super lord

Chapter 005

Arthur’s loud drink caused the Super Lords system to stop taunting Arthur.

Although he was a little unhappy with the super lord system’s mockery of himself, the exchange function of the super lord system, Arthur still needed to check it well.

Therefore, after seeing that the super lord system stopped mocking himself, Arthur spoke again: “System, open the exchange function, the items I can currently redeem.” ”

And this time, the super lord system did not show Arthur the items that Arthur could not exchange at the moment, but the items that Arthur could currently redeem were revealed.

[Extraordinary plant – flame fruit: 16,000 power value

Extraordinary plant – Ice Heartnut: 16,000 power value


Knight Seed: 1000 power points


Beef: 1 force value per kg

Lamb: 1 force value per kg

Wheat: 1 force value/10 kg

Rice: 1 force value / 10 kg


Looking at the items that the super lord system has revealed and can currently be exchanged, Arthur also has some understanding of the value of power value.

How to say it? The price of the power value is similar to the silver coins used on the Magic Continent. (Magic Continent Monetary System: 1 gold coin = 100 silver coin = 1000 copper coins).

Of course, the role that the power value can play is certainly not comparable to the silver coins on the Magic Continent, not to mention anything else, just in the list of exchange functions, the knight seed that can directly make ordinary people become trainee knights is not something that the Magic Continent has.

Not to mention, in the list of exchange functions of the super lord system, there are many extraordinary items, as well as those peerless treasures whose exchange value requires not knowing the value of more money.

Looking at the items listed by the super lord system exchange function, Arthur suddenly became extremely curious about the value of the items he opened from the newbie package.

“System, how many power points do you need to redeem the Star Breathing Method, Star Meditation Method, Elves, Transcendent Plants, and the Washing Scripture Harvesting Opportunity?”

Hearing Arthur’s inquiry, the super lord system opened his mouth and replied: “Star Breathing Method and Star Meditation Method as the top cultivation exercises, the exchange price is 100 million force value, the exchange price of elves is 100,000 force value, extraordinary plants due to too many types, so the exchange price is not stable, but generally speaking, they are around 100,000 force value.”

As for the opportunity to wash the meridians, it takes ten

Billion forces are worth so, host, you make a lot of money. ”

“Indeed.” Hearing the words of the super lord system, Arthur nodded, and obtained something worth 1.2 billion at one time, and he really made a lot of money.

Of course, if he had not chosen all of them, but had chosen the newbie package or the newbie package, he would have lost a lot.

Since he didn’t know what items he was missing, Arthur just looked at the list of items in the Super Lord’s system redemption function, and did not redeem them immediately.

In addition, because bathing, practicing breathing and meditation took a lot of Arthur’s time, Arthur still spent the second day in the castle on the day after coming to the Black Iron Domain.

On the third day, Arthur did not choose to continue cultivating, but took Raymond (one of the three silver knights who followed Arthur to the Black Iron Collar, the mid-term strength of the Silver Knight) and Shirley, and went to the black iron town not far from the Black Iron Castle.

After all, as the lord of the Black Iron Domain, Arthur should naturally take a good tour of his territory.

Of course, what is more important is to see what is worth improving in the black iron collar.

After all, the development of the Black Iron Leader is closely related to the power value that Arthur can obtain every month.

Only by developing the Black Iron Collar well can Arthur gain more power points.

The more power value, the faster Arthur can become stronger, but Arthur is full of covetousness for those cultivation resources in the super lord system exchange function.

And after having enough cultivation resources, he can quickly become stronger.

Because of his beautiful vision for the future, Arthur was in a very good mood when he set off from Black Iron Castle towards Black Iron Town.

However, when Arthur came to Black Iron Town from Black Iron Castle, the originally very good mood was like feeding.

Of course, this is only a metaphor, but it is more or less.

Because the black iron town did not plan the sanitation problem, so that the residents of the black iron town defecated in the black iron town.

Although the residents of the Black Iron Town do not defecate on the streets, but in those alleys, there are places where the residents of the Black Iron Town defecate.

Therefore, after Arthur came to Black Iron Town, he smelled the stench coming from the alley of Black Iron Town.

In this way, Arthur’s mood naturally did not improve.

“Damn, I must clean up the hygiene of this black iron town.” Smelling the stench coming from the alley, Arthur cursed.

Later, Arthur endured the stench, took Raymond and Shirley, walked into the black iron town, and inspected the black iron town.

Maybe it’s because the black iron town is not big, or maybe it’s because the stench comes from the alley of the black iron town, which is too disgusting, so that Arthur did not patrol the black iron town for long, and came directly to the town center of the black iron town.

Arthur’s arrival naturally alarmed the clerks in the center of the town.

No, followed Arthur to the Black Iron Collar, and the executive Ferg who had just taken over the affairs of the Black Iron Collar, directly brought a group of clerks in the town center to Arthur’s face.

“Ferg has seen Lord Baron.”

“Adams has seen Lord Baron.”

“Kent has seen Lord Baron.”


Looking at the group of clerks greeting him, Arthur waved his hand, and then directly took Raymond and Shirley into the town center.

“Ferg, I have something here for you to deal with.”

“Lord Baron, please speak.” Hearing Arthur’s words, Ferg spoke.

“The hygiene situation in the Black Iron Town is too poor, and the residents’ hygiene awareness is also very poor, so I want you to build public toilets in the Black Iron Town and teach the residents of the Black Iron Town the hygiene awareness.”

“Yes, Lord Baron.” Hearing Arthur’s order, Ferg answered.

By the way, it is worth mentioning here that the public toilet Arthur mentioned can be said to be one of the few things Arthur has done since he crossed to the Magic Continent. (I’ll tell you, did Arthur fall on poop?) And it’s still the face that touches first. )

New Year’s Day and beyond, read books and relax! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: December 31st to January 2nd)

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