super lord

Chapter 049

Although the number of people brought into the Carlos branch forest this time is much larger than the number of people Arthur had before, Arthur still did not take the people who entered the Carlos branch forest this time to directly fight the Demon Spider Beast family in the Carlos branch forest.

Instead, he brought everyone to the area where Arthur took the students of the Carlos King Capital Warrior Academy and entered the part of the Demon Spider Beast encountered in the Carlos branch forest.

Of course, due to the characteristics that the Demon Spider Beast family will be transferred if it is hit hard, there will basically be no Demon Spider Beast in this area.

As for why it is basic, it is naturally because once the number of Demon Spider Beasts increases significantly, there will be newborn Demon Spider Beasts to occupy this area.

Fortunately, Arthur’s luck was not so bad, and the number of monsters had not increased significantly in recent days.

Therefore, when Arthur brought the students of the Carlos King Capital Magic Academy and the students of the Carlos King Capital Warrior Academy to this area, there was no trace of the magic spider beast in this area, except for the cobwebs of the monster beast.

Of course, the students of the Carlos King Capital Warrior Academy, who did not know the characteristics of the Demon Spider Beast clan, were quite vigilant when they came to this area before.

Ignoring the vigilant students of the Carlos King Capital Warrior Academy, Arthur directly ordered the black iron collar guards who were responsible for clearing the cobwebs of the Warcraft to enter the area of the spider beast and start clearing the cobwebs.

Watching a team of black iron collar guards enter the Demon Spider Beast cobweb area to clear the Demon Spider Beast cobweb, Raqa, the mentor of the Carlos King Capital Warrior Academy, came to Arthur’s side and asked Arthur: “Lord Arthur, you let them go to remove the cobwebs of the Demon Spider Beast, are you not afraid that they will be attacked by the Demon Spider Beast?” ”

And hearing Raqqa’s inquiry, Erin, Ai Xue, and Ai Bing, who were following Arthur, also looked at Arthur curiously.

Noticing the curiosity of Erin, Ai Xue, and Ai Bing, Arthur, who originally did not want to answer Raqqa’s question, spoke: “The Demon Spider Beast family has a characteristic, that is, once it is severely damaged, then they will abandon the living colony.

And the area in front of me covered with the cobwebs of the demon spider beasts, the demon spider beasts in it, happened to be severely damaged by the soldiers under my command that day.

Of course, I’m talking about the general situation, in fact, there is another situation, even if the Demon Spider Beast is severely damaged, it will not abandon the sojourn.

And this situation is that the number of demon spider beasts has increased greatly in a short period of time.

Fortunately, we did not encounter this situation, and this area covered by the cobwebs of the Demon Spider Beast has been abandoned by the Demon Spider Beast.

And this is why I dare to let my soldiers clear the cobwebs of the demon spider beast.

By the way, Mentor Raqqa, since you have asked, in order to reduce time, let the students of the Carlos King Capital Warrior Academy lead you to remove the cobwebs of the Demon Spider Beast together with the warriors under my command! ”

“How is this…” Hearing Arthur’s words, Raqa just wanted to open his mouth to refuse, but after thinking of what he had promised Arthur before, he couldn’t help but answer again: “Okay, I know, I’ll organize students to remove the cobwebs of the monsters.” ”

After that, Raqqa returned directly to the team of students of the Carlos King Capital Warrior Academy.

After that, I don’t know what Raka said to the students of the Carlos King Capital Warrior Academy, and the students from the Carlos King Capital Warrior Academy, since they also entered the area covered by the cobwebs of the Demon Spider Beast, began to clear the cobwebs of the Demon Spider Beast.

Due to the addition of the students of the Carlos King Capital Warrior Academy, the speed of clearing the cobwebs of the Demon Spider Beast was greatly accelerated, and it didn’t take long for the Demon Spider Beast cobwebs in this area covered by the Demon Spider Beast Cobwebs to be cleared.

Subsequently, Arthur directly collected these cleared demon spider beast cobwebs into the small world.

Of course, others only thought that Arthur had a space ring with a large space.

Watching Arthur collect the spider beast cobwebs into the space ring (small world), Ai Bing opened his mouth with some puzzlement and asked Arthur: “Brother Arthur, what are you collecting these monster cobwebs for?” ”

When Erin and Ai Xue heard Ai Bing’s inquiry, they also looked at Arthur curiously.

In this regard, Arthur naturally could not hide it, and said directly: “The cobwebs of these demon spider beasts are a good thing, and the clothes made from them have strong defensive power.

If you use the silver-level Demon Spider Beast King cobwebs to make clothes, that dress can withstand the attacks of silver-level weapons, even if it is a gold-level weapon attack, that dress can withstand one or two.

Unfortunately, the number of silver-level Demon Spider Beast Kings is too small, so so far, the number of Demon Spider Beast King cobwebs I have collected is very small. ”

Hearing Arthur’s words, Erin opened her mouth and asked Arthur: “Since you have collected very few silver-level Demon Spider Beast King cobwebs, then you should have collected a lot of other Extraordinary Demon Spider Beast cobwebs, right?” ”

“I have indeed collected a lot of the cobwebs of other transcendent-level Demon Spider Beasts.” Hearing Erin’s inquiry, Arthur spoke. Finally, Arthur asked again: “But, Sister Erin, what are you asking this for?” ”

“Since you have collected a lot of words, let’s discuss and make a dress for me, Ai Xue, and Ai Bing to use the spider silk of the bronze-level Demon Spider Beast General.”

“Sister Erin and Ai Xue and Ai Bing naturally can do it if they need it, but there are no high-class tailors in my territory, so don’t blame me for the ugly clothes made.”

Hearing Arthur’s words, Erin quickly spoke: “Since the tailor in your territory can’t make any beautiful clothes, then it’s better for you to give me the spider silk and I’ll find someone to make it myself.” ”

“Is that so? Fortunately, when Sister Erin and I return to the castle, I will hand you the bronze-level spider silk I collected. Hearing Erin’s words, Arthur thought about it and agreed.

After all, there is nothing to agree with.

After discussing the matter of the Demon Spider Beast Spider Silk, Arthur took a group of students from the Carlos Capital Academy of Magic and the Carlos Capital Warrior Academy, as well as the Knights sent by Yuon Chris and a group of warriors under his command, to explore in the Carlos branch forest.

Perhaps because there were too many people that Arthur brought into the Carlos branch forest this time, so that Arthur and the others did not even encounter sporadic spider beasts.

It was not until Arthur led everyone deep into the Carlos branch forest that he encountered an area covered with the webs of monsters and occupied by a large number of monsters.

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