Only by collecting four Pisces dragon pendants can we know the treasure of the divine doctor. We can really open the treasure house of the divine doctor and get the treasure hidden by the ancestors of the divine doctor. The divine doctor has existed for nearly a thousand years. How many generations have passed it down? We don't know how many good things are accumulated in the treasure house.

However, no one can enter the magic doctor's treasure house without four Pisces dragon pendants.

That night, Shanzhu stayed in the cattle farm at the foot of the mountain, and uncle Ba and ER Gouzi went back to Xiushui village. The two villages were less than five or six miles away, so it was very convenient to go back and forth.

In the evening, the leaders of the three groups accompanied Shanzhu for a night inspection and inspection of the cattle farm at the foot of the mountain. There were five staff on duty, and they did a very good job.

During this period, Shanzhu and the leaders of the three groups also chatted in the office for a long time, and they also grasped the difficulties of the cattle farm at the foot of the mountain.

Milk production accounts for at least 60% of the income. Now, when the milk industry is in the downturn, of course, the income will not come up.

The quality of beef cattle in Shanxia cattle farm is also average. Of course, it can't sell at a good price. Therefore, in recent years, Shanxia cattle farm has been losing money.

"It seems that to solve the problem of milk and beef cattle is not a problem overnight. Beef cattle can introduce some good varieties. The problem of milk can not be solved for the time being. The price of milk is still very low all over the country. However, since a lot of milk has to be poured out, it can not be used in my farm. The effect of the melons and fruits raised by milk must be good, There will be income again, and maybe there will be miraculous effects. "

On the other side of the pillar, he has his own plans.

Half a month ago, fat boss Wang fufu came to Shanzhu to buy garlic. He has told Shanzhu that he supplies garlic directly to a big barbecue chain in Beijing. Shanzhu's garlic tastes good, so the price is high. Now, the price of garlic fluctuates greatly across the country.

Shanzhu knows that this situation will last for half a year at most. After half a year, the price of common garlic will come down again.

"Fortunately, this time, white pigment helped me to develop four new garlic varieties. This time, boss Wang came, and his frightened eyes would fall off. My new garlic varieties will not be out of date in a long time, and they will certainly be in short supply in the future." Shanzhu was happy.

Half a month ago, Bai Su had already planted garlic seeds for Shanzhu, and had a qualitative leap in Shennong tower.

Now, Shanzhu is no longer planting ordinary garlic. Four new varieties of garlic have been planted, and they have been harvested. Tomorrow, boss Wang will come to Xiushui village again.

The next day

Shanzhu explained to deputy factory director Zhang. According to the information given by Wenying's sister-in-law, Wang Sandao, the daughter of deputy manager Wang Fushun and the new herdsman, is coming to the cattle farm at the foot of the mountain. Wang Sandao has studied livestock treatment, management and so on. He is still the daughter of deputy manager Wang Fushun after graduating from university. Of course, Shanzhu should treat him well.

Wang Fushun is a famous cook at the provincial level. Any restaurant in the provincial capital is very popular.

Shanzhu did not expect that such a powerful provincial chef could come to Linchuan county and follow manager Sun Jiayi all the time.

"Wang Sandao, it sounds like a boy's name. It's actually a girl. We have been short of a veterinarian in the cattle farm down the mountain. Let Wang Sandao be a veterinarian first. Since she knows how to manage, let her go to the new ostrich breeding area and be the leader there." On this side, deputy director Zhang listened to Shanzhu's arrangement and had already sent the group leader of the second group with about ten employees to the east of the cattle farm at the foot of the mountain.

Close to the corn field planting area, we started to use cages to build an ostrich breeding area covering an area of about 10 mu. Moreover, Shanzhu also allocated 300000 funds, of which 50000 was used to build the ostrich breeding area.

Shanzhu sold two bezoars yesterday and got 1.52 million, which has made deputy factory director Zhang blush. He secretly wondered why the two bezoars didn't go into his own pocket.

With this 1.5 million yuan, Shanzhu can hold on for at least half a year. Moreover, he has to engage in ostrich breeding and so on. Once Shanzhu is successful, Shanzhu's prestige in Shanxia cattle farm will really be established. At that time, vice factory director Zhang will not be able to be the factory director of Shanxia cattle farm.

Deputy director Zhang knows that Mayor Wang will be back soon. At that time, deputy director Zhang should sum up with Mayor Wang.

"All right."

Shanzhu nodded. Now, Shanzhu also knows that the deputy factory director Zhang in the cattle farm at the foot of the mountain is still deeply rooted. Among the six team leaders, four of them were promoted by deputy factory director Zhang.

The third group leader.

The six group leaders, the two group leaders, were the old people who followed vice county magistrate Wang when he started the cattle farm. They have not been promoted for so many years.

Shanzhu also knows that now, Shanzhu wants to put his own people in, but he still can't do it. However, after this time, Shanzhu's prestige and voice in the cattle farm at the foot of the mountain are even higher.

Shanzhu believes that in less than half a year, the cattle farm at the foot of the mountain will be able to turn losses into profits. At that time, Shanzhu is really talking.

According to Wang's agreement, once Shanzhu has paid off the loan, debts and so on, Shanzhu can own 70% of the cattle farm at the foot of the mountain. At that time, the town only accounted for less than 20%.

"Wang Sandao, it sounds like a boy's name to me. If it wasn't for Wenying's sister-in-law to remind me, I didn't know it was a girl. She can't come to Chenjiagou town until three in the afternoon. It's estimated that she can't get to Shanxia cattle farm until five o'clock. At that time, I'll have a look. "

"It is estimated that tomorrow afternoon, 30 breeding ostriches and 240 ostrich eggs will be sent to the cattle farm at the foot of the mountain."

At this time.

Shanzhu is riding a 70% new bicycle. There are two villages running back and forth from Shanxia village to Xiushui village. Shanzhu is just the beginning.



On the road, a green off-road vehicle honked its horn at Shanzhu, followed by two trucks. Of course, Shanzhu is familiar with this green off-road vehicle.

"Ah, boss Shanzhu, why are you still so hard-working and plain? When can I change a good bike while riding a bicycle? I heard that you are going to give me a surprise this time. Come on up quickly." The windows of the green SUV can't help but open. It's the fat boss, boss Wang, who is here again.

This time, Shanzhu and boss Wang called. Shanzhu had another batch of garlic, about 20 tons. The second batch of garlic had already been used up on the other side of the capital, and boss Wang had been pushing on the other side, so as to order new high-quality garlic quickly.

"Exercise!? Boss Wang, please come down. Let's go for a walk and have a chat. Now I can build a farm and supply goods in the future. Boss Wang has to help me a lot. Besides, boss Wang needs to get on the upper body frequently because of your body, I'm afraid of high blood pressure and fat. Don't sit in the car. Let's go down for a walk. "

Shanzhu said with a smile.

Shanzhu and boss Wang have been dealing with each other for two or three times. Although boss Wang is fat and likes to press the price, he is still good for Shanzhu. Surely, the two transactions are more like the God of wealth, which has solved many problems of Shanzhu.

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