Super Lord of the Rings

Chapter 288: [Back to New York, the new scandal]

After spending five days on Long Island, Theron had to fly back to Los Angeles to audition "Never Give In".

No matter how big a star is, auditions are inevitable, even if it is a vase. The more stringent the audition of the role of the acting test.

Theron is very optimistic about this movie and is bound to get a role. Wang Jun found her unattractive after listening to the script.

The Oscar-reviewed movies are not necessarily movies that can be seen by the public. To put it bluntly, Oscar is a manifestation of the will to power. It does not welcome the blooming of flowers at all, and only likes certain types of movies.

First look at the filming techniques of the movie. As long as the storytelling is done well, it will be judged by the judges.

The second is the topicality of the film. The success of a movie basically depends entirely on how much social impact it can cause. For example, "The Brokeback Mountain" that Li An is about to shoot, has already attracted attention before shooting. Oscar must like it.

The second is to stand. The film "Broken Mountain" may cause a fight between **** and anti-gay alliances, so it is not easy to win.

"Never Concession" talks about female miners. The topic and the position of women's rights are all there. Oscar must like it. It's just that Theron is hard to win the award, because she won the award again and the defending was successful.

Wang Jun has not been open to the public, and was questioned by the paparazzi, Wang Jun felt sorry for him.

Before leaving, he couldn't help but ask: "I have been concealing Abby's relationship with me. When I was seen by reporters, I always concealed it. Charlie, am I bad?"

"If the reporter knows, it is that all Americans think you are bad, are you going to do this?"

Wang Jun shook his head, he didn't want to be blown out by the media.

Theron sighed softly. "You are a player, I am an actor, and the work is very busy. Unless you play in Los Angeles, we will not have too much time together. There are too many examples of actors who have no time to maintain feelings and break up."

Not just Hollywood. The breakup rate of couples in the entertainment circle in each country is very high, and the breakup rate of NBA players in love is higher than that in the entertainment circle.

Wang Jun sighed: "It's difficult for me to move to Los Angeles. I will be a restricted free agent after the next season. I can't help where I go."

"I know, so we might as well live a little easier. Meet when you have time. Usually busy with each other."

"Is this okay? If you have any dissatisfaction, you must tell me, you know I have low EQ, maybe you can't see it." Wang Jun smiled bitterly.

Other women may be dissatisfied. Theron only expects the taste of being in love and does not seek to stay together all day. She does not even desire marriage, and fears marriage. Are stimulated by their parents.

And she is still Leo. The woman's aura of this constellation is too full to get married.

Theron smiled and said: "I have a request for you. You and Abby met earlier. I will not break up with you, but you have to promise not to provoke other women."

"I promise not to provoke anyone."

"Other people can't agree to chase you back, can it be done? I think even children like you, when fishing, A Jiali has been swaying by your side. You have to sit next to you for dinner."

Wang Jun scratched his head. "Don't praise me like that, I am a thin-skinned person. I'm so embarrassed. Although my teammates also think I'm very lovable, there are many fans, but I will be like a jade..."

"Who praised you?" Theron kicked him slightly. "If you want to be thin-skinned, there will be no cheeky people in this world."

Theron returned to Los Angeles, and Wang Jun and Le Ying returned to New York.

There were still gossips of the two in the news, only because of the Rana Dave's family.

Abby made a few calls and did not go viral.

Her request is similar to that of Theron, because she had endured her earlier, and Wang Jun was not allowed to make other friends of the opposite sex.

In early August, Wang Ting's cousin Song Ting arrived in New York. Wang Jun drove to the airport, and when he met, Song Ting screamed like a star chase, attracting many people to watch.

Someone recognized Wang Jun and approached him for an autograph.

When leaving the airport, the Wang family discovered that the paparazzi were taking pictures. When Theron returned to Los Angeles, there were still reporters following him. He wanted to find evidence of his relationship with Theron. Unexpectedly, he picked up another beauty at the airport.

The genes of the Wang family are very good, and Song Ting is also very beautiful. Dan Fengyan looks a bit demon. I haven’t seen it for two years. As I grow older, I have a unique charm.

She led Wang Jun to go outside the airport, without any restraint, and was reluctant to lean on him when she was in China.

"Brother Jun, you are more handsome than the cosmetic Korean stars. They also said that the photos are PS. I don't believe it. Sure enough, people are more handsome than the photos."

"is it?"

"The photo seems to have too wide shoulders, and real people are much better." Song Ting smiled.

Wang Jun asked: "Are you too tight? We are not couples, which will make people misunderstand."

"Just to make people misunderstand. I saw someone taking pictures just now. Will they write about your empathy or something? Then I will become famous. Anyway, you can explain it." Song Ting whispered.

Wang Jun sweated keenly, it turned out she was fighting this idea.

Song Ting was not surprised to see the armored car like a wild horse.

When Wang Jun asked, he realized that this model was on fire in China. Basketball fans knew he had two particularly domineering cars. Many people want to buy but can't buy it, not in China.

At home, Wang Jun took Song Ting to see the room. Abby used to live in it. Now she lives with Wang Jun.

Like Le Ying when she first arrived in New York, Song Ting thought everything was fresh. The luxurious apartment exclaimed her that the environment was so good.

The next day, the news came out of Wang Jun's scandal, saying that the new beauty and Wang Jun went home together. Wang Jun didn't rush out to explain. Song Ting wanted to be famous and let her expose for a few more days.

Wang Jun grabbed the limelight of the Chinese national team without playing. Fans discussed him more than Yao Ming, and the popularity of other CBA stars was far from him.

Yao Ming is usually too low-key, there is no lace news, and there is nothing to say for the family to open the restaurant, the topic is far worse than Wang Jun.

Wang Junjin has no shortage of topics in the league. In addition to several court conflicts and the retired Malone, his off-court life has also attracted the attention of gossip media.

Someone had previously pointed out that he and the "big dog" Robinson were complaining when they were watching striptease in the nightclub.

The ESPN **** female reporter who often appears is her gossip girlfriend.

After the film, Theron and his scandal never stopped.

Her team reporter is also a beautiful woman. Many people on the Internet speculate that Xu Xuejiao is Wang Jun’s girlfriend because some people photographed them eating supper several times and attended the championship party together.

Now he has a new scandal, and the online comment area has been detonated.

"Wang Jun really praises me, and who will dare to say that Chinese men are not attractive?"

"This guy is domineering. UU reading knows that the car he drives away, if he wants to be stronger than his car, he can only drive a tank to the street. Strong, rich, have a house, have a luxury car, it is too easy to attract the opposite sex. Now."

"There is capital to attract beauties. The money earned in a year is worth a lot of domestic players all their lives."

"I don't understand why the national team doesn't want him, how could he not be as good as domestic and foreign?"

In fact, Chinese men are not unattractive, but most are too subtle and not active enough, and it is difficult for different ethnic groups to open themselves.

In any case, Wang Jun reversed the usual impression of Chinese athletes.

Wang Jun read some news and listened to Hughes' feedback, and was not in a hurry to return to his country.

Things are rare, even if he does not return to China to do activities, as long as he plays well, he can still attract fans.

Skill is the most important! (To be continued~^~)

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