super lord

Chapter 041

The next day, after a night’s rest, Arthur’s state also returned to his peak.

Walk out the door to the junction between Orion Village and the Carlos branch forest.

At this time, the junction area of this Orion Village and the Carlos Branch Forest had prepared simple fortifications to resist the impact of the Warcraft in the Carlos Branch Forest.

Moreover, in these simple fortifications, there are also black iron collar guards patrolling from time to time.

And while Arthur was looking at the simple fortifications in the area at the junction of Orion Village and the Carlos branch forest, Palos, who also came to check the simple fortifications, noticed Arthur.

Seeing Arthur, the lord, Palos came to Arthur’s side and said respectfully, “Lord Arthur.” ”

Looking at Palos, who was standing beside him respectfully, Arthur asked, “Palos, who built this fortification?” ”

Hearing Arthur’s inquiry, Palos thought that Arthur was dissatisfied with the fortifications built, and immediately said:

“It was Raymond and Karul who returned and told me and Laputa what happened in the Carlos branch forest, and after discussing with each other, the four of us informed Executive Ferg overnight that the construction was organized.

If the adults are not satisfied with this, I can immediately organize the demolition of the manpower. ”

“No need to dismantle, you did a good job.” Hearing Palos’ words, Arthur spoke.

Then, looking at the simple fortifications, Arthur spoke again: “However, this fortification is still a little rudimentary, wait for you to inform Ferg and let him organize the manpower to consolidate this fortification.” ”

“Got it, Lord Arthur, I’ll have you inform Executive Ferg.” Hearing what Arthur said, Palos answered.

After that, Palos sent a black iron collar guard who followed him to inform the black iron collar executive Ferg of Arthur’s intentions.

Looking at Palos’ actions, Arthur did not have any words, and after Palos sent the people out and returned to him again, Arthur spoke to Palos again and said: “Palos, you go and gather Raymond, Karur, Laputa and a group of knights and black iron guards, this lord has something to say.” ”

“Yes, Lord Arthur, subordinates retreat.” Hearing Arthur’s words, Palos spoke.

Subsequently, he left directly with a team of black iron collar guards under his command to convey Arthur’s order to Raymond, Karur, Laputa and other knights and black iron collar escorts.

Then, not long after, Raymond, Karur, Laputa and other knights who heard the news and the guards of the black iron collar followed Palos to the simple fortification where Arthur was.

Then, Raymond, Karur, Laputa and other knights and the Black Iron Collar Guard respectfully said to Arthur

“Lord Arthur.”

“Lord Arthur.”


Listening to the respectful greetings of the knights and the Black Iron Collar guards, Arthur waved his hand in response.

Then, looking at the five hundred and thirty knights and the black iron leader guards gathered in front of him, Arthur spoke: “Presumably, after yesterday’s exploration of the Carlos branch forest, everyone has learned about the crisis we are about to encounter.

Yes, it is the threat posed by the Demon Spider Beast in the Carlos branch forest.

For the Demon Spider Beast, everyone who must have heard of its name should know their threat.

After all, they had caused great harm to a kingdom.

However, what I want to say here is that the demon spider beast is nothing.

Although they are a great threat, our black iron collar is not vegetarian anymore.

Although our Black Iron Leader is not comparable to a kingdom, the Demon Spider Beasts in the Carlos Branch Forest are not comparable to the Demon Spider Beasts in the original Cholera Kingdom.

The group of Demon Spider Beasts in the Carlos branch forest is just a group of Demon Spider Beasts that does not even have a Demon Spider Beast Emperor, and the Demon Spider Beast King is also extremely rare.

Although the number of monster beasts among them is very large, we are not weak, there are more than five hundred people present, the weakest is also a trainee-level knight, in terms of single strength, the monster beasts in the Carlos branch forest are simply not comparable to us.

Of course, if we continue to allow the development of the Demon Spider Beast Group in the Carlos Branch Forest, then the Demon Spider Beast in the Carlos Branch Forest will still pose a great threat to us.

Therefore, we must take the initiative to kill all the demon spider beasts in the Carlos branch forest. ”

“Kill the Demon Spider Beast!”

“Kill the Demon Spider Beast!”

“Kill the Demon Spider Beast!”


Hearing Arthur’s words, a group of knights and black iron collar guards began to boil with enthusiasm, and they all opened their mouths and shouted loudly.

Listening to the roar of the knights and the black iron collar guards, Arthur waved his hand, and when the knights and the black iron collar guards quieted down, Arthur spoke again

“Next, this lord will select a part of the knights and guards to enter the Carlos branch forest with this lord to fight the demon spider beasts in the Carlos branch forest.”

As soon as Arthur’s words fell, a group of knights and black iron guards spoke one after another

“Lord Lord, choose me!”

“Lord Lord, choose me, choose me!”


Here, I have to say that Arthur cultivated a group of knights and black iron collar guards.

Unlike other lords on the Magic Continent, Arthur has always practiced militarized management, so the knights and guards under Arthur’s command are not afraid of battle.

Of course, in addition, it is also related to the knights and guards of the Black Iron Leader, loyal to Arthur and rich rewards.

Therefore, the knights and guards of the Black Iron Leader are very eager to fight.

And now, finally have a chance to fight, how can the knights and guards of the black iron leader not participate in the battle?

Looking at the excited black iron collar knights and guards, Arthur directly handed over the task of selecting people to Raymond, Karur, Laputa and Palos.

Soon, after the selection of Raymond, Karur, Laputa, and Palos, the black iron collar knights and guards who accompanied Arthur in battle were selected.

In addition, because Raymond and Carol had already entered the Carlos branch forest with Arthur yesterday, this time, it was Laputa and Palos who entered with Arthur.

After the personnel were complete, Arthur directly took Laputa and Palos, as well as a group of knights and guards, into the forest of the Carlos branch.

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