super lord

Chapter 085

Chapter 85 Conflicts.

As the host, even if it is still at war with the army of the Arukaki Kingdom, this banquet held by the Marquis of the Giant Bear is still very luxurious.

The table is filled with a variety of high-value food and wine.

Perhaps because most of the people who participated in this banquet had their own things to be busy, although the table of this banquet was full of high food and wine, few people paid attention to the food at the table.

After simply taking some food and wine from the table, Arthur prepared to eat while waiting for the banquet to end.

However, maybe because Arthur has been doing so well lately that God can’t stand it, trouble comes. While Arthur was eating the food he had taken from the table, several women came to Arthur’s neighborhood.

Looking at Arthur, who kept eating food, the woman at the head of several women, said when she opened 06: “Yo, where is this guy, it is like a pig beast [On the Magic Continent, a kind of magical beast similar to a domestic pig, although it has the strength of the apprenticeship, it is not a threat, even ordinary adults can deal with it. ] My biggest hobby is eating like reincarnation. ”

Hearing the words of the leading woman, a woman wearing a big red robe next to the leading woman also spoke in approval: “It is estimated that I came from some small place, I have never seen so many luxurious delicacies!” That’s why in this important gathering, I kept eating food. ”

“Huh… Scold…… Huh…”

“Huh… Scold…… Huh…”

Perhaps it was the woman in the big red robe who was hanging, and the woman at the head and several other women covered their mouths and laughed.

Listening to the sneers of several women, Arthur naturally couldn’t bear it, and when he opened his mouth and said to several women: “Can you trouble a few of you to shut your mouths!” Lao Tzu is eating here, hindering you ugly monsters! ”

“You dare to say that we are ugly, I…”

Hearing Arthur’s words, several women were angry and wanted to do it.

However, Arthur could not bear this, and immediately, a coercive pressure came from Arthur’s body and pressed straight towards several women, directly interrupting what these women who were only bronze-level strength women wanted to say, as well as the desire of several women to make a move.

“You wait for me, I’ll call someone.”

Feeling the coercion coming from Arthur’s body, perhaps because he knew that he and the others were not Arthur’s opponents, the woman at the head of several women said while pointing at Arthur.

Then, the woman took a few people around her and left.

Looking at the few women leaving, Arthur didn’t care.

After all, these women who were just bronze-level women, what kind of trouble could they bring him?

Therefore, Arthur, who did not take these women to heart, turned around and resumed eating the food on the table. And just as Arthur was concentrating on enjoying the food, several women who had provoked Arthur before came again.

However, this time, it was not just a few of them who came, but more than a dozen young men who accompanied them.

I saw that the woman who was the leader before was lying in the arms of the first young man, pointing to Arthur and opening the team, the young man at the head of the team said: “Prince Berun, he bullied us.” ”

Perhaps because he knew that the identities of everyone attending the party were not ordinary, the young man did not immediately open his mouth to challenge Arthur after hearing the words of the woman in his arms, but opened his mouth and asked Arthur: “Brother, who are you?” A woman who dares to bully me. ”

Hearing the words of the young man at the head, Arthur did not answer immediately, but opened his mouth and said to the young man: “Shouldn’t you introduce yourself before asking others?” ”

“I am Buren Calleyton, the second son of Marquis Erth Calleyton, and now, I can tell me about your identity!”

Hearing Arthur’s words, the leading young man immediately spoke.

Hearing Beren Calleyton’s words, Arthur even spoke: “My identity? I’m….”

However, before Arthur finished introducing himself, a voice came from not far away, directly interrupting Arthur’s self-introduction, and shouted angrily at Beren Calleyton: “Bren, what are you doing?” ”

Looking in the direction where the voice was, I saw a group of people walking towards the location where Arthur and the others were, and Albert was also among them.

Seeing that Albert was also among them, Arthur immediately understood the identity of this group of people who were walking over, and they were the same great lord heirs as Albert.

I saw that a young man with a national character face and a very developed muscle, walked out from a group of great lord heirs, quickly came to the body of Count Calleton, and opened his mouth to ask Count Calleton: “Burun, tell me, what are you going to do just now?” ”

“Brother, I, I haven’t done anything yet!”

Hearing the questioning of the young man with the face of the national character, Buren Calleton quickly replied.

“It’s good if you don’t do anything, otherwise, the face of our Calleyton family will be lost by you.”

Hearing Beren Calleton’s words, the young man with a national character face opened his mouth and said to Beren Calleton.

Then, he turned around and said to Arthur: “Sorry, Caledon offended by 410 just now, I hope you don’t mind.” ”

Arthur, who was a little confused by the operation of the young man with a national character face, could only wave his hand helplessly and said: “Forget it, let him apologize, this matter will be over.” ”

After speaking, he also bowed to Arthur.

“I heard no, but I apologize to the adults.”

Hearing Arthur’s words, the young man with a national character face quickly shouted at Beren Calleton.

Hearing the words of the young man with a national character face, although Boren Kat did not understand what was happening, since her brother had already spoken, she naturally had to obey.

Immediately, he came to Arthur and said, “I’m sorry, my lord.” ”

“Okay, this matter is over, you guys don’t come over and disturb me again.”

Hearing that Beren Calleyton, who had come to trouble him but opened his mouth to apologize, Arthur waved his hand and spoke.

Then, he turned to face the table, re-tasting the food on the table, and looked at Arthur, who turned around and tasted the food on the table again, and the young man with a national character face said to Arthur: “Sir, we will leave first, and will not disturb you to taste the food.” ”

After speaking, the young man with the face of the national character directly pulled Beren Calleton and returned to the group of the heirs of the great lords

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