Super Lord of the Rings

Chapter 819: [Emphasis on interests, don't talk about emotions]

Winning the slam dunk contest champion, Wang Jun's popularity increased again, and the star race was also heated. *W.suimeng.lā

In the west, Wang Jun, Griffin and James were assembled. Westbrook also bounced well. The game will be very exciting.

The problem in the East is just like in the West. It doesn't shoot, there are no three points. Ross and Wade got together again. They were 1+1 and less than 2 as in the Heat. Anthony could only be a pitcher on the outside.

Skiles is a coach who admires three-pointers. He doesn't know how to play this lineup.

Western Wang Jun and Durant are responsible for shooting three-pointers in the periphery and do not hold the ball. Kobe is the core. James and Yi Jianlian are responsible for controlling the rebounds and launching a fast break.

Yi Jianlian played as much as he played in the Kings, and he played as he did in the Stars.

The opening of the Western Conference suppressed the Eastern Conference. In the first quarter, Wang Jun quickly dunked a "turn to the moon" and took a one-handed dunk in the air and made a three-pointer. James also had a slam dunk, grabbed four rebounds and sent three assists. Kobe performed best, scoring 10 points.

After a short break, Wang Jun and James still played the same way, ensuring efficiency, not seeking high scores, but only stability. The main points of attack were Kobe and Durant.

Unlucky Griffin didn't get a few passes.

Although this is his home, he is just a rookie, not familiar with other stars, no one has to give him face.

The score quickly widened to more than 30 points, and Wang Jun and James took a half-break during the last quarter.

James made 8 of 14 shots, 1 of 3 three-pointers, and 2 of 2 free throws. He had a triple-double of 19 points, 10 rebounds and 11 assists. The goal was achieved before the game.

Wang Jun made 8 of 10 shots, 2 of 4 three-pointers, 3 of 3 free throws, 21 points, 4 rebounds and 5 assists. He has the highest shooting percentage and has four dunks.

The best Western Conference data is Kobe Bryant, 14 of 26 shots, 2 of 7 three-pointers, 7 of 8 free throws, 37 points, 7 rebounds, 3 assists and 3 steals.

Durant had 24 points, 3 rebounds and 2 assists.

Apart from Yi Jianlian's lack of performance in the Western Conference, the Eastern Conference where the four stars joined forces failed. Yi Jianlian scored two points on 1 of 2 shots and played 7 minutes. At other times, he sat on the bench as an audience.

On the bench, Gasol scored 17 points and 7 rebounds, Westbrook 12 points, a total of 6 people scored in double figures.

Seven people in the East scored in double figures. Only Stardamer scored 29 points and 7 rebounds. No one else had 20+. The three Celtics played soy sauce completely.

155 to 128, the Western troops won easily.

This time, the overall Star Game was very successful. Although the score was still one-sided, there were a lot of wonderful dunks. Kobe also kept MVP at his door as expected.

After four days of activity, everyone was tired. The Kings could not return to Sacramento, but immediately flew away to challenge the Miami Heat on the 22nd.

On the plane, Wang Jun and Yi Jianlian sat together and talked about the star game.

"I'm not satisfied with your performance in this star game. Do you know why the coach made you play less than one quarter? Because you don't know how to fight for opportunities on the court."

Yi Jianlian smiled bitterly: "I will not perform in the star game."

"Unfortunately, you need performance most. Most of these people have proved themselves, and you haven't. You missed this opportunity. How did the team management see ambition from you?" Wang Jun sighed.

He is not much older than Yi Jianlian and has ambitious ambitions, so he dares to take responsibility. He can be selfless when his teammates walk, and his teammates are in a bad state.

Wang Jun went on to say: "You are completely free at the end of the season, do you think about it? Is it enough to go out and do the core, or is it enough to be a king in the king?"

"Thought, I hope to get a 10 million annual salary." Yi Jianlian smiled.

"It's good to have a goal, and then play hard. Even if you can't improve, you must stabilize the current data. In any case, you have to be ambitious and try to become stronger."

"thank you, I know now."

Inspire the ambitions of teammates, the average person will not do so, accidentally may threaten the core position. But Wang Jun is not afraid. For him, as long as he is strong enough, even if others are strong, he can only look up at his feet.

This is why he dared to partner with James. Anyway, his personal ability is not weaker than James.

He hates only one kind of person, that is, a person who has no strength and needs to be the boss, and a person who has low efficiency and has the power to shoot. He will never be a partner of that kind, and no one can save a cancer.

Wang Jun and Yi Jianlian chatted and encouraged him often, which was good for him.

Not only the NBA, other companies often do employee mobilization meetings. Talk about ideals, talk about life, talk about struggle, plus promotion and salary to marry Bai Fumei, and so on, nagging for two hours, driving people's emotions.

The next day, the regular season continued, the King's four main forces went to the star weekend, only Peja rest, little effect.

The Kings lost to the Heat 105 to 120, losing in the fifth game.

The Heat role players played better, Korver made 4 three-pointers, Bogut 18 points, 15 rebounds, 3 assists and 5 blocks, playing star data.

Bogut is not a simple blue-collar, he has a strong ability to attack in the low post, with tonnage and footwork.

On the defensive end, Bogut and Bosh are better together, with one anti-basket and one anti-screen. With the replacement Haslem also good at pick-and-roll protection, "Birdman" Chris Anderson is good at blocking, and the King's offense is uncomfortable.

There are still some teams that can pose a threat to the Kings. The Heat are one of them. They have a good chance of breaking through the Eastern Conference playoffs.

As the mid-term deal closes, there are several big deals. The Rockets send Sean Battier and Ismail Smith to the Timberwolves to get Hashim Tabbit, Demar Carroll and a second-round draft. right.

Morey is a pure businessman who values ​​his interests rather than his emotions.

Battier's departure has made the Rockets, who have been poorly defended this season, even more stretched. Morey explained that he was afraid that Battier would lose him after becoming a free agent and did not want to take the risk of gaining nothing. In fact, he was unwilling to renew the captain of the team with a high salary, knowing that he would definitely not stay.

With the same basic salary, as long as Battier is not stupid, he will want to join a team that can compete for the championship.

Brooks is also a contract year, Morey does not want to renew the contract, using him to replace the Sun backup point guard Dragic.

The Bobcats core Gerald Wallace was sent to the Blazers, with Joel Przebilla, Dante Cunningham, Shawn Marx and two first-round draft picks. UU reading

The original analysis of the possibility of leaving the Jazz star Deron Williams left the team.

After bargaining with the Jazz, the Nets eventually gave up the deal, leaving the chips to wait for the labor agreement before taking action.

They can make the playoffs this season. The trade is to go further in the playoffs. After a playoff, the value of many young players will increase, and the management does not think Randolph is weak. Renew the contract with him.

Randolph is an offensive killer, it is a pity to let it go, he has proved himself. Instead, the Nets prepared to send Beasley, and the Jazz did not want to.

Deron had just forced coach Sloan away, and the Nets didn't want to get a thorn.

The media predicts that the NBA is likely to be shut down in the summer, and there is no harm in making a decision later. The Russian tycoon did not make a fool this time.

The important competitors have not obviously strengthened, and the Kings have not conducted mid-term transactions. The situation this season is still in their favor.


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