Shishi, Qihuang group, basement.

This time, the second wave of flame Eagle operation was going to attack Shanzhu's villas. Eighteen black armour helicopters have been prepared, which can destroy Shishi.

However, the incident on the other side of Longteng villa has made Qi Huang change his mind. No matter how many black armour helicopters there are, I'm afraid they can't break through the defense laid down by the mountain pillar.

"Laozuzong, the sect leader sent two big insects and beasts to expose the sect leader's strength?" At this time, Qi Wei had some chills.

More than three years ago.

Shanzhu was a little ant that Qi Wei could crush to death at will. Now, in just three years, Shanzhu has grown into a towering tree.

Now, Shanzhu can compete with Qi family, Qihuang group, and even the existence of yin and Yang gate. Even Fang Xiuzhu, the leader of yin and Yang gate, can no longer control the growth of Shanzhu.

If this growth rate continues, in a few years, Shanzhu will have a showdown with the Qi family sooner or later.

"We have to use insects and beasts. This time, if we can kill Shanzhu, everything will be worth it. We are afraid that we can't kill Shanzhu even if we use insects and beasts."

"Once the insects and beasts are used, it is necessary to attract the attention of all countries. At that time, the sect leader will be the public enemy of the whole people. I don't know how many people will unite to deal with the sect leader."

"Only by successfully hunting Shanzhu and seizing Shennong Tower this time is the real opportunity for the rise of the sect leader." Qi Huang, the ancestor of Qihuang group, couldn't help saying.

This night's action, whether it is the alliance of Chinese practitioners, or other countries, or overseas countries, has been taken seriously.

In particular, the black armour combat helicopter, an alien scientific and technological weapon that has been more advanced than the present society for decades, has been used.

As long as you know, other forces, families, countries, sects and so on are coming to rob you. Surely, mastering this kind of alien technology also means that yin and Yang gate has other details.

"I don't know when the lotus will be able to pass the customs?" Qi Wei inquired about his ancestor, Qi Huang. Although he married Qi Wei, Qi Wei never touched him.

Of course, Emperor Qi knew that lotus was a part of the sect leader Fang Xiuzhu, which was deduced by the sect leader to deal with Shanzhu.

Now, the lotus is also closed. Only elder Qi Huang knows the whereabouts of the lotus. Others, elder Qu Yang and elder Luo Feng, don't know the whereabouts of the lotus at all.

Lotus is Qi Wei's wife, Qi Qihuang group, which is also a cover for lotus.

"You don't need to ask when the sect leader will finish his cultivation. When the critical time comes, the sect leader will show up to deal with Shanzhu." Qi Huang can't help but say.


Qi Wei also knows that lotus's cultivation is just increasing day by day. He has broken through the Yin and Yang realm and continues to improve.

Now, the lotus hidden in a certain place, is in cultivation.

The mountain pillar can't be deduced. The lotus is located there now. We can only know that the lotus is a powerful part of the master of yin and Yang. With the mountain pillar, there is a strong connection.

"In another 20 minutes, the two beasts will arrive. Once they arrive, we will cooperate with them." Emperor Qi gave the order again.

In the secret room of the underground hall, there are four peerless strong men of yin and Yang, waiting for orders, two puppet strong men of yin and Yang, and dozens of top strong men of Jindan.

Those who are strong in the golden elixir realm are the hidden strength of the Yin and Yang gate. They are completely allocated by Qi Huang.

Twenty minutes.

Indeed, this time, Fang Xiuzhu, the leader of the Yin and Yang gate, has secretly sent two insects and beasts out of the pyramid shaped spaceship. It takes about 40 minutes and an hour to reach Huaxia and Shishi.

Two insects and beasts, this is Fang Xiuzhu, the leader of the Yin and Yang gate. By means of concealing the world and crossing the sea, he was sent out by a pyramid shaped spaceship.

The strength of these two insects and beasts is strong. Among them, the strength of the blade insects and beasts is stronger than that of the ten or so strong ones in Yin and Yang.

