
Hundreds of nautical miles away, dark clouds and thunder are rolling, and a huge force of thunder sweeps through. It will take less than three minutes to reach this nameless island.

"Shanzhu, we have detected the presence of the imperial powers. This is ray Wharton. It belongs to the American Empire." At this time, Han Han communicated with Shanzhu.

There are only a few super powers in the whole earth. When such a big battle comes, thunder clouds roll. It's not ray Wharton. Who else can it be.

"Ray Wharton, OK, OK, I'll go too. Ike, you can deal with the aftermath. Below, the body of the blade worm has been broken into seven pieces. I'll take away his broken core first. You, Qingqing and Wharton can share these seven remnant booty. It's also your contribution to your country."

At this time, Shanzhu waves his hand, and Xiao Qingqing is already in the dragon's battle suit and appears beside Shanzhu. Shanzhu has already told his daughter Xiao Qingqing about Luo's meaning long before he fought with bladed edge insects.

"Father, you go, I'll finish."

Xiao Qing must be a soldier, especially obeying orders. Since Lao Luo has already given orders, he must fulfill the glorious mission and task assigned by the state.

In this way, the pillars can be relaxed.

"Daughter, don't be afraid, Dad. I'm right next to you. I just hide my figure. I'll be stronger later. I'll try to take away four severed limbs, return to the country, and give them to the country to study."

"It's a treasure. His skin and missiles can't be pierced. It has too much scientific research value to go back. It's much better than tiger, shark, insect and beast."

At this time, Shanzhu explained.

"Yes, master, don't worry. I will protect the elder martial sister." Ike patted his chest and couldn't help but guarantee that his superpowers had fully recovered.

Moreover, Ike's super power is no less powerful than that of the top diamond super power, and slightly inferior to that of the emperor super power.

However, ray Wharton, which belongs to the United States, is also an alliance with Australia. I believe ray Wharton does not dare to snatch it.


If he knows, it's Ike and Xiao Qing who have solved this blade worm beast, and they have to weigh his strength, not to mention that the pillar is hidden in the dark.

"Hum, I like this sentence very much, but I don't need your protection. Anyway, I'm also a super agent of China."

Xiao Qing said with a smile.

Ike, this is his father Shanzhu's second apprentice. Pang Wenwen is Shanzhu's big apprentice. Originally, Pang Wenwen asked ike to call her elder martial sister. Now, with Xiao Qingqing, Pang Wenwen can only be second elder martial sister.

"Yes, elder martial sister."

Ike has some blushes. Xiao Qing is also an agent of Huaxia dragon group. Indeed, he has super strength. Now, he is the eldest daughter of master.

More importantly, in the future, they will be together, so Ike has to show.

Sure enough.

Two minutes later, ray Wharton, dressed in purple robes, came with a curved light wand, which was his secret weapon.

The power of the thunder light staff is no less than the super intelligent combat bracelet worn by Ike or the Dragon Blade worn by Xiao Qing.

Ray Wharton, also has a special adventure, a sweep of Ike and Xiao Qingqing, but also know that two people, one is the peak of diamond super power, one is diamond super power.

However, leihuang Wharton also found that Xiao Qingqing's Dragon Teng sword was particularly powerful.

"You two killed this alien monster?" Ray Wharton, I can't help saying.

"Yes, the battle has just ended." Xiao Qingqing said strongly that now, leihuang Wharton obviously came to snatch the body of this bladed worm.

"In this case, I'm late. Ah, this alien insect has attacked our military base in the Republic of Korea, and we in the United States have to deal with him. We have assembled three aircraft carriers and hundreds of super fighters, but it's a pity that we have solved the problem. This one is the Chinese Dragon Knight, right?"

At this point.

Ray Wharton can't help but say that, indeed, as ray Wharton said, he has arrived ahead of time. He must be a king level superpower.

Just now, he was aware of the location of the explosion due to the huge wave. However, he did not expect that the battle was over.

"That's right. I'm the Chinese dragon knight. I'm an agent of the Chinese dragon group. Ray Wharton is an agent of the American aegis. Our two units attach great importance to cooperation. Since this insect has attacked your military base, let's distribute it among the three of us, so that no one will rob this insect's body."

"This is Ike, the son of time in Australia, who is the second son of kuber, a rich man."

Xiao Qing introduces Ike.

Ike, ray Wharton shakes his head. However, Cooper, the richest man in Australia, ray Wharton only knows. He glances at Ike. Sure enough, the light brain he carries immediately distinguishes that this is the son of Cooper, the richest man in Australia.

Ike, the son of time?

"I've heard a lot about it. Sure enough, there's a message coming from Australia. You belong to the Australian super power alliance. In that case, let's split up. In a few minutes, other superpowers will have experts to intervene. It's not easy to split up at that time."

"Three of the seven remains are occupied by China and three by the United States, which will be regarded as a major loss to our military base. The other one belongs to Australia. I don't know what is the meaning of Longteng nvxia?"

At this time, ray Wharton, speaking fluent Chinese, could not help saying.


