super lord

Chapter 028

Although Arthur’s kingdom of Carlos is a coastal country, those items from the sea are still very valuable.

After all, the ocean in this magical world was the same as the ocean in his previous life, and the ocean in this magical world had existence with extraordinary abilities such as fish people and sea beasts.

Therefore, the coral bush that Arthur asked the fishman to take was still very valuable, and this coral bush was enough to make a gift for Euon Chris.

After putting away the coral bushes mined by the fishmen in the system space, Arthur continued to search for them at the bottom of the sea.

After all, in addition to sending gifts to his father Yuon Chris, he also needs to give some to his mother and little sister.

Due to the abundant resources of the sea near the beach of Wanghai Village, it didn’t take long for Arthur to find some gifts suitable for his mother and little sister.

And that gift is, pearls.

Unlike the coral bushes given to his father Yuon Chris, pearls are still more common in the offshore kingdom of Carlos.

Almost every woman of a noble family will have some.

Of course, don’t look at every noble woman in the kingdom of Carlos has pearls, in fact, the price of each pearl is still very expensive.

Moreover, the larger the pearl, the higher the price of the pearl, like the pearl with a diameter of more than 10 mm, each price is at least 1 gold coin.

In addition, there is another kind of pearl price, which is also very expensive, that is, the pearl bred by the extraordinary pearl oyster, this kind of pearl bred by the extraordinary pearl oyster, basically has the role of assisting the magician’s cultivation and enhancing the strength of the ocean monster.

Therefore, although this pearl bred by extraordinary pearl oysters is very precious, its quantity is very rare.

After all, most of the extraordinary pearl oysters were harmed by monsters in the ocean before humans could find them.

No, although Arthur found a large number of pearl oysters in the sea near the beach of Wanghai Village, none of them reached the extraordinary level, not even the lowest apprentice level in the extraordinary level.

Fortunately, Arthur found enough pearl oysters, so although Arthur did not find extraordinary pearl oysters, he found a large number of pearls from this large area of ordinary pearl oysters.

Even if Arthur and the fishmen around him mined a small part, they were enough to mine hundreds of pearls.

Among them, there are more than 100 with a diameter of more than 10 mm.

But you think that’s the end of it.

No, because Arthur took the fishmen around him to mine pearls from pearl oysters, the fish-people tribe offered Arthur a lot of pearls.

Although the fish people basically feed on seaweed due to the difficulty of catching marine fish, the fish people do not mind satisfying their appetite for the meat provided by shellfish, which is a marine life with extremely low difficulty in catching.

Although most of the shellfish eaten by fish people are some ordinary shellfish, there are still a lot of pearl oysters.

Therefore, for several years since the fish-man tribe moved to the sea near the beach of Wanghai Village, there are still a lot of pearls in the fish-man tribe.

At the very least, there were more pearls than Arthur collected this time, more than 10,000. Although, among them, with a diameter of more than 10 mm, there are only more than a thousand.

With the more than 10,000 pearls contributed by the fish-man tribe, Arthur naturally had no idea of exploring the ocean.

Taking out the coral bush collected into the system space, Arthur asked the big fish man who followed him to bring the coral bush and pearls from the ocean to shore.

As soon as Arthur appeared on the sea, Thomson, the head of Wanghai Village, who had been waiting on the beach for a long time, hurriedly asked Arthur: “Lord Arthur, are you all right?” ”

“With them to protect me, how much can I do, Raymond, Palos, you two come to me.” Hearing Thomson’s question, Arthur pointed to the big fish man behind him and replied, and then shouted at Raymond and Palos not far away.

Hearing Arthur’s shout, the two silver knights, Raymond and Palos, also immediately came to Arthur.

Looking at Raymond and Palos, who quickly came to his side, Arthur pointed to the coral bush sent by the big fish man, and said to Raymond and Palos: “Raymond, Palos, you two bring these coral bushes back to me.” ”

“Yes, Lord Arthur.” Hearing Arthur’s words, Raymond and Palos answered, and then directly took the coral bush in the hands of the big fishman.

Fortunately, Arthur mined not many coral bushes this time, only four, otherwise, Raymond and Palos alone would not have been able to take away the coral bushes mined this time.

After all, Raymond and Palos don’t have the system space that Arthur has.

However, it is precisely because Raymond and Palos have to carry coral bushes, so the pearls in the hands of the fishmen can only be taken by Arthur himself.

Fortunately, Arthur stored all the pearls offered by the fishman tribe in the system space long before going to sea, and the pearls in the hands of the big fishman are only the hundreds of those mined by himself and the big fishman, otherwise, there are really some problems if you want to carry all the pearls together.

Arthur didn’t want outsiders (the head of Wanghai Village, the villagers of Wanghai Village) to know that he had storage.

With a full harvest, Arthur, Raymond, and Palos returned to the Black Iron Castle.

Although Arthur was ready to give gifts to his father Euon Chris, as well as his mother and younger sister on this trip, because the departure time had been decided, Arthur did not choose to leave for Flame City immediately.

For the next two days, Arthur spent the ocean in the company of the big fishmen.

After all, Arthur has only recently come into contact with the ocean, and he is still interested in everything in the ocean.

In particular, Arthur can also play in the ocean while also being able to gain a lot.

For example, in these two days, Arthur caught a trainee-grade knifefish, three trainee-grade giant shrimps, and two trainee-grade red crabs.

In addition, Arthur also captured a trainee-grade water spray shell, but unfortunately, it is not a pearl oyster, otherwise, Arthur may still get a trainee-grade pearl.

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