Super Lord of the Rings

Chapter 849: [7 Not allowed, find loopholes]

Wang Jun frequently appeared in the news, and other NBA players couldn't help themselves. Some people participated in the Drew League in Los Angeles.

Everything in the Drew League is free. It is a stage for young people who love basketball to exchange their skills together. It is a stage that has nothing to do with money and only basketball.

The relatively regular organization form and relatively high level of competition have made many NBA players who are eager to "practice for training" in the summer favor the Drew League.

This is especially true this year. The NBA players joining the Drew League have more and bigger cards.

Wall scored 55 points, the most eye-catching performance, Kobe also joined, in the middle of August in a game against Harden hit a lore.

Playing is only one aspect, many people gather in Los Angeles, more for communication, to attract people to join their own team.

In August, the league’s regulations prohibiting team management and player contact became more stringent, probably because Paul, Deron and other stars met too many people.

The latest rule is that, in addition to not being allowed in daily life, even in the virtual world, players and senior management and coaching staff are not allowed to have any form of contact.

In other words, during the lockout, all players are not allowed to contact in private, and coaches and team officials are no exception.

The joke from this is that James and Anthony and others want to participate in Bosh's wedding because they are not a team and they have to ask the league to make an exception to give the green light.

In addition, the Kings participated in the ESPY awards ceremony. Head coach Adelman, boss Vivic, and the players could not travel together unless they were willing to pay a fine of $1 million.

"ESPY" was founded in 1993 and is known as the Oscar event of the sports industry. It is held once a year. The award is used by sports fans who browse the ESPN website to vote for the final winners of various awards through the Internet. The best performer on the field.

ESPY's annual awards ceremony invites many top stars from the sports and entertainment circles to attend. Wang Jun became the NBA player of the year, and this is the fourth time he has won this award.

The even more outrageous rule is that during the lockout period, NBA general managers and coaches can follow their players on Weibo, but they can't forward the players' Weibo or remind them to check any Weibo content. If it is found that there is a violation, it will pay a price of 1 million US dollars, or even lose the draft right.

At the same time, the general manager and members of the coaching staff cannot send private messages to the players, and cannot contact the players in any form on Facebook, otherwise a fine of $1 million will be imposed. Of course, if you use a mobile phone to send text messages, the price is also $1 million.

In addition, if there are children in the coaching staff of the NBA team who play in college, these coaches can only watch the games of their children, they cannot watch the games of other players, nor can they train with them. Lakers coach Mike Brown and Celtics coach Rivers are the "key goals" of this rule.

The rule is "seven inaccurate" in total, which is in addition to the NBA's previous lockout-related contact regulations.

There are loopholes in everything, players can meet in the Drew League, and it’s okay for the assistant manager to contact each other, so contact can’t really be forbidden, and no one has been fined. Who would really wait until the last two weeks to act as a recruiter would be stupid.

The funny thing is that there were people who avoided fines because of the lockout, and that was Michael Beasley.

He was caught speeding by the police during the holiday, and found 16.2 grams of marijuana in the car during the next inspection.

According to previous agreements, Beasley will be heavily penalized and suspended for five games.

During the lockout period, the coalition's anti-drug agreements, including testing and penalties, will not take effect. This means that Beasley's problem can only be a simple legal issue, and he will not be subject to additional punishment by the NBA. Due to the lockout, the Alliance currently does not have any policies on drug abuse control.

Beasley's carrying marijuana also brought up a topic: How do NBA stars maintain self-discipline during the lockout? Reminiscent of the lockout in 1998, "Rainman" Camp was seriously deformed after the lockout, and he never recovered the state of competition before the lockout. Beasley will most likely become the next Camp.

Relying on the loophole, many teams have discussed the transaction content.

The Rockets, Lakers, and Hornets are ready to announce deals after the free market opens.

The Lakers will get super point guard Chris Paul, they pay the price of double high Gasol and Odom.

The Rockets will get Big Gasol, this is the primary goal of the summer, Kaman is in poor condition, has long been a star. In order to reach a deal, the Rockets can be said to have invested a lot of money.

The Hornets will win Eric Gordon, Goran Dragic, Luis Scola and Odom, as well as the Rockets' first-round draft picks in 2012 (from the Knicks).

It doesn't matter if Dragic is sent away, the Rockets' starting point guard is Stuckey, but when Gordon leaves, there is no good shooting guard. He is an important point for the team. The Rockets don't want to trade if the Rockets don't send Gordon. They want a strong shooting guard.

The players are currently unaware and there is no news.

The Hornets get two potential young players, two insiders, who will complete the reconstruction in one step.

They also don't worry about Paul not agreeing. The Lakers are a big market team and Kobe's partner. Although the Lakers' inner line has weakened, they still have Bynum support.

This is precisely the cleverness of Kupchak. The new coach McBrown is good at defensive system. It is not a combination of inside and outside, triangle attack, leaving multiple inside stars may not be able to play well, Brown will not use it.

Next year there is Paul the big name, and also appease Kobe's emotions.

After the two crowns, Kobe and the Lakers completed a high salary renewal, was swept by the Mavericks last season, Kobe began to force the palace again.

As one of the most commercially valuable stars, even if Bryant often forced the palace, the management will not trade him, but also take into account his feelings.

Wang Jun and James joined forces, and Bryant also wanted to find two superstars to hug his thighs, and then he could lead the team against the double kings and hit the championship.

In order to satisfy Kobe, let him complete the sixth crown to chase Jordan, Kupchak took pains.

The Hornets want younger Bynum, the Lakers are reluctant to send, and they have another deep intention, they left Bynum to continue to use it as the main bargaining chip in trading Dwight Howard.

Howard has long been enough in the Magic, but it is difficult for him to change stars of this level. After Kupchak considered it, it was more important to be a point guard. After Fisher and Farmar left, the Lakers 1 position was too bad.

The Clippers were also negotiating around, and they wanted to send Yao Ming.

After several injuries, Yao Ming's condition has been declining year by year, and he can no longer beat him. His contract is the same as that of O'Neal, and it is not easy to send it out. UU reading

In addition, the Grizzlies and Celtics management are already on the line. The Grizzlies are ready to send Rudy Gay and Iranian center Haddadi in exchange for Celtic Kevin Martin and the next two first-round picks.

As long as the deal is concluded, the Celtics can absorb the "fresh blood" and take a final stroke before Garnett's contract expires.

The Grizzlies have a more stable three-pointer, making the offense more flexible.

Guy has been the core of the outside line for a few years, and there has been little progress. On the contrary, Love's data is beautiful. Gasol Jr. can respond and can vote in the midfield. The Grizzlies begin to shift their center of gravity, and the inside double bears are the key players.

Outside defense depends on Tony Allen, DeRozan and Guy overlap positions, the breakthrough is better, the team no longer has the position of Guy. The trade came to Martin to lead the bench offense.

The starter is tough and the bench is good. Next season, the Grizzlies are likely to become the championship team.

It is not easy for the king to defend his title.

PS (to be continued ~^~)

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