This distribution, Xiao Qing is also laughing, originally, she thought ray Huang Wharton to occupy four sections, now, since this, also meet the requirements of Shanzhu, then agreed to come down.

"OK, we need the head, the upper part of the body, and the tail. You need the limbs. How about the lower part of the body? On the Australian side, it's back. "

At this time, Xiao Qing could not help saying.

Shanzhu has already told Xiao Qingqing in secret that the head, tail and upper part of the body are the most important parts of the bladed beetle.

Ray Wharton, we know there.

"OK, we can exchange and share our research results and cooperate deeply in the future. How about that?" At this time, ray Wharton called the air Raptor squadron and arrived at this position quickly.

On the island, the remains of the body of the bladders are all treasures. Moreover, the smallest remains of the body is about three or four meters, and the tail is tens of meters.

On Ike's side, of course, there is nothing to say. On Australia's side, it's even more joyful to be able to get a part of this alien monster and study it. That's the best.

Sure, they didn't lose anything. It's like Kou Guo. He lost so much that he couldn't carve up anything in the end.


At this time, the thunder emperor Wharton, his thunder light wand, was about to start to take over the body of the bladders. Surely, the air Raptor squadron would arrive in five minutes.

However, when Xiao Qingqing came out, a picture slowly opened, and the head, upper part of the body, and the tail part of the animal were included in this picture.

The thunder emperor Wharton, is admires Xiao Qing.

"Huaxia agent, dragon group agent, really deserves the reputation, Huaxia also mastered the space technology?" Ray Wharton has incorporated the other three parts of the bladderworm into the ray wand.

This thunder light staff is also a good treasure.

With a big hand, Ike put a few meters of debris on his back into his palm and disappeared completely. This time, the three people looked at each other and laughed at each other.

right back at you.

All of a sudden, a nuclear powered submarine on the surface of the sea paid the price. The red flag of five stars was hanging on it. It was sent by Huaxia.

It turned out that a nuclear powered submarine was going to Bermuda to replace the Yunhai aircraft carrier, so it received a special order from the Ministry of defense to meet Xiao Qing.


In the air, four Raptors also roared by. Among them, twelve aegis special forces fell from this one to protect ray Wharton.

Xiao Qingqing, ray Huang Wharton, and Ike exchanged business cards with each other.

"Miss Fan, come to New York to play with me when you have time." At this time, the thunder emperor Wharton can't help but say to Xiao Qing.

Xiao Qing nodded.

Xiao Qing's pseudonym in Huaxia longzu secret service bureau is fan Fang.


Xiao Qing was not polite with ray Wharton, but directly with a team of nuclear powered submarine officers and men, entered the nuclear submarine and disappeared into the vast sea again.

"Little brother Ike, how do you go back? Come back with me. " Ray Wharton said to Ike.

"No, I'm going."

Ike, the son of time, smiles. His left arm's super intelligent aura flickers slightly. The next moment, there is a wave in the surrounding space. Ike's whole person, even in front of ray Wharton, disappears out of thin air.

"The son of time is really powerful. The three super powers in Australia are really powerful." Ray Wharton, also shook his head again, climbed the ladder, with these aegis agents, together back to the United States.

This time.

Ray Wharton has gained a lot. At the same time, it represents the United States and suppresses the kouzuo side. Any news about the presence of alien monsters will be officially deleted and will never be recognized.

Of course, the outside world can not guess what.

Because, a big tsunami, hit the Pacific coast, this is the news in the next few weeks, this has become the focus of attention.

This big tsunami, of course, was caused by the self explosion of the bladed beetle, no less than the self explosion of the nuclear weapons. According to Han Han's deduction, this power is at least equivalent to the explosion of the nuclear weapons at the level of 3 million tons.

Three million tons.

Oh, My God.

Shanzhu can't believe it. If it wasn't for Hanhan's warning at the critical moment, I'm afraid Shanzhu couldn't be in a hurry at all. He could escape a disaster by going back in time.

Shanzhu returned to Shishi, where Luo Lao had been suppressed, and only declared a tornado disaster.

On the other side of Chenjiagou, it is claimed that it has become a wild animal frenzy. These problems must have occurred in the mountains all the year round. Shanzhu handed over 12 black armour combat helicopters to the secret military representatives sent by Luo Lao.

Tang Xiaoyou and Shanzhu met with secret military representatives at night.

"What, that major general is the second elder sister husband?" After Shanzhu completed the secret handover and handed over 12 black armour combat helicopters, it was already 12 a.m.

Of course, Linchuan county government has also received an important explanation from the relevant departments above, and allocated 500 million yuan to Longteng villa for its post disaster restoration.

"Why didn't you say that earlier?"

Shanzhu complains that Tang Xiaoyou has some willfulness. With the secret handover of the black armour combat helicopters he completed at night, the major general is Tang Xiaoyou's second brother-in-law.

This mysterious second brother-in-law, it is, at the beginning, responsible for the dispatch of Zhouqiao troops, helped Chenjiagou through the flood disaster.

Shanzhu now knows that it's Mr. Tang who has called his son-in-law, so he can act quickly.

of course.