Tiger shark, insect beast, defense is more powerful, weighing about hundreds of tons, huge, moving faster than a large car, but this speed is too slow for the blade worm beast.

The defense of insects and beasts is more powerful than the iron armor of sea cruisers.

For example, if a tiger shark is standing still and bombed by a bomber, it will take an hour to kill a tiger shark.

Don't even think about it. The normal speed of blade beetle is ten times the speed of sound. It can soar 30 times or even 50 times the speed of sound when fighting.

A Super Fighter with a speed of 10 times the speed of sound has not been developed yet. The double front of bladesorm can easily tear the defense armor of the strongest tank in the world, just like tearing paper.

The power of the bladed warbler is at least tens of times stronger than that of the tiger shark.

A blade beetle has a height of tens of meters. Of course, when fighting, its body often maintains a perfect fighting posture. It can fight like a giant mantis more than three meters high. If it is ten meters high, its speed will be slightly reduced by one third.

Zhentianbei is divided into two parts. It's in the pyramid spaceship. It's already known that two insects and beasts left the pyramid spaceship. The target is Shanzhu himself.

Hum, hum.

Hum, hum.

Hum, hum.

A helicopter flies and lands at Longteng villa. It's Ike who comes. He already knows that Longteng villa is in danger.

"Younger martial brother, you are here."

At this time, Hao Meili, ye Dabao, Miaozhu fairy and so on welcomed Ike. At the same time, there was a girl in a black skirt. She was about 1.67 meters tall and graceful. She was already 17 or 18 years old.

This girl in black Luo skirt is Pang Wenwen.

Pang Wenwen, as Shanzhu's great apprentice, of course came to Longteng villa to take part in this battle.

"Elder martial sister."

"Teacher's mother, teacher's brother." At this time, Ike can't help saluting Hao Meili, who is Shanzhu's wife, Pang Wenwen and Ike's teacher's mother.

Ye Dabao, of course, is the younger martial brother.

"OK, Ike, you can come to help us. Your master is very happy. Now, with you and Wenwen coming, this is a powerful aid."

Hao Meili said with a smile.

Indeed, now, Pang Wenwen and Ike are both superpowers and practitioners. They have the strength of diamond superpowers.

Pang Wenwen has the power to control the dark, and this special talent of decomposition and reduction.

Ike is an elite. He is not only an elite in the economic field, but also a super Xueba. He is also proficient in mastering part of the time. He has the ability to return to the past, time still, and this super intelligent combat bracelet.

This super intelligent combat bracelet, which was obtained by Yulong star spacecraft, is a gift from Shanzhu to Ike.

"Well, all enter Longteng villa. In ten minutes, the tiger shark will come. We have carried out simulation exercises to guide the tiger shark here."

At this time, Han Han, wearing a pink student uniform, has already analyzed and calculated. Now, there are Hao Meili, ye Dabao, Li Lao, Pang Wenwen, and even Ike, who are dealing with a tiger shark.

In addition, there are 36 black armor combat helicopters, which can completely kill a tiger shark.


Tiger shark is huge and destructive. If you fight in Longteng mountain villa, you can't deal with this tiger shark.

Just now.

Han Han and Hao Meili have already negotiated to lead this tiger shark to the deep of Xiushan mountain for treatment, so as to avoid the great damage to Longteng villa.

Sure enough, next, Pang Wenwen and Ike began to get familiar with black armour helicopters. This time, Han Han controlled 36 black armour helicopters to lead tiger, shark, insect and beast away.

"Elder martial sister, take care of me later." Ike couldn't help saying that this time, Ike came to Longteng villa to fight. Originally, Cooper didn't want to.

However, Ike is also the disciple of Shanzhu, even if he is the second disciple of the leader of Shengmen. If Shengmen is in trouble, how can Ike not come.

Li has also assured Kubo that he will always protect Ike. At that time, Li lived in Australia. He was also a guest of Kubo and one of Ike's teachers.

"Younger martial brother Ike, don't worry."

Pang Wenwen can't help but say that, sure enough, women are eighteen years old, and the more they become, the more beautiful they are. Now, Pang Wenwen has grown up to be a beautiful girl.




