Super Lord of the Rings

Chapter 839: 【Infernal Affairs】

The ups and downs of life are too fast, it is too exciting.

This is what Isaiah Thomas thought.

He wanted to wait to enter the NBA after his senior year, but due to injury to his teammates, he may not be able to enter the NCAA tournament next season, and he was forced to run one year in advance.

He did well in rookie training camp, and several teams tried him. Officials predict that he will be selected in the first few rounds. The brutal reality has poured cold water on his head. He did not expect to wait so long for his name to be pronounced by Stern.

When he was desperate, he heard his name and was still selected by the king.

After stunned for two seconds, after confirming that he was correct, he jumped up from the sofa excitedly, which was like a jackpot!

As long as there is a chance to show, he is confident to stay with the king. Even as a marginalist, it is possible to win the championship next season, is there anything more wonderful than playing next to two big stars? He believes that he can learn a lot.

Moore's thinking is the same, we must find ways to stay. He is 193 cm tall, weighs 92 kg, and has dual energy guards. His physical fitness and organizational ability are average. His advantage is that he can shoot.

It's very difficult for Moore to stay. There are Wang Jun and Lei Allen in the 2nd position. How can I use other substitutes? He will have no chance unless the transition is played mainly at the point guard or the star is injured.

There are not many real-time trades on draft day, the league is going to shut down, many teams are watching, and there are three relatively large trades.

The Blazers sent veteran Andre Miller to the Nuggets and got Raymond Felton.

The Spurs sent point guard George Hill to the Pacers 14th pick rookie swingman Cowie Leonard.

The Mavericks sent the 26th rookie Jordan Hamilton, who had just been selected, to the Thunder in exchange for Rudy Fernandez.

Just after the draft ended, Wang Jun received a call from former Lakers player Derek Fisher, hoping he could participate in labor negotiations together.

Fisher has a calm face and a rational bargaining voice. He speaks naturally like a coach, a spokesperson, so he became chairman of the player union.

"Wang, if you participate in the negotiations and express some opinions, maybe the agreement can be settled more quickly and it is convenient for you to meet?"

"No." Wang Jun refused, and he had no interest in it.


"I'm going to make a movie. I don't understand this. It's better not to participate."

"This is a big issue for all players. If the game is shut down and the game is reduced, you will also be affected. Don't you care?"

"I'll stop doing something else when the lock is closed. When the game starts, I happen to be busy too." Wang Jun smiled and said: "If I don't play, I will mix with Hollywood in the future."

"..." Fisher was speechless directly.

I wipe, do you mean it doesn’t matter if the NBA is gone?

Some of the thoughts he had previously persuaded Wang Jun would not be used anymore, and the conspiracies and tricks were also aborted.

Wang Jun’s idea is too simple. If he doesn’t understand, he will not participate.

His contract is all talked about by agent Ryan Hughes, let him be a representative talking about other players talking about salary? It's not reliable to think about it.

People who don’t understand can make a mess of speeches, such as Ewing, the chairman of the union.

In the summer of 1998, Ewing publicly pushed labor into a disadvantaged position.

At that time, Stern said: "The salary of NBA players is much higher than that of ordinary people and should not be demanded more."

Ewing could answer in countless ways, but ended up saying the most mindless words. "Yes, we earn a lot, but we spend a lot."

This sentence led the American audience to have no sympathy with the players, thinking that it was nothing more than "a game between the multi-millionaires and the billionaires." In the end, the two sides stalemate. In February 1999, Labor bowed to sign the agreement, and each team played only 50 games.

Wang Jun took part in it, he would be counted if he was not careful, and he was blamed, and the people who counted him were the president and Fisher.

The NBA's labor negotiations started as early as two years ago.

On August 5, 2009, the NBA and the Players Union conducted the first negotiations on the new labor agreement in advance. The negotiations lasted a total of three and a half hours.

In January 2010, Stern tried to push both sides to accept the "hard salary cap" clause after the resumption of negotiations. The alliance said the move was to save salary.

The hard salary cap refers to the maximum salary a team can use. No one can sign in this range.

The salary cap means that the team has to pay a certain luxury tax. In this range, players can be added, but only the minimum salary can be signed. Others rely on transactions.

The implementation of a hard salary cap is indeed good for curbing star formation, but not many people support it.

In the same month, there was also news that the employer wanted to propose a significant reduction in the player’s salary and the maximum contract duration in the negotiation of new labor terms, including cutting the current labor terms and conditions of the player’s income from not exceeding 57% of basketball-related income to not more than 45%. This means that the average salary of players will drop by about 21%. The talks between the two parties broke up.

In December 2010, the Players Union required all NBA players to authorize the disqualification of union representatives and dissolve the players’ union, preparing to threaten the bosses to reach a new version of the labor agreement with the players’ union as soon as possible.

If this measure, known as the "doom weapon", is authorized by the players, the player union will be dissolved. According to U.S. law, dissolving unions will cause players to lose all union protection, but players can use antitrust monopoly law to sue team owners and challenge the league’s salary restrictions and player trading restrictions. And if the union is not disbanded, they can only sue the boss according to the labor law.

Of course, this kind of nonsense did not happen. The All-Star players have huge contracts, so they will not be together with the players and the players cannot unite.

On May 27, the NBA Players Union formally filed a lawsuit with the US Labor Arbitration Institution, accusing the NBA of using new methods of intimidation and threats in the new labor negotiations to force the players’ union to sign a new labor agreement against the players.

On June 7th and 8th this year, the employers and employees held two meetings, and no substantial breakthroughs were made.

The player union chairman Fisher is suspected to be the “undercover” of the management, and his relationship with Stern is worth examining.

In fact, Fisher is indeed an undercover. He promised Stern that he would persuade the union to accept the proposal of a 50-50 split. He had been working hard for this before, reducing the player's share by 7%.

This caused strong dissatisfaction from some trade union management, who asked Fisher to re-evaluate the proposal of a five-to-five split on Friday morning local time before the start of a new round of negotiations.

The chairman of the guild, Michael Curry, was the chess piece placed by Stern. UU reading www. served as the President of the Players Union from July 2001 to June 2005.

On June 21, 2005, the employer and the employee reached a new agreement. A week later, Curry stepped down from the player union. In September of the same year, Stern announced Curry as vice president of NBDL. In August 2006, Stern promoted Curry again and appointed him as vice president of the NBA, in charge of basketball-related affairs.

The water of the league and the players' guild is too deep, and they are not good people.

Wang Jun’s non-participation is the most correct choice. Fisher is insidious and wants to bring Wang Jun to the front desk to attract firepower.

It is a well-known thing that Wang Jun and the king’s boss Vivic have a good relationship. As long as Fisher flickers Wang Jun to make a few good words for the management, he will become the target of all his statements.

The Lakers were mistreated by the King so much that Fisher couldn't get along with the Lakers in the middle period. He wanted to block Wang Jun.

It is a pity that Fisher only has to be careful and can't compare with Wang Jun's directness. He can only continue to toss himself.


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