Super Lord of the Rings

Chapter 706: 【Big Times】

Because of different skin colors and different styles of play, no one said that Wang Jun was the successor of Jordan, but he took a similar path to Jordan, and announced his retirement at the peak.

David Stern looked at the needle felt after seeing the conference in the office, and the **** seemed to stand upright towards him.

At NBA, Stern has always been the sky. How can he not be surprised if a fierce man comes out every day? How not to be angry?

Adam Xiao Hua was even more embarrassed. The president asked him to ask Ryan Hughes to discuss the press conference. He didn't pay much attention. His inertial thinking made him think that this is a few words. The player will definitely apologize instead of talking to all People are doing it.

Now Wang Jun has taught everyone a lesson.

Never underestimate lunatics, because they have different world views from normal people.

Several people in the office were silent for a while and didn't speak.

This is the end of the matter and it is irreversible. NBA will encounter the biggest confidence crisis in history, which is much more serious than when Jordan first retired.

Fans have heard about various reasons for Jordan's first retirement, what happened to his father's death, dreams, gambling, etc.

Only a few officials in the league know that there are two reasons for Jordan’s true retirement. One is the development needs of the NBA Alliance itself, and the other is the very serious "racial discrimination" between black and white people at the time.

In the early 1990s, the problem of racial discrimination in the United States was very serious, and blacks and whites were irreconcilable. Even street basketball is the same. Whites only play basketball with whites and blacks only play with blacks. Both sides will have **** clashes in order to compete for the venue. This is reflected in many American movies.

The nba league itself is sluggish. It is only the fourth sport in the United States. The main reason is "racism." The nba league is mainly composed of black people. The strongest star is black people, so a large part of white people do not buy it, but white people have more money than black people. .

It is for the consideration of the above two aspects that the NBA League, the relevant US departments and Jordan have reached a tripartite agreement: Jordan joined the Bulls’ professional baseball league and left basketball without leaving the media’s sight. This is the The real reason for Jordan's retirement.

If Jordan can rule the baseball field, basketball fans will certainly not see him come back, it will be a good story.

Wang Jun retired and didn't say hello to the league, nor to the management of the Bulls. He put on the posture of "I have the final say" and stopped whimping with the Yankees on a whim.

This is called chaotic punching and killing the master, and the entire interest group is collectively forced. If Wang Jun is black or white, he is Chinese.

This is not racial discrimination within the United States. It has risen to an international incident. nba’s discrimination against foreign players has been uncovered. Old-fashioned Stern does not have any coping methods.

Bull fans are not happy anymore. This incident alarmed the Chicago Chinese Association and carried out a demonstration. For three consecutive days, the entire Chicago seemed to be condemning the Bulls management.

Bulls boss Rainsdorf brought his manager, Parkson, and scolded.

"How do you act as a manager? Wang Jun is in a bad mood. You haven't noticed such a big complaint to the management? What now?"

Parkson can only suffer, there is no way. His recent communication with Wang Jun was unpleasant. Wang Jun made it clear that life is more important than work, and he also lost his temper.

As soon as Wang Jun announced his retirement, those who complained about his bad fight stopped. This shows his determination that he really loves his sister, and his family values ​​everything.

If you don’t make tens of millions of dollars and don’t frown, what can fans say about such a sentimental person? Much prettier than a cold-blooded boss who only has a monetary interest

China reacted more strongly. A group of angry fans surrounded the headquarters of the basketball association. At this time, if Director Zhang dared to show his head, he would be killed alive, and some people would pee on his body.

Some fans played the banner of "Dissolution Basketball Association" and waved their flags. Things got on the China Central Radio News Network, domestic news headlines, not just sports news.

In three days, even the chairman was shocked, and the people of Director Zhang's department were swept to the end.

Director Zhang didn’t even have the opportunity to be an ordinary person. The Discipline Inspection Commission conducted a thorough investigation, and his **** was really clean at his level, and the accident occurred as soon as he was investigated. In the past, all the history was turned out, and he went directly to the prison to squat. Too.

It doesn't matter if he beheads, as long as the truth is true, he kills Director Zhang, and later people.

Players who can play nba are hard to find, and there are too many people who can lead the basketball association. Anyway, it's all ball blind, who is different.

Wang Jun is the only Chinese who can establish a dynasty in the three consecutive championships of the NBA. As a unique star, online fans think that the basketball association’s punishment is light. Putting the ancients directly would have to punish the Nine Clan. water. That’s right, Qin Hui’s treatment...

For several days, Wang Jun made headlines, and the effects of retirement are fermenting.

The overall ratings of nba have plunged by 34%, and there is still a tendency to continue to fall. It is likely to reach 40% in the playoffs. Chinese fans are angry. Many people say that Wang Jun will not watch nba unless he returns.

NBA was hit hard. During the live broadcast of the bull game, the commentator McBrin sighed: "The peak period of NBA has passed, and he suddenly fell into **** from heaven."

"Magic" Johnson commented: "When the Donathi gambling incident broke out, it should attract the attention of the league and strictly regulate the referee's behavior, rather than let them act arbitrarily. This disaster could have been avoided."

Advertisers have terminated their contracts, especially many Chinese merchants have stopped cooperating, and the media interests have been damaged.

The basketball world is not the only one affected. Some superstitious Americans suspect that Wang Jun is a god, and the entire United States is unlucky.

In August 2008, the stock prices of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the two giants of US housing loans, plunged, and financial institutions holding "two room" bonds suffered large losses. The US Treasury and the Fed were forced to take over the "two rooms" to solve the problem.

Unfortunately, some mild protection policies did not work. In December, the United States had a full-blown financial crisis and began to trigger a world economic crisis.

By the end of the month, UU reading has dragged several major economies in the world.

Wang Jun retired and the global stock market plummeted. These things all came together. He was disappointed on the court and was proud on Wall Street. The stock had long been emptied with Xia Baowen, and he was lucky enough to escape the stock market disaster.

Now he can hold his chest like Ding Crab and say, "Good people do not bully the sky". "All are dead, so I am not dead."

Wang Jun is not without allies. Nike sent people to negotiate with him, and proposed a long contract unchanged. Wang Jun had no endorsement fees and no advertisements during the rest period. It was requested by the alliance, and he could continue to cooperate in the future comeback.

Nike stood firm on Wang Jun's side. The CEO had seen the big waves and was good at judgment. When Jordan retired for the first time in the case of Kobe Bryant, they all stood right. Although Wang Jun's trouble is even bigger, Nike also believes he will come back.

On this day, Wang Jun received a call from Hughes and an important person wanted to meet him.

Wang Jun immediately rushed to Salt Lake City, Utah. Instead of visiting the Jeff Hornacek family, he went to prison...

ps(To be continued.)

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