This batch of garlic is about 24 tons, that is, 48000 Jin, 12 yuan per Jin, which is equivalent to 600000 yuan.

Sure enough.

This time, boss Wang, the fat boss, was even more satisfied with the payment. He handed over 300000 cash to Shanzhu and put the remaining 300000 into Shanzhu's bank card again.

Now, there are nearly two million on Shanzhu's bank card.

Among them, two bezoars were sold for 1.52 million yuan. After Shanzhu paid the salary of the cattle farm down the mountain, there were more than 200000 yuan left on the card. Now, there are 300000 yuan in the account, which makes Shanzhu's bank card have almost 2 million yuan in deposit.

"Ha ha, in less than a week, the income is nearly 2 million. Of course, those two bezoars occupy the absolute majority. This kind of opportunity can be met or not. However, according to this speed, I can earn 30 million in a year, and the goal can be achieved."

"At that time, the high-ranking Qi Wei and Qi Shao will kneel down and kowtow to me. After thinking about it, he will feel relieved and proud. Moreover, at that time, he can't force Xiaoyou to marry him any more. I'm not happy with the second generation of rich and dandy like him. Xiaoyou is so beautiful, so lovely and kind. If you want to marry me, you have to marry Shanzhu, hum, What are you, Qi Wei, Qi Shao? "

Shanzhu's heart is happy. Although the two million is not much, it can make Shanzhu really do a big job in Xiushui village.

The sika deer breeding plan of meihuayuan is ready.

Xiushui farm, can be carried out, and, has started, is about to start.

The ostrich breeding area has been prepared. It's only waiting for more than 30 breeding ostriches to arrive, and there are also 300 or 400 eggs. Shanzhu plans to hatch and breed these ostrich eggs in Shennong tower. At that time, it was 300 or 400 ostriches. They grew up much faster than outside. In this way, Shanzhu's breeding farm will grow up in a year, At least there are thousands of ostriches.

If you think about it, thousands of ostriches, if they run, how spectacular and magnificent they are. They are tens of times more spectacular than ten thousand horses galloping.

of course.

Shanzhu also plans to live in half a farmhouse Park in Xiushui village, where he lives by the mountain and river. Shanxia village in Xiushui village can no longer hold a golden rice bowl.

"Shanzhu, I just got a message. I don't know there's a big contractor coming here. He has contracted a thousand mu of land in Shanxia village and Nanzhang village, and even set up a farm to grow vegetables. He wants to work against us. I don't know where he came from, isn't he?" At this time, uncle Ba suddenly said.

Uncle Ba, I just received two short messages from Shanxia village and Nanzhang village party secretary. They told uncle Ba that there were people there, and they smashed the money down directly. They wanted to contract hundreds of acres of good land in the village, and they were all connected.

These people actually want to set up two farms at the foot of the mountain, Nanzhang.

"Ah, so fast, it must be Qi Wei and Qi Shao's hands. One acre of land is given 3000 yuan a year, and three or four million yuan a year. What a big hand. It's coming to kick the field, to fight against my mountain pillar, to influence me."

"Hahaha, it's interesting. In that case, uncle Ba, you used to participate in it. Remember, the 300 mu land near the cattle farm can't be contracted out, and the land of any villager in Xiushui village can't be contracted out. It's just that the price is too tempting."

Shanzhu can't help biting his teeth. At this time, boss Wang, the fat boss, has not left. He is resting in Shanzhu's room and drinking tea water.


It takes more than half an hour to carry more than 20 tons of garlic. He can't always supervise it. It's so hot now.

Shanzhu's office is cool with an electric fan.

"Don't worry, Shanzhu. What kind of people are Uncle Ba? Most of Xiushui village are Chen people. Your Ye family came to Xiushui village a hundred years ago. When your father and old stonecutter were there, they often took care of the village. What's more, what you do now is to bring benefits to the villagers. I'll have a meeting in the evening. We'll have a grand ceremony to sacrifice the river god tomorrow, I asked the whole village to come. If someone in the Chen family dares to take out the land, I will drive him out of the Chen family tree. Hum, the two branch secretaries of Nanzhang and Shanxia are also my sworn brothers. Over the years, the three villages have always been in the same boat. This time, they can't go against the above meaning. "

At this time, uncle Ba got several pieces of news. It turned out that this time, it was the big boss of Lianzhu real estate company in the county who came down the mountain and contracted land in several villages around Nanzhang.

Lianzhu real estate company is a completely empty shell company. It is a company demolished in the county. In Linchuan County, it is simply a overlord. No one dares to provoke it. It is a black-and-white company.

The big boss of Lianzhu real estate company is Hao erhei, the famous big gangster in Chenjiagou town. This big sunspot is also Biaozi's cousin.

"Biaozi's cousin really has a narrow road to go. But isn't this Lianzhu real estate company running demolition in the county, and secretly running dance halls and other businesses? It's strange that he came to our villages to engage in farm contracting and farming. Isn't it true that Qi Wei and Qi Shao found Hao erhei so soon? This big black boy is all over the county, No one dares to offend. "

"Now, there are seven or eight out of ten, so we can't run away. Otherwise, we can make a few money from farming, and we can't get back more than three million yuan. What's more, do these people know how to farm?"

Shanzhu is puzzled. However, his intuition has told him that this time, Hao erhei, the boss, must have something to do with Qi Wei and Qi Shao.

"In this case, I'll go down the mountain to have a look. At present, the cattle farm is our territory. I feel that they must surround the cattle farm. However, the cattle farm at the foot of the mountain also has a thousand mu of land, which belongs to the private land that was assigned to the cattle farm in the town. They can't take it away without the documents of the town, but we have to guard against the mountain pillar, Can you ask deputy county head Wang to come down to the cattle farm? As long as deputy county head Wang comes, then the village head and town head Wang dare not take out the land belonging to the cattle farm. "

Said the eighth uncle.

Uncle Ba is worthy of being the head of the old village. He thinks a lot, and Shanzhu nods. Shanzhu has to be on guard against the fierce Lianzhu real estate company.

he who has wealth speaks louder than others.


I'm afraid there's even more support from Qi Wei and Qi Shao behind it. I'm afraid that even if it's a loss of millions or 10 million, Lianzhu real estate company has to surround Shanzhu's farm.

This is really what Shanzhu thought.


Uncle Ba went to the two villages of Shanxia and Nanzhang. Shanzhu contacted Tang Xiaoyou for the first time. He must be very busy now.

"It's such a thing. Hum, Qi Wei and Qi Shao are really excellent. Even if he makes such a fuss, Shanzhu can't make 10 million yuan a year, let alone 30 million yuan. You wait half an hour. I'll ask about the situation in the county and give you a reply."

"Oh, by the way, are you short of money now? I'm afraid your 400000 yuan is not enough for two months' salary of the cattle farm at the foot of the mountain. In addition, you have to pay the villagers. It's hard to do business without money. I can entrust a friend to invest in your farm. It's no problem at all. "

At this time.

Tang Xiaoyou and Shanzhu are chatting, and they are very happy. When something happens, Shanzhu contacts Tang Xiaoyou for the first time. How can Tang Xiaoyou not be excited.

Moreover, this time, the cause of the matter has a great relationship with Tang Xiaoyou. If it wasn't for Tang Xiaoyou, how could Shanzhu and Qi Wei and Qi Shao fight each other.

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