super lord

Chapter 052

Of course, Arthur’s side naturally couldn’t watch the harvest leader side being attacked by a group of transcendent-level demon spider beasts in vain.

After all, once the harvest leader side is defeated by the demon spider beast group, then the next person to face the main force of the demon spider beast is Arthur’s side.

Therefore, while the main force of the Demon Spider Beast was attacking the Harvest Collar side, Arthur directly led the warriors of the Black Iron Leader under his command and the Knights sent by Yuon Chris to support and launched an attack on the Demon Spider Beast.

After launching an attack on the main force of the Demon Spider Beast, Arthur directly raised his sword and killed the silver-level Demon Spider Beast King in the main force of the Demon Spider Beast.

Because, for Arthur, killing the silver-level Demon Spider Beast King is the most cost-effective.

Because the Demon Spider Beast family in the Carlos branch forest did not give birth to the gold-level Demon Spider Beast Emperor, the silver-level Demon Spider Beast King is already the supreme ruler of the Demon Spider Beast family in the Carlos branch forest.

And each silver-level Demon Spider Beast King, the number of Demon Spider Beasts that can rule, is also limited.

This is also why, under normal circumstances, if a silver-level Demon Spider Beast King in a Demon Spider Beast Group is killed, the Demon Spider Beast in this Demon Spider Beast Group will scatter and flee.

Because, there is no other silver-level Demon Spider Beast King ruling them.

Although there are a lot of silver-level Demon Spider Beast Kings gathered in this last area, even if Arthur and others kill a few Silver-level Demon Spider Beasts, the remaining Demon Spider Beasts can still dominate the Demon Spider Beasts in the last area.

But as long as the number of silver-level Demon Spider Beast Kings killed by Arthur and the others is enough, then in this last area, some Demon Spider Beasts will scatter and flee because there is no ruler.

And as long as some of the Demon Spider Beasts escape, then the difficulty of Arthur and others to clear the Demon Spider Beasts in this last area will be greatly reduced.

And this is why Arthur directly confronted the silver-level Demon Spider Beast King.

Of course, the corpse of the silver-level Demon Spider Beast King is also the reason why Arthur took the initiative to attack the Silver-level Demon Spider Beast King.

Because Arthur and the others launched a sudden attack, the transcendent-level Demon Spider Beast that was fighting with the Harvest Leader was directly caught off guard.

Among them, there were more than ten silver-level Demon Spider Beast Kings, who were killed by Arthur and Arthur’s command, as well as members of the Knights.

However, because Arthur’s side and Harvest Leader’s side had killed many Demon Spider Beasts before, the remaining silver-level Demon Spider Beast Kings were still able to control the Demon Spider Beasts in the entire area.

And the Demon Spider Beast, although it was suddenly attacked by Arthur’s side and killed a lot of Extraordinary Demon Spider Beasts, but it also reacted from Arthur’s side and began to face Arthur’s side and Harvest Leader’s side.

Since then, the final decisive battle has begun.

Although, the Demon Spider Beast clan in this area lost a lot of Demon Spider Beasts due to the battle with Arthur’s side and Harvest Leader’s side.

But Arthur’s side and Harvest Leader’s side also lost a lot of physical strength because of the battle with the Demon Spider Beast clan.

Especially the harvest leader, due to the continuous battle with the Demon Spider Beast clan at the beginning, most of the physical strength has now been consumed.

Arthur’s side is better, because Arthur and the soldiers under the black iron collar, as well as the reason why the knights who came to support did not participate in the battle, so now, there is still a lot of physical strength left.

However, the situation of the students of the Carlos King Capital Magic Academy and the Carlos King Capital Warrior Academy on Arthur’s side is not very good, because they have been participating in the war, although they have not been targeted by the main force of the Demon Spider Beast family, but by now, they have basically exhausted their fighting spirit and magic power.

Therefore, now the situation is similar for the Warcraft Beast family, or for Arthur and the Harvest Leader.

As the final battle unfolded, Arthur did not care about hiding his strength, and directly burst out his combat power with all his strength.

And Arthur’s black iron warriors and the knights who came to support also burst out with all their strength after seeing Arthur burst out with all their strength.

After all, this is already the final decisive battle, and there is no need to save physical strength.

And after seeing the outbreak of Arthur’s side, the Demon Spider Beast family also continued to send Demon Spider Beast to consume the physical strength of Arthur’s side.

After all, victory is possible only if the outbreak on Arthur’s side is suppressed.

Although the Demon Spider Beast family has no wisdom, they also know that the outbreak of Arthur’s side is not a good thing for them.

With a sword in hand, a bronze-level Demon Spider Beast was killed, and Arthur did not forget his target, the remaining Silver-level Demon Spider Beast King.

Directly raise the sword and kill the silver-level Demon Spider Beast King in the Demon Spider Beast Group.

Ai Xue, who was protected in the middle, looked at Arthur, who was killing wildly in the group of demon spider beasts, and asked Erin beside him with some shock: “Sister Erin, is he really Brother Arthur?” ”

Although, during the recent period of crusade against the Demon Spider Beast, Ai Xue knew that Arthur was hiding his strength.

But I never thought that Arthur, who broke out with all his strength, would be so fierce that even the silver-level Demon Spider Beast King could not take Arthur’s sword.

Is this still his brother Arthur who is called scrapwood?

For Ai Xue’s question, Erin did not answer, because she did not know that Arthur, the former scrap brother, would be so fierce.

If such a fierce Arthur is called waste wood, then isn’t she even inferior to waste wood.

Just when Erin and Ai Xue were doubting their lives, Ai Bing, who was next to the two, suddenly shouted loudly: “Brother Arthur! Beware of sneak attacks. ”

It turned out that just when Arthur killed a silver-level Demon Spider Beast King, a Silver-level Demon Spider Beast King came behind Arthur and launched an attack on Arthur.

Hearing Ai Bing’s shout, Erin and Ai Xue, who saw this scene, immediately became worried about Arthur.

However, it is clear that the worries of Erin, Ai Xue, and Ai Bing are superfluous.

After fighting with the Demon Spider Beast clan for so long, how could Arthur not understand the habits of the Demon Spider Beast Clan.

As early as when he was fighting with the Demon Spider Beast clan, Arthur was on guard against this move, and after feeling the sneak attack of the silver-level Demon Spider Beast King, Arthur directly sent out a flame impact magic.

And as the magic flame impact was used by Arthur, a ring of fire around Arthur appeared directly, and then quickly expanded and rushed towards the surroundings.

The silver-level Demon Spider Beast King, who was originally attacking Arthur, was directly attacked by the flame impact, and was suddenly slammed a few meters away.

This flame impact was also seen by Monica, who was also paying attention to Arthur, and immediately, Monica opened her mouth and said to Erin:

“Intermediate Flame Magic, Flame Impact! Erin, I can’t imagine that your brother is still a magician.

Moreover, looking at his hand of magic, he is obviously also a high-level magician. ”

“Ah! Arthur turned out to be a high-level magician. Hearing Monica’s words, Erin was also taken aback.

Although after seeing Arthur use a flame impact to repel the silver-level Demon Spider Beast King, Erin knew that Arthur was a magician, but she did not expect that Arthur was a high-level magician comparable to the Golden Knight.

At the same time, thinking that she is still a middle-level magician, Erin is even more shocked.

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