super lord

Chapter 023

The three silver knights of Raymond, Karur, and Laputa shot together, and it was naturally impossible for a bronze-level big fish man to resist.

However, after a while, he was captured by Raymond, Karur, and Laputa.

And just when Raymond, Karur, and Laputa captured the bronze-level big fishmen, Palos also took a group of bronze knights and captured three trainee-level big fishmen.

Seeing that Raymond, Karur and the others had completed their orders, Arthur gave the order to retreat to a group of attacking knights and black iron collar guards.

And a group of knights and black iron collar guards, after hearing Arthur’s order, immediately confronted a group of fishmen while evacuating the beach of Wanghai Village.

After a period of time, the group of knights and black iron collar guards who attacked safely withdrew from the beach of Wanghai Village, while the group of fish people could only watch the group of knights and black iron collar escorts who withdrew from the beach leave, and then returned to the beach of Wanghai Village.

After retreating to a safe area, Raymond, Karur, Laputa, Palos and the others came to Arthur with a captured bronze-level big fish man and three trainee-level big fish people.

Looking at the bronze-level big fish and ordinary level big fish people who were brought to him by Raymond, Karol and others, Arthur opened his mouth and said to Raymond and the others: “You guys are doing a good job. ”

Then, Arthur directly took out the contract crystals (silver) and contract crystals (bronze) that he exchanged from the super lord system.

In view of the probability of contract crystals (silver) and contract crystals (bronze), after Arthur took out the contract crystal (silver) and contract crystal (bronze), he did not immediately use it on the bronze-level big fish and trainee-level big fish people in front of him.

Instead, he knocked the bronze-level big fish man and the trainee-level big fish man in front of him unconscious, and then he began to use contract crystals (silver) and contract crystals (bronze) against the bronze-level big fish people and trainee-level big fish people.

Because the bronze-level big fish and the trainee-level big fish man have been knocked unconscious by Arthur, there is no ability to resist at all, so Arthur very smoothly contracted a bronze-level big fish and three trainee-level big fish people captured by Raymond, Karul and others.

However, because Arthur knocked out both the bronze-level big fish and the trainee-level big fishman, although Arthur has now contracted the four big fishmen with contract crystals, the four big fishmen have not woken up.

Fortunately, Arthur didn’t need these four big fishmen to make a move for the time being.

After leaving a few people to take care of the four big fish people who were contracted by the contract crystal, Arthur took Raymond, Karol and the others and rushed towards the beach of Wanghai Village again.

However, this time, it is no longer to capture the big fish people, but to clean up the number of fish people on the beach of Wanghai Village.

Although, not long ago, Arthur launched an attack on the group of fishmen, but the fishmen still stayed on the beach of Wanghai Village as if they had not been taught a lesson.

Of course, this is actually just an illusion, the reason why a group of fish people gathered on the beach of Wanghai Village is all because the silver-level big fish people are afraid that Arthur will not kill enough fish people this time, and he will stop more on the beach of Wanghai Village, so there will be enough fish people left waiting for Arthur’s kill.

Otherwise, among the many fish people on the beach of Wanghai Village, there would not even be a bronze-level big fish man, even if it was a trainee-level big fish man, they just stayed on the seashore, in a state where they could escape back to the ocean at any time.

And Arthur knew about it.

Therefore, when Arthur brought Raymond, Karol and other knights and black iron escorts to the beach of Wanghai Village again, he did not suddenly attack the group of fish people on the beach like the previous time, but took Raymond, Karol and others and directly attacked the fish people on the beach.

After killing enough fishmen, Arthur took Raymond, Karur and the others and evacuated the beach in Wanghai Village.

After evacuating the beach of Wanghai Village, after a while, the four big fish men who were contracted by Arthur with contract crystals also woke up.

The four big fishmen who woke up, after seeing Arthur, immediately knelt down and said to Arthur: “Gollum… Grunt… Lu… Gollum…”

Of course, because the four fishmen speak the language of the fish-people, Arthur could not understand the words of the four-headed fishmen.

Fortunately, because Arthur had already used the contract crystal to contract all four big fish people, Arthur was still able to understand the meaning of these four big fish people, and what the four big fish people just said was nothing more than ‘I have seen the great master.’ ’

Therefore, after knowing that he could understand the meaning of what the four big fishmen said, Arthur even opened his mouth and asked the four big fishmen: “How many silver, bronze, and trainee-level big fishmen are there in your group?” ”

“Gollum… Grunt… Purr… (Master, in our tribe, including us, there are two silver-level big fish people and seven bronze-level big fishmen.) As for the apprentice-level big fish man, there are thirty-two. Hearing Arthur’s inquiry, the bronze-level big fishman replied.

And Arthur, after hearing the answer of the bronze-level big fish man, was also taken aback.

He did not expect that in this fish-man tribe near the beach of Wanghai Village, there would be two silver-level big fish people and seven bronze-level big fishmen.

In the past, he thought that among the fish-man tribe near the beach of Wanghai Village, there was only one silver-level big fishman, and as for the bronze-level fishman, it was about four or five.

Fortunately, he did not directly fight with the fishman tribe near the beach of Wanghai Village, and the fishman tribe near the beach of Wanghai Village did not plan to fight directly with Arthur.

Otherwise, the knights and black iron collar guards under Arthur would really suffer heavy losses.

However, now, he has enslaved a bronze-level big fish man and three trainee-level big fish people through the contract crystal, and among the fishman tribe, there are only two silver-level big fishmen and six bronze-level big fish people and twenty-nine trainee-level big fish people left.

Next, he only needs to operate it well, and he can contract both the bronze-level big fish people and the trainee-level big fish people in this fish-man tribe.

Even, if he could, he could also contract the two silver-level big fishmen in the fishman tribe.

Now, after learning about the strength of the fishman tribe near the beach of Wanghai Village, Arthur no longer intends to eliminate the fishman tribe near the beach of Wanghai Village, but to subdue the entire fishman tribe.

After all, with the strength of this fish-man tribe, it is enough to defend the safety of the sea near the Black Iron Territory (that is, a Wanghai Village beach).

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