Super Lord of the Rings

Chapter 295: 【Get out of the way】

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The Knicks attacked, Marbury took the ball to the frontcourt, and suddenly faced the only Vaughn who made a three-pointer, the ball flew into the rim. 2 to 3.

When the Nets attacked, Wang Jun went to Marbury's side to ask for a ball, and the three-point line was outside the ball frame. He saw Marbury lowered his center of gravity and displayed a defense against breakout. In the middle of the road, he immediately pulled a three-pointer.

The easiest way to play, take advantage of height.

Marbury registered her height, but when she took a photo with a singer, she was obviously shorter. Considering that he must wear shoes when taking a photo, the actual height will be around.

The outside line of the US team was beaten several times during the Olympics, both related to the heights of Marbury and Iverson. No matter who is the guest shooting guard is a tragedy.

Wang Jun quickly shot and added a small back to avoid the cover, the ball drawn a beautiful arc, hollow into the net. 5 to 3.

The Knicks passed several passes outside, unable to tear through the Nets defense, Crawford missed a jumper, Collins grabbed a rebound, the Nets counterattacked, Wang Jun received the ball without waiting for his teammates, the right singled Kot Thomas to grab a three-pointer Biased.

The Knicks attacked, Marbury stopped the jumper after the pick and roll, and the Nets battled. Wang Jun took the ball to Crawford and turned to not shoot.

Wang Jun made four consecutive shots at the opening, playing very fast.

Marbury was infected and began to go it alone, singled out Vaughan to break into basketball, 5 to 5.

The Nets attacked, Wang Jun asked for the ball on the Marbury side, and Vaughan continued to pass the ball.

Jefferson still has the feeling of looking for team basketball like last season. Kidd is not there. There is no good organizer. Is the team up? He thought it was good, but unfortunately it was out of date and did not grab the ball. The result is reduced to a dragon.

After fishing realized the concept of playing fast and thinking less, Wang Jun didn't care about the team. Perhaps his "epiphany" was more appropriate when he called it "getting out of the way".

this time. He took a step towards Marbury, leaned back and then turned around and jumped. With a small height and a low back, Marbury missed the goal and scored. 7 to 5.

The Knicks attacked and Crawford singled Wang Jun for the ball and returned one. 7 to 7.

Last summer, they had practiced together at Rock Park, and Crawford was very confident of Wang Jun.

Although his fame is not great, his ball control skills are surprisingly good. A series of crotch dribbling behind the dribble completely stunned Wang Jun, and it was no use staring at the footsteps.

Wang Jun went to the frontcourt and immediately asked for the ball to play Crawford.

Vaughan just joined the Nets. Before the game, the coach said that Wang Jun was the main attacker. Jefferson was the second offensive point. He gave Wang Jun a time and time.

Crawford didn't come close. Wang Jun took the ball frame and made a three-threat pose. In fact, it was a two-threat. He didn't even consider passing.

He shook the ball with both hands and took a step towards the middle. Costic blocked Crawford. Muhammad switched.

Wang Jun observes the distance, then withdraws from the three-point line and makes a jump shot. Reluctantly avoided the cover and cast a three-stick...

Muhammad is faster than Wang Jun imagined. He is an excellent blue-collar. Don't look at the bad NBA data. He was a star in college. He and Magloire helped Kentucky win two championships in three years.

The ball was picked up by Collins, Wang Jun immediately re-positioned, and got rid of Muhammad by Kostic cover to the bottom corner, Crawford rushed for a fast break. Wang Jun was completely missed.

Collins had no chance to shoot under the defense of Cote Thomas and scored the ball to the corner. Wang Jun was fully prepared for his seventh shot and went into the net. 10 to 7.

Wang Jun let go of wild investment. Unfortunately, this preseason game is not broadcast live, Chinese fans can only wait to watch the video.

Marbury also chose to attack himself after halftime.

The failure of the Olympics, unlike the point guard, is often said that Marbury is a cancerous tumor. He was not convinced today to watch this part of Wang Jun playing.

Just kidding, this kid never passes!

He took the ball and threw it. How can I be so alone?

Why give me the nickname "Lone Wolf", is this guy the lone wolf?

At the same time, Marbury also split his mind and wanted to teach the second-year rookie. He swapped with Crawford and chose to attack from Wang Jun's side.

Wang Jun took a step and a half away and lowered his center of gravity.

It is more important to prevent a small one, and to prevent a breakthrough. As long as Marbury takes the shot, stepping forward to interfere with him can do it.

Marbury drew the ball under two crotch shots, and shook out the space. Wang Jun flew to the rim without jumping before entering the basket. 10 to 10.

Wang Jun asked for the ball again in the half and singled Marbury in the middle.

He took the ball frame and took a quick stop jumper. Marbury didn't cover it and went in. 12 to 10.

Marbury took to the frontcourt and singled out Wang Jun. The crotch dribble changed to a breakthrough. Wang Jun was passed and Collins made a defense. Marbury's best choice at this time was to pass the ball, but he lowered the center of gravity and pulled the ball. , Jump through the gap between people, and force a layup.

Costic also let go of the defender's interference, and Marbury missed a layup in a three-man rotation.

Wang Jun received a pass from Jefferson under the fast break. Seeing Kurt Thomas retreated, he took a three-pointer from the three-point line.

Thomas blocked the cover late, but the shot was too far from the basket and the ball came out of the frame.

The Nets were able to play fast breaks last season and slow down to fall into position. This season the rhythm is obviously faster. The fast breaks throw the ball and throws. The position also throws a pick-and-roll. The Nets did not attack for more than 10 seconds.

On the sidelines, Lawrence and Larry Drew were dumbfounded.

Kidd predicts that Wang Jun will increase his shots as long as no one is pressing, but they did not expect that they will get to this point. The opening is entirely by themselves, with 9 consecutive shots in four minutes.

How many times must he vote for this ratio in a single quarter? How many times must the pitch be cast? 40 times is probably less?

In the next round, the Nets finally got a second shot. Jefferson broke through the layup in the middle and missed under the interference.

The Knicks changed to man-to-man and arranged a team for Wang Jun before he was forced to start passing.

Three minutes later, Wang Jun counterattacked a shot from a steal and made another CIC.

Only half a minute later, he broke the inside foul and made two free throws.

He didn't play the entire quarter, he was replaced, 6 of 14 shots, 2 of 6 3-pointers, 2 of 2 free throws, and scored 16 points and 3 rebounds.

Jefferson took over the offensive task, UU reading played a full quarter, 8 points into the account.

Except for the two of them, only the Nets scored two points each, Kostic and Collins, leading 28 to 27.

In the second quarter, Wang Jun and Jefferson sat on the bench together.

There is no need to guarantee a record in the preseason. Lawrence will take advantage of this opportunity to practice tactics and investigate new people so that they can integrate into the team more quickly.

The coaching staff was disappointed. The second team composed of Best, Billy Thomas, Korver, Eric Williams and Jabari Smith was beaten by the Knicks.

Last season, the Nets won the championship by defense and three-pointers, but now they can't break the opponent's defense because they can't shoot three-pointers. This is not Thorne’s fault. There are too few players in the free market who can make three-pointers.

Lawrence wanted to criticize Wang Jun for being too independent. Seeing that he couldn't attack offense after he went off the court, he swallowed the words back into his stomach.

He can't do it either, other people's offense is too bad. (To be continued.)

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