All of a sudden, over the whole Longteng villa, a huge meteorite landed, and the target was a three-star hotel below.

There are three three-star hotels and one four-star hotel in Longteng mountain villa. The three-star hotel is about six stories high. This is the second phase construction of Longteng mountain villa.

Several other star hotels are the fifth phase of the project. The quality and cost are more than several times higher than those of the previous phases. By the time of the fifth phase of the project, the Longteng villa in Shanzhu already has hundreds of millions of funds, which can completely build the Longteng villa better.

"Come, come, go, attack."

At this time, Han Han was driving a black armor combat helicopter. Pang Wenwen, Ike, Hao Meili, Miaozhu Xianzi, ye Dabao, Li Lao and so on all entered a black armor combat helicopter.

Of course, some of them can't fly this kind of black armor combat helicopter at all. They just need to hide from the attack of tiger, shark and beast.

As for flying, fighting and so on, it's all controlled by Han Han. Han Han controls 24 black armour combat helicopters. It's just like playing computer games. It's easy to control these black armour combat helicopters.

Now, Han Han's super intelligent life is really too powerful.

"No, it's so high, more than 30 meters high, bigger than this three-star hotel. Its claws are so big, its scales are too thick, and its tail is so long."

"Just now, an attack seemed to tickle it."

"Speed out."

At this time, Han Han had already controlled 24 black armor combat helicopters to attack the tiger shark, which was about 30 meters high and 10 meters long. It was comparable to the Jurassic Tyrannosaurus Rex.

I'm afraid that even if Tyrannosaurus Rex regenerates, it can't be the opponent of this tiger shark. Even a group of dinosaurs can't deal with a tiger shark.

Tiger, shark, insect and beast have wisdom, can fight, and are proficient in dozens of fighting methods. They are tens of times stronger than those giant Tyrannosaurus Rex dinosaurs.


Tiger, shark, insect and beast roar. Hao Meili, Ike and Pang Wenwen are hiding in black armor combat helicopters. They all feel dizzy.

Without the protection of the black armour combat helicopter, I'm afraid that once people catch the tiger, shark, insect and beast with one paw, they will be completely turned into meat mud.


Tiger, shark, insect and beast, when they scratch and tear, the three-star hotel is half trampled, and the reinforced concrete is exposed, directly tearing the six story hotel.

It's more powerful than the Ultraman and the monster of koukuo. It's a real fight against the monster.


Han Han gave the order. Sure enough, Ike Pang Wenwen and so on flew to the deep of Xiushan mountain, while Han Han continued to attack tiger, shark, insect and beast.

This kind of attack, tiger shark insect beast also has no scruple at all, but, Han Han's this black armor combat helicopter, unexpectedly equipped with the magnetic energy gun that Han Han specially made.

This kind of magnetic energy light wave gun can simulate the battle signal of insect and beast. Once it attacks tiger and shark, tiger and shark will follow him and kill Han Han's black armor combat helicopter completely.

Temptation bombs.

Indeed, this is a special kind of temptation. It took Hanhan only half an hour to assemble and refit it. If we use the electromagnetic gun of the Yulong star spacecraft.

I'm afraid that once it is opened, not to mention the whole Longteng villa, the whole Chenjiagou Town, and even the half area of Linchuan County, 300 or 400 people will be lost.

The power of the electromagnetic gun is too destructive. Moreover, the magnetic radiation pollution keeps the electromagnetic pollution for decades within thousands of miles.

"Come on, come on, big fool."

"Ha ha ha, I can't catch up."

"Big fool, big fool."

"Ha ha ha, I can't catch up. I'm so stupid. Ha ha ha

At this time, Han Han couldn't help laughing. He translated the ridicule into Zerg language and passed it on to the powerful tiger shark.

The language of Zerg can't be deciphered by human beings. However, how does Han Han exist? It's a super intelligent living body. She fought with Zerg in the star battlefield in those years.