These army facilities, Shanzhu, were returned to the local armed forces Department of Linchuan County three years ago, and they can be used again.

"You didn't ask me. It's been three days. By the way, qinger hasn't come back yet. Red sister asked me to ask you." Tang Xiaoyou can't help saying.

I'm afraid Xiao Qing will be back in three days now. Nuclear powered submarines don't fly as fast as Shanzhu. After coming back, they will at least receive secret praise and special care.

At least it will take more than a month to come back.

"Early, at least two weeks, don't worry, this time Luo has told me, next, Xiao Qingqing will disappear secretly, then, Qing'er's identity will be changed to Ye Qing, and then as a college student to work in our leaf farm, in this way, her identity will be completely protected."

"In fact, it's all right. Qing'er still likes the role of Longteng nvxia, but now I'm afraid she can't use it for the sake of the national interest."

"Come back and spend time with his father. I'll farm together and make a fortune. Ha ha ha, that's good. "

Shanzhu laughed.

Make a fortune and strive for a better off life?

Now, Shanzhu owns the head office of leaf farm group, and the head office of Shanxia cattle farm, and cattle farming has developed overseas.

Even there is such a large group head office of Longteng villa, including Longteng villa, Longteng real estate company, Longteng investment company, water park and so on.

In addition to these, there is the current leaf Electronics Corporation, and the soon to be merged Lanling beverage company, JUNLEBAO beverage company.

The two largest beverage companies in the province will be merged next. After the merger, it will be JUNLEBAO beverage joint head office.

Among them.

Ren Ranran is the chairman of the board, Xiao Hong is the general manager, and Tang Xiaoyou is the deputy general manager.

Ren Ranran's father is old and has decided to quit. The other directors were supposed to object, but they took too few shares. Besides, Xiao Hong gave them double the price and bought their shares.

In this way, Ren Ranran and Xiao Hong, two people manage and merge the two beverage companies, and there is no longer any resistance.

"Shanzhu, you are well-off, and you are still well-off." Tang Xiaoyou also laughed.

Wife and children are hot on the Kang.

Nongfu mountain spring has some fields.

"It's true that the villagers in Chenjiagou town are now well-off, and their income is more than four or five times that of three years ago. The surrounding environment is better, and there are no polluting enterprises. At the beginning, the Shanyang chemical plant has been completely banned. Now, it has been transformed into a Shanyang water treatment plant to transform the surrounding sewage, As a watering water supply to our leaf farm, it's killing two birds with one stone

"At the beginning, I would like to thank the pig boss of Shanyang chemical plant. If he hadn't kidnapped you, how could I have met the goddess in my heart?"

Shanzhu makes Tang Xiaoyou laugh.

The goddess in my heart.

This time, Tang Xiaoyou is also happy.

Shanzhu has returned to Longteng villa, and other people have already returned to Longteng villa with their underground base in the mountains. This time, Longteng villa lost about one tenth of its value. After a slight correction for half a month, it will be open to the public again.

As for other losses, they can come back in three months at most.

With the development of Shanzhu, the white pigeon farm has turned the glazed land into art works one after another, which has opened up a new market.

At the same time, the Baima River sewage treatment has been successful. The county has turned both sides of the Baima River into an economic development zone, and all of them are in the charge of the leaf farm group.

"Shanzhu, sister Xiaoyou is your goddess. Who am I?" All of a sudden, in the dark, came a voice of resentment.

This voice is very familiar.

Tang Xiaoyou is also alert. She is already in the early stage of yin and Yang. This kind of person can suddenly appear. Tang Xiaoyou has never noticed that she is a super strong person.

"Lotus, since it's here, don't hide. Come out."

At this point.

Shanzhu can't help but say that Shanzhu and Tang Xiaoyou are in the original Qianhe Village Farm headquarters. A large part of this headquarters has been destroyed and needs to be rebuilt.

Sure enough, the lotus in a rag dress appeared, and she was also very young. Shanzhu carefully found that the dress she was wearing was the one she was wearing when she was about to elope with Shanzhu.

Why didn't Shanzhu remember this dress.

Originally, Shanzhu was about to elope with the lotus, but Shanzhu still couldn't let go of his father or Xiaojing's sister. If a man wants to be aboveboard, he can't be furtive.

Shanzhu wants to marry the lotus, so he persuades the lotus not to run away. Shanzhu agrees to give her mother 30000 yuan in betrothal gifts and marry her back home.


"Do I call you lotus, or Fang Xiuzhu, the leader of the Yin Yang sect?" At this time, the mountain pillar looked up and down at the lotus, which was also an early practitioner of yin and Yang.

Lotus's strength is similar to Tang Xiaoyou's. Now, it can't pose a threat to Shanzhu.

Lotus lowered her head, "you'd better call me lotus. Fang Xiuzhu, the leader of the Yin Yang sect, always feels estranged from us. How about that?"

Lotus said, once again swept a look at Tang Xiaoyou, she also has some unwilling, finally, or Tang Xiaoyou and Shanzhu came together.

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