Super Lord of the Rings

Chapter 639: 【Contradiction and reincarnation】

[Latest News] Tomorrow is 515, the starting anniversary, the day with the most benefits. In addition to gift bags and schoolbags, this time the 515 red envelopes must be turned, and there must be a reason why the red envelopes are not robbed.

So far, Oden and Wang Jun have a very good relationship.

Wang Jun often pointed Oden's footsteps, the two singled out, his skills let Oden admire.

After training for a period of time, Oden also found that he was still some distance away from the superstar. There were too many things to learn, and the short playing time was acceptable. He has no advantage against Chandler, not to mention the league's top center?

Oden is willing to pull out the pick and roll, and then cut, and do these things first according to the coach's arrangement. He didn't want to compete for the ball. Old Conley went to the management and did not ask his opinion.

Old Conley put forward some of his own ideas, arguing that training Oden and the Bulls won no conflict, as long as Wang Jun scored a little ball right, as long as Oden shot five more times, the score may rise to 15 points.

"I will talk to Skiles, Greg is just a newcomer, he needs time to adapt, I am optimistic about him, the coach will not deliberately abolish him, you have to be a little patient, he will be better in the future." Parkson did not A clear answer must increase Oden's playing time, relieved a few words, and sent away old Conley.

Being a manager is not easy.

The current situation is very difficult for Parkson. The Bulls have the highest number of seats in the league and the advertising revenue is very high, which has attracted the attention of Chinese fans. Wang Jun made a lot of money for his boss, and the Bulls also need Wang Jun to win the scoring title again. This style of play most appeals to fans.

Rookie Oden and Wang Jun are not at the same level. Big men do not sell sneakers. If they are allowed to do both internal and external dual-core now, the Nike people may not agree.

However, Parkson still had to call to discuss with Skyles and proposed to increase Oden's playing time.

Now play 21 minutes. Oden has only 5.6 shots. If the time is increased to 30 minutes, he won 10 shots and does not occupy much of the ball. The data will be more beautiful.

As a result, Skiles refused without hesitation, the tone was very polite. "John. If I can, I would suggest trading Oden to another team for two lower rookies who can shoot and fit the team system. I can't agree to move the offensive focus to the inside."

"Why don't you look down on Oden?" Parkson aired.

"Because he and Chandler belong to the same category, I have been coaching Chandler for many years."

Chandler participated in the draft that year, also known as the once-in-a-year physical fitness, super spring man, running kinetic energy is comparable to a player one foot shorter than him. Experts say that Chandler can dominate the inside line after practicing CIC, but he has not practiced for so many years.

Skiles was therefore not optimistic about Oden, his wrists looked stiff.

Parkson said loudly on the phone: "It's impossible to trade! It's luck that we can choose Oden. It is a luck to give someone with the potential of a superstar to other teams. Even if I agree to do so, do you think the boss allows it?"

"Then he can only be a blue collar, because David Lee can evacuate the inside better than him. We need to be able to prevent the pick-and-roll position 4 and maintain mobility, which is the key to our victory."

"How do you know that by increasing his possession, the team won't get better?" Parkson didn't have a good air.

"Of course I know, otherwise how do the Bulls win the two championships? John. You have your job, I have mine. The Bulls win the game with small ball tactics. This is our foundation and cannot be changed. When a trade is needed, I Will discuss with you."

Both were speaking louder and louder, and they were about to quarrel, and Parkson hung up the phone angrily.

Three consecutive summers. The Bulls' transactions were all very successful. Parkson is a recognized super manager. The media said that the Bulls have contributed greatly to his rise. These evaluations have made him feel confident.

But within the team, Skiles often does not give him face. Employment is always stubborn.

Skiles is only one step away from the Dynasty coach. His contract will expire after the end of the season. The Bulls have not renewed his contract in advance, which has made him feel dissatisfied.

In the summer, Skiles and Parkson also had some differences in terms of transactions and recruitment.

Parkson wants to reserve some salary space, dig out the outstanding and veteran veterans in the season like last season, and renew David Lee, Calderon, Duhon, Barnes and others next season. To maintain the integrity of the lineup.

These people are not old, and Parkson has a long-term vision. He wants to ensure the competitiveness of the team like the Spurs, rather than signing a large number of unchecked contracts. If he is addicted, he will die.

That way of trading may die without enjoyment, just like the Knicks.

And Skiles hopes to sign strong people in the free market in the summer to ensure that the lineup is crushed and that they will win the third championship.

He believes that summer is a good opportunity to grab Billups. Although Billups eventually stayed in the Pistons, as long as the Bulls contact Billups in advance, they will also open a five-year 60 million contract, plus the championship attraction. , May not be successful in digging corners.

In this way, even if Luo Erdeng and Xin Ritchie left, the Bulls' defensive system has no obvious loopholes, the offense is still super strong, and the defense is ten in a row.

Parkson didn't want to do this. In exchange for Calderon, because of the millions of luxury taxes, there was a defensive loophole in position 1, which made Skyles very unhappy.

To this end, Skiles also talked with boss Rainsdorf separately, hoping that he can get more rights in management, such as the right to sign.

This is very important for coaches. Many people are unable to talk to the manager because of insufficient rights, so they have problems at work.

For example, the first time the "Zen Master" left the Lakers was the internal struggle of the management, fighting for the right to speak.

Larry Brown didn't do much in either the Pistons or the Knicks. It was also because the manager firmly held some rights in his own hands that made Brown feel uncomfortable.

Different tactical systems require different players. If the manager trades a group of unsuitable people and throws them to the coach to teach, that is really not good.

This is the reason why the Sun gave D'Antoni the most privileges. Running and running requires someone who can run. If the manager finds a slow power center, D'Antoni's running and running system will immediately disintegrate, and Nash and Stardamer will also change. There will be no ending.

Skiles believes that Oden's playing time will destroy the system. There is a certain reason that the position will be empty when pulled out.

Although Parkson was a player when he was young, he had never been a coach, and he didn't see enough. He prefers to analyze the players' physical fitness and analyze their previous data to make decisions.

The data can't analyze everything. UU reading is sometimes even inaccurate. Otherwise, the league managers are all people like Rocket Morey. How can the selection of players be the same as doing math problems?

Parkson felt some bad signs. Skiles was not as respectful of him as when he first arrived at the bull.

Not only do players crowd out players, sometimes coaches crowd out managers, or managers drive coaches away and find others to replace them.

In addition, the Bulls have won two championships, and assistant coaches have begun to enter the horizons of other teams. At the end of the season at the latest, even if the head coach does not leave, several assistant coaches may be poached by high salaries.

Few teams can win three consecutive championships, and the rise and rebuilding is an irregular reincarnation. Many people can share troubles, but they can't share wealth together, and every field is no exception.

Wang Jun never cared about these, but was closely related to his interests.


ps.5.15 The red envelope rains! Starting at 12 noon, grab a round every hour, a big wave of 515 red envelopes depends on luck. You guys all go to grab, and the starting currency you grab continue to subscribe to my chapter! (To be continued.)

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