It's a piece of cake for Han Han to simulate the lure bomb and the Zerg language. It's very simple. Sure enough, this tiger shark is furious and chases dozens of black armor combat helicopters all the way.

Along the way, countless giant footprints of insects and animals were left on the whole Xiushan mountain road. The footprints of insects and animals were tens of meters deep and several meters deep.




This tiger, shark, insect, beast is constantly chasing, at the same time, unexpectedly put a lot of rocks into its body, this, Han Han know not good.

"Fly in a straight line."

At this point.

Han Han gave the order, and sure enough, no matter Ai Ke or Pang Wenwen, or Hao Meili, miaozhuxianzi, or Li Lao's black armor combat helicopter, they have turned into a straight line.

At the same time.

With three secret silver guards, Han Han's black armor helicopter flew out, blocking the back of the black armor helicopter that Han Han was driving.

Sure enough.

Just as Han Han expected, this tiger shark started to launch a series of meteorite bombs. These rocks entered the melting pot of the tiger shark. After a little modification, they could be more powerful than shells and missiles.

These meteorite bombs are thrown towards dozens of black armour combat helicopters. The aim is exquisite. It's almost the same as locking. It makes Han Han feel more difficult.

This tiger, shark, insect and beast looks big, but its intelligence quotient is dozens of times stronger than the brains of the smartest scientists on earth.

These meteorite bombs, swept from, a hail of bullets.

The three secret silver guards turned into three streamers to cover the black armor combat helicopters. Even Hao Meili's black armor combat helicopter was directly captured by a secret silver guard and incorporated into the body space.

If the tiger shark's meteorite Bomb Hits Hao Meili's black armor combat helicopter, her black armor combat helicopter will be completely scrapped.

At that time, Hao Meili was seriously injured and even killed in battle.

Who is Hao Meili?

That's Shanzhu's wife. Although Hanhan likes to watch jokes and be lively, he can't explain to Shanzhu if he really plays big at this time.

"Yayaya, it's really powerful. In five minutes, I'll see how you are."

"Come on, come on."

Han Han changed the control again, and these black armor combat helicopters began to enter a picture, which fell into the palm of a secret silver guard.

This insect can't destroy the defense of the secret silver guard either. If you want to destroy the secret silver guard, you have to grow up to the general level.

At present, this insect is only at the level of warrior, and can't threaten the secret silver guard at all.

"Keep going. The six pointed star altar in front is ready. If you introduce it, you can completely trap this big tiger, shark, insect and beast. At that time, it's time for us to attack."

Han Han communicates with Hao Meili, Pang Wenwen, Ike, ye Dabao, miaozhuxianzi and Li Lao. Now, they are working hard to deal with this powerful tiger shark, which is more than 30 meters high and finally more than 400 tons.

If this tiger shark enters the stone market, I'm afraid it can completely and safely destroy half of the stone market.

This tiger, shark, insect and beast is so destructive and defensive that it is more ferocious than any advanced tank, and its collision force is no less than that of locomotive.

"Exciting. It's exciting. It's more fun than school."

At this time, Pang Wenwen exclaimed, this tiger shark has been tracking them for more than 20 minutes, and has almost chased them into the depth of Xiushan mountain along a deserted ridge.

You know.

Chunhong, aunt Ma, BA shutuo, etc. have also been hidden in an underground secret laboratory here, as well as the two children of Chunhong.

Ye Meijing and the son.

The son was born less than half a month ago. At present, Shanzhu has not named the child. However, Hao Meili often teases Chunhong and calls the child Ye Xiaobao.

Ye Dabao.

Ye Xiaolong.

Ye Xiaobao.

The names of the three children are really like brothers.

At this point.

Hao Meili also got a news that a blade worm has arrived in the villa group on the top of the mountain in Shishi. She has easily broken through the external defense area of the villa and entered the internal defense area.

Hao Meili is even more worried about Shanzhu. You know, the fighting power of that blade worm is ten times more terrifying than that of this tiger shark.

This is a tiger, shark, insect, and beast. The pursuers didn't run or hide. I don't know what happened to Shanzhu now?

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