Shanzhu told this little black silk cheongsam beauty her bank card number. Sure enough, this little black silk cheongsam beauty took out her apple six and pressed it a few times.

Less than a minute.

Shanzhu's mobile phone rang, and a new message came. It was the message sent by ICBC messenger bound to Shanzhu's bank card. One hundred and fifty-two thousand and seven thousand and six hundred yuan has been put on Shanzhu's account.

One Minute.

Shanzhu also secretly admired this little beauty, the black silk cheongsam of Fenghuang Shanzhu. Although she was so seductive and enchanting, she was so straightforward in trading, which made Shanzhu admire her very much.

"This old gentleman, I don't know your name? Just now I heard that you take ginseng, tortoise shell and other precious medicinal materials. I don't know how much ginseng costs? " Shanzhu inquired about the old man in black robe. Now, Shanzhu can see that the little beauty in black silk Qipao and the old man in black robe are just like the relationship between manager and housekeeper.

The old man in black robe is proficient in all kinds of medicinal materials and experienced. He is a real old man, and he is also a real practitioner. He has a lot of Kung Fu.

Just now.

Shanzhu took a look at the black robed old man in secret. He said, "this black robed old man has a level 6 physique. According to the records of Shennong's herbal classic, this kind of person at least has the strength of a martial arts master. This little black silk cheongsam beauty also has a level 4 physique. I'm afraid she's also a martial arts master. I'm afraid dozens of ordinary people can't get close to her."

"It's no wonder that such a little beauty in black silk Qipao, and this dry old man in black long robe, are working in the mountains to buy precious medicinal materials."

In Shanzhu's heart, he had an idea.

The black silk cheongsam girl called more than 1.52 million directly. She had not taken the goods yet, but had just finished the inspection and weighing. She was so forthright that she was not afraid that Shanzhu would not hand in the two precious bezoars. In fact, Shanzhu knew that if the money arrived, Shanzhu would not hand in the bezoars. This dry old man in black robe would be able to bring down Shanzhu alone.

There is no doubt about this.

What's more, Shanzhu is not the kind of person who pays money and doesn't give goods to others, who has no taste and quality. Moreover, looking at this little black silk Qipao beauty, Shanzhu is also very pleasing to the eye. Shanzhu also wants to see this little black silk Qipao beauty several times.

"We buy ginseng. We don't buy Artificial ginseng. We only buy natural ginseng and so on. In the past ten years, the price has been a little lower. One gram is also tens of yuan. In the past 20 years, the price has doubled. In the past 50 years, the price is very rare. The price is ten times that in the past ten years."

"As for the Centennial ginseng, at least one or two million yuan per plant is no cheaper than two bezoars. As for the Centennial ginseng, hahaha, I have never seen it in thirty or forty years since I bought the precious medicinal materials. Next, master Dong of Phoenix Villa, just call me old Dong. "

"This is my contact number. If you still have this bezoar, donkey treasure and so on, you can contact me." The old man in black, said in a loud voice.

Such a dry, gentle old man, with such a loud voice, made Shanzhu admire him.

"Mr. Dong, I have some discomfort. Let's go."

At this time, the little beauty in the black silk Qipao coughed. She felt a surge of noise in the Dantian, which made her shiver.

Sure enough.

On the face of this little black silk Qipao beauty, there were some cold sweats, some of which were condensed into frost.

One side of the old Dong, is really see, two young lady three years ago practice go crazy, urgent need more than 300 years of ginseng to take, but has never received.

Mr. Dong has seen several ginseng plants for more than 100 years. However, Mr. Dong has never seen ginseng plants for more than 300 years in his life. Moreover, they don't have ginseng plants for more than 300 years in Fenghuang Mountain column, or the rare twin snow lotus in Tianshan Mountain.

"Miss, you don't feel well there. Can I help you to have a look?" At this time, Shanzhu couldn't help but say that he had already noticed that the color of this little black silk Qipao beauty suddenly changed. Moreover, Shanzhu was only one meter away from her, and he felt a chill.

This chill, with the air conditioning blowing out of the cold, completely different, this chill, as if a millennium ice released.

"No, thank you... Mr. Dong, take the goods, let's go..."

Black silk cheongsam little beauty, can't help but say, her complexion is more and more bad, and, Shanzhu also feel more cold around.

"Yes, miss."

Mr. Dong came to help this little black silk cheongsam beauty. However, he was a little slow. This little black silk cheongsam beauty suddenly broke out, which made Mr. Dong never think of it.

The little beauty in black silk Qipao actually fell down. Fortunately, Shanzhu on one side had already seen some problems. She had already stepped forward one step ahead of time. This little beauty in black silk Qipao had fallen on Shanzhu's arm.

All of a sudden.

Shanzhu felt that this little black silk Qipao beauty, like an icicle, fell on her body.

"No, the second lady's stubborn disease has broken out. Factory director ye, you should help the second lady first. I'll go to the SUV and come to some goods." Old Dong, the old man in black, couldn't help saying.


According to Dong Lao's knowledge, black silk Qipao little beauty, Phoenix Mountain pillar two Miss, her illness should be once a month.

It's only 24 days since the last attack. This time, it's five or six days ahead of time.

"Miss two, what's the matter with you?" Shanzhu's right arm supported the little beauty with black silk Qipao and sunglasses. She could not help asking.

For the time being, Shanzhu can only call other people's second young lady. Surely, this second young lady in black silk Qipao has never told Shanzhu her name.

"I'm fine."

Black silk cheongsam little beauty, still biting her teeth, want to get up, but still can't get up, the sudden attack of the disease she never thought of.

Shanzhu holding this little black silk Qipao beauty, felt like holding an ice beauty, as if Shanzhu fell into the ice cave, which made Shanzhu's body react instinctively.


In Shanzhu's body, a golden stream flowed, and along Shanzhu's right arm, it slowly flowed into the back of this little black silk Qipao beauty and into her body.


In the first floor space of Shennong tower, when the initial farmland was upgraded to level 4 farmland, two forces were generated, one of which was the life force contained in the green stream.

The other is the masculine power of the sun contained in the golden stream.

of course.

These two forces are very weak. They must be. Now, Shanzhu's physique is only level two. If you divide it according to the cultivation of martial arts, it's only the middle martial arts.

"What's the matter? Factory director Ye holds me, and I feel a warm air flow on my back. It seems that the sun is rising behind me, which stabilizes the chill in my body. I have never felt this kind of feeling since my last practice."

"It's like bathing in the sun. It's never been so comfortable. This young manager of a cattle farm in the countryside gives me a feeling that he is a man like the sun. "

The little beauty in black silk cheongsam couldn't help staring at Shanzhu. Of course, she was wearing black sunglasses. At this time, Shanzhu didn't pay attention to the change of the eyes of the little beauty in black silk cheongsam.

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