super lord

Chapter 003

In addition to the sutra washing opportunity and star breathing method and star meditation method opened by the super deluxe version of the newbie gift package, the elves and extraordinary plants opened in the newbie gift package are also very precious.

Elves, a strange creature in the world where the Magic Continent is located, has the ability to raise the rank of extraordinary plants and improve the quality of the mineral mother.

In addition, Pokemon can cultivate ordinary plants into extraordinary plants, and fuse with minerals to turn minerals into ore mothers.

Of course, whether it is cultivating ordinary plants into extraordinary plants or upgrading extraordinary plants to higher levels, it takes a lot of time and chance.

If you want to mineralize into a mineral mother or improve the quality of the ore mother, you need to sacrifice the life of the elf.

In addition, not all pokemon can cultivate extraordinary plants and improve the quality of mineral mothers, which is related to the classification of pokemon.

Pokemon are divided into three categories, namely green elves, yellow elves and purple elves, of which green elves can be used to cultivate extraordinary plants and improve the level of extraordinary plants, yellow elves can fuse with minerals to mineralize into ore mothers, and purple elves can improve the quality of mineral mothers.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that the number of elves is very rare, even Arthur’s Chris family currently only has seven green elves (yellow elves and purple elves are born and quickly integrated into minerals and ore mothers, so they are rare).

As for the other viscount families and baron families, it is a great blessing to have a green elf.

And now, Arthur was able to open elves directly from the newbie package, which was enough for Arthur to rejoice, not to mention that there was an extraordinary plant in the newbie package.

Coupled with the black iron ore mother and black iron vein that comes with the black iron collar, Arthur’s start is simply heavenly.

Of course, none of the above has anything to do with Arthur, because Arthur’s attention has long been attracted by the meridian washing opportunity opened in the ultra-deluxe version of the newbie package.

Regardless of whether there was anyone around, Arthur opened his mouth and said to the super lord system: “System, use the meridian washing machine!” ”

“Host, are you sure? You know, the movement of washing the meridian and cutting the pith is a bit big, right? ”

“I do…” Hearing the Super Lord System’s words, Arthur was ready to make sure, but before Arthur could finish speaking, Arthur, who realized the meaning of the Super Lord System’s words, spoke again: “Wait, wait a minute.” ”

Arthur then ended his conversation with the Super Lords system and returned to reality.

At this time, the people in the castle hall were looking at Arthur worriedly.

Looking at Arthur who opened his eyes, Fox, who was sent by Arthur’s father, Earl of Flame, Ioon Chriss, to be in charge of Arthur’s life, asked Arthur with a worried face: “Lord Arthur, are you all right?” ”

“I’m okay, Fox.” Hearing Fox’s inquiry, Arthur replied.

Then, looking at the crowd of people in the castle hall, Arthur opened his mouth and said to Fox: “Fox, where is my residence?” I’m ready to go to rest first. Here, it’s up to you to arrange. ”

“I see, Lord Arthur.” Hearing Arthur’s words, Fox replied.

Fox then arranged for a maid to lead Arthur to Arthur’s residence in the castle.

The maid arranged by Fox, named Shirley, is not old, only twelve or thirteen years old, is Fox’s daughter, because Fox is going to follow Arthur to the Black Iron Collar, so Shirley was also brought to the Black Iron Collar as Arthur’s maid.

Of course, being able to become Arthur’s maid, Shirley’s appearance is still relatively beautiful.

After all, for Arthur, it is difficult to cross into a different world, and even if the cultivation talent is not good, it is still necessary to enjoy it.

Following Shirley, Arthur soon arrived at his residence in the castle.

If in normal times, Arthur would not mind teasing and teasing this cute Shirley in front of him, but now, Arthur does not have this skill.

Because his attention is entirely on washing the meridians.

Therefore, after arriving at his residence, Arthur sent Shirley directly away and entered his own room.

Without even looking at the arrangement in his room, Arthur directly spoke to the super lord system and said, “System, use the Washing Scripture Cutting Machine.” ”

“Okay, host!” Hearing Arthur’s words, the Super Lords System spoke up to Arthur and responded.

Then he began to wash Arthur’s scriptures.

“Ah! Yes! Yes…… System, how can it hurt so much? Ahh

Hearing Arthur’s rebuke, the super lord system opened his mouth and replied: “Host, suffer from hardship, and become a human being!” Of course, if the host feels that it cannot bear it, this system can make the host faint. However, in this way, the effect of washing the meridian pulp will be greatly reduced. ”

Hearing the system’s answer, Arthur no longer shouted, but said, “Is this so?” Then let the pain come more intensely! Hiss, it still hurts. ”

Although the pain of washing the meridians still exists, compared to the mediocrity in the past, and the smooth path of cultivation in the future, Arthur can still endure these pains.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that in order to avoid Arthur’s screams, it was discovered by the knights in the castle, and the super lord system has blocked Arthur’s voice in the room, and the sound cannot be heard outside Arthur’s room.

Perhaps because Arthur’s talent was so poor, this time the washing lasted twelve hours, and the time also went from the evening to the early morning of the next day.

“It stinks! I can’t stand it. ”

The next morning, Arthur was awakened by a stench, and after complaining, Arthur ran straight out of the room.

Arthur, who had just run out of the room, met Shirley who had been waiting outside the door for a long time, and immediately opened his mouth and ordered Shirley: “Shirley, let Fox prepare hot water, I want to take a bath, in addition, let someone clean my room.” ”

“Yes, Lord Arthur.” Hearing Arthur’s order, Shirley replied, and then ran away.

Obviously, the stench on Arthur’s body made Shirley unbearable.

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