Wei manages.

Fire lotus action team, these are the three underground forces mastered by Qi family, the most powerful.

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