super lord

Chapter 080

Chapter 80: The War Begins.

“What’s the use of verbal thanks, if you really want to thank me, this time for me to capture more prisoners of the Arukaki Kingdom, the population of the Black Iron Collar, after all, is still too small.”

Hearing Eauon’s thanks, Arthur waved his hand and said casually.

Then, he left Yuang’s residence directly and returned to his own residence, while waiting for Count Tulip and the people from the Kingdom of Carlos, he was also cultivating.

Although he is now an early existence of an earth knight and a great magician, his strength can be regarded as a top hundred existence in the Kingdom of Carlos.

But Arthur was not satisfied with this, because, compared to the real strong people in this other world, he was still too weak.

If nothing else, in the entire Carlos Kingdom alone, he has not become the strongest, how can he slack off in cultivation?

Not to mention, the Kingdom of Carlos, among the many kingdoms in the entire Magic Continent [not counted in the empire], is only an existence in the middle and upper reaches.

Therefore, for 06 Yu Arthur, the future of him still has a long way to go.

Of course, the way ahead is not in Arthur’s consideration for the time being.

Now, set a small target, enter the sky level, and become the strongest in the Kingdom of Carlos.

And time also slowly passed with Arthur’s cultivation.

Soon, Count Tulip, who was located on the south side of the Flame Earl Domain, brought a group of Tulip Lords under his command to the Giant Wood City.

After that, two days later, Baker Carlos, the eldest prince of the Carlos Kingdom, also led a group of knights of the kingdom with a number of about a thousand people, as well as teachers and students from the Carlos King Capital Magic Academy and the Carlos King Capital Warrior Academy, to Giant Wood City.

Since then, all the personnel who came to support the northern region of the Karos Kingdom and carry out the anti-invasion plan against the Arukaki Kingdom have arrived.

With all the personnel supporting the northern region this time, the nominal commander of this support force, the Marquis of Iron Horse, gave the order to go to the Giant Bear Fort further north.

Although Giant Wood City is also within the scope of the northern region, because Giant Wood City is relatively close to the eastern region and the capital of Carlos, Giant Wood City is not the place of war with the Kingdom of Arukaki.

And if there is really a battle with the Arukaki Kingdom in Giant Wood City, then it shows that the northern area of the Karlo New Kingdom and the precarious area has even been captured by the Arukaki Kingdom.

However, it is clear that with the scale of this invasion of the Arukaki Kingdom, it is obviously impossible to do so.

Even, this time, the invading army of the Arukaki Kingdom was able to hit the Giant Bear Castle, because of the sneak attack and the release of water by the lords of the northern region.

As a large city in the northern region of the Karos Kingdom, the closest to the Kingdom of Arukaki, and the Giant Wood City, which is the largest city closest to the eastern region of the country and the capital of the Carlos King, the distance between the two is still relatively far.

Therefore, the Marquis of Iron Horse and others who came to the northern region to support took half a month to rush from Giant Wood City to Giant Bear Castle.

Moreover, thanks to the reason why there is a straight road between the two major cities of Giant Bear Fort and Giant Wood City.

Otherwise, the Marquis of the Iron Horse, the Great Prince and the others would take at least half a month.

And with the arrival of the entire support force, it also means that the kingdom of Carlos, the counterattack against the kingdom of Arukaki, is about to begin. Then, the counter-invasion of the kingdom of Arukaki began.

Of course, the first thing to do now is to drive the invading army of the Arukaki Kingdom back to the Arukaki Kingdom from the northern region.

And if you want to drive the army of the Arukaki Kingdom back to the Arukaki Kingdom that has invaded the northern region, the first thing to deal with is the main army of the 100,000 Arukaki Kingdom outside the Giant Bear Castle.

However, when it comes to dealing with the main forces of these hundred thousand Alukaqi Kingdoms, none of the lords in the entire Giant Bear Fort are intimidated.

Although outside the Giant Bear Castle, there were more than 100,000 troops gathered in the Arukaki Kingdom, but the number of troops in the Giant Bear Fort was also quite large.

Not to mention the troops brought by the Marquis of the Iron Horse, the Tulip Count and the Flame Count Yuon Chris who came to the northern region to support this time, the many lords of the northern region alone gathered nearly 200,000 troops.

If you add the support troops who came to support, the army gathered in the entire Giant Bear Fort directly exceeded 200,000.

Among these 200,000 troops, there are also a thousand knights of the kingdom from the Knights of the Kingdom, as well as three marquis [two marquis and iron horse marquis in the northern region], eleven counts [nine counts and tulip counts in the northern region, and the elite knights under the flame count].

You know, whether it is a count or a marquis, the elite knights under their command are all composed of extraordinary knights.

And the Kingdom Knights are the elite of the elite, because the Kingdom Knights of the Kingdom Knights are the standard of Kingdom Knights and are bronze knights. Although, this time, the Kingdom Knights only dispatched a thousand Kingdom Knights, and the elite Knights under the marquis and counts were only part of it.

But the number of people adds up, there are more than 10,000 people, if you add the marquis, the transcendent brought by the little lord under the count, and the teachers and students of the Carlos King Capital Magic Academy and the Carlos King Capital Warrior Academy, the number of transcendent people is also nearly 20,640.

Therefore, for the army of the Arukaki Kingdom that only had about 100,000 soldiers outside the Giant Bear Castle, and the lords inside the Giant Bear Castle, there was really no one who was afraid.

Even, the lords in the Giant Bear Fort did not even adopt the plan, so they prepared to directly attack the army of the Arukaki Kingdom outside the Giant Bear Castle.

As a group of teachers and students from the Karos Royal Capital Magic Academy launched a magical attack on the army of the Arukaki Kingdom outside the Giant Bear Castle, the lords in the Giant Bear Castle, with a group of soldiers under their command, rushed out from the Giant Bear Castle and launched an attack on the Arukaki Kingdom army outside the Giant Bear Castle.

Among the lords who rushed out from the Giant Bear Castle, naturally including the lords of the Flame Count’s Domain.

When he was about to rush out of the Giant Bear Castle, Euon Crees opened his mouth and said to Albert and Arthur: “Albert, Arthur, you two be careful, if it really doesn’t work, follow me.” ”

“Father, I see.”

Hearing Euon Chris’s words, Albert spoke back.

As for Arthur, he opened his mouth and said to Youang: “Father, you can take care of Albert, as for me, you don’t have to worry.” ”

After that, Arthur ignored Yuon Chris’s reaction, and came directly to his command, a group of black iron collared soldiers, and rushed out of the Giant Bear Castle with the army.

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