super lord

Chapter 013

And looking at Raymond’s stunning performance, Karul and Laputa, the two silver knights who are the same as Raymond, did not show weakness, and also killed ordinary fish people while killing the big fish man with the strength of a trainee knight in the fish crowd.

Seeing the conspicuous performance of their three captains, the seven bronze knights and twenty trainee knights naturally did not dare to be lazy, and immediately, they also fought harder to kill a group of ordinary fishmen.

Because the strength of the fish people is weak, even compared to ordinary adult men, whether it is the three silver knights of Raymond, Karur, and Laputa, or the seven bronze knights, or the twenty trainee knights, they all easily kill the ordinary fish people who gathered their heads.

And watching the amazing performances of the knights, the hundred guards with black iron collars also began to face the fish people who had gathered their heads.

Although this group of fishmen gathered by the big fishmen with the strength of trainee knights has nearly two hundred heads, it is still a little insufficient to look at in the face of a group of knights such as Raymond, Karur, and Laputa, as well as a hundred guards of the black iron collar.

After all, among this group of fish people, the strongest is the big fish man with the same strength as the trainee knight.

Therefore, under the leadership of the three knights of Raymond, Karur, and Laputa, a group of bronze knights and trainee knights, as well as the hundred guards of the Black Iron Collar, soon gained the upper hand in the battle with this group of fishmen.

However, just when Raymond, Karur, Laputa and others were about to kill the big fish man in front of the trainee knight strength in the fish crowd, the fish man in the distance finally reacted.

Under the leadership of a big fish with the strength of a silver knight and several big fish people with the strength of a bronze knight, a group of fish people with a number of about a thousand killed towards the fish crowd where Raymond, Karur, Laputa and others were.

Looking at the huge group of fish who killed Raymond, Karul and others, Arthur immediately opened his mouth and reminded Raymond: “Raymond, speed up, the fish people in other places are going to kill.” ”

After hearing Arthur’s reminder, Raymond immediately did not slack, and after casually chopping a few fishmen around him, he directly killed the big fishman with the strength of a trainee knight.

Since the distance between Raymond and the big fish man was not far away, therefore, in just a few seconds, Raymond came to the big fish man.

Then, I saw the big sword in Raymond’s hand light up with a fiery red light, and then under the terrified gaze of the big fish man, he slashed the big fish man fiercely.

The big fish man who only has the strength of a trainee knight naturally cannot block the full force of Raymond, the silver knight, and immediately, he died under Raymond’s all-out attack.

After killing the big fish man with the strength of a trainee knight, Raymond did not stay much, and cooperated with Karur, Laputa and others to quickly kill the fish crowd gathered by the big fish people.

On the other side, the two silver knights, Karul and Laputa, after seeing that the big fishman with the strength of a trainee knight was solved by Raymond, he killed the fishman around him with a look of anger.

So, soon, this fish crowd gathered by the big fish people with the strength of trainee knights was quickly wiped out under the killing of Raymond, Karur, Laputa and other knights and guards.

Before the silver-level big fishman led the fishman army to kill, the three silver knights, Raymond, Karur, and Laputa, withdrew to Arthur’s side with a group of bronze knights, trainee knights and guards.

Arthur looked at Raymond, Karul and the others who withdrew to his side, as well as the group of fish people who killed towards him, and did not stay longer, when he withdrew to the rear with Raymond, Karol and others.

And the silver-level big fish man looked at the retreating Arthur and the others, and after chasing a group of fish people for a distance, he returned to the beach with a group of fish people.

After all, they are not good at land combat.

After Arthur saw the group of fish people returning to the beach, he immediately stopped retreating.

After all, the record of killing less than two hundred fishmen alone could not satisfy Arthur.

“Raymond, Karur, Laputa, you and your knights, rest for a while, wait a while, and then we will go to find the trouble of these fishmen.”

“Yes, Lord Arthur.” Hearing Arthur’s words, Raymond, Karur, and Laputa answered.

Then, he let his knights and guards rest.

When Raymond, Karur, Laputa and others rested for a while and recovered their physical strength, Arthur took Raymond, Karur, Laputa and others to the beach of Wanghai Village.

Although the fish people on the beach have just been attacked by Raymond, Karur, Laputa and others, they seem to have not been taught a lesson, and they are still scattered scattered throughout the beach mouth as before.

This time, Arthur did not let the three silver knights, Raymond, Karur, and Laputa, with a group of knights and black iron collar guards, launched an attack on the fishmen at the mouth of the beach.

Instead, he directly said to Raymond, Karur, Laputa and the others: “Raymond, Karur, Laputa, you take a group of knights and guards, and follow me to kill.” ”

After speaking, without waiting for the response of the three silver knights of Raymond, Karur, and Laputa, he directly took out the long sword in his hand and killed the fishman on the beach.

Looking at Arthur who rushed towards the fishman on the beach, Raymond, Karur, and Laputa, the three silver knights who were sent by Arthur’s father to protect Arthur, looked at each other with a wry smile.

Then, with his knights and guards, he rushed towards the fishmen on the beach.

On the other side, Arthur rushed to the front of an ordinary fish man on the beach.

Although Arthur’s current strength is still not comparable to the three silver knights of Raymond, Karur, and Laputa, Arthur’s strength is also not bad.

Although, before the super lord system was activated, Arthur’s strength had just stepped into the trainee knight.

But after the Super Lord System was activated, Arthur not only got the opportunity to wash the meridians and change his cultivation qualifications, but also obtained the two top cultivation exercises of Star Breathing Method and Star Meditation Method.

After that, he exchanged a lot of magic crystals from the super lord system as cultivation resources, and successfully raised his strength to the middle of the Bronze Knight.

Subsequently, after nearly a month of cultivation, he successfully broke through to the late stage of the Bronze Knight.

Although Arthur, the late existence of the Bronze Knight, because he has not experienced any battles, his combat effectiveness is only comparable to that of the Bronze Knight, but against a fishman who is not even comparable to ordinary adults, Arthur still easily killed him.

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