super lord

Chapter 093

Chapter 93: Take the City Gates.

Under the waiting of Yuang, Arthur and other people who were preparing to surprise the Limestone City, the army of the Carlos Kingdom that attacked the Kingdom of Arukaki this time finally came to the vicinity of the Limestone Heavy City under the leadership of several great lords who remained.

Although the night is still so dark and the sound of rain is still so majestic, it cannot hide the movement of the entire army of the Carlos Kingdom.

After all, Carlos’ army, which numbered more than 200,000, was still very large.

No, before he came to the large open area in front of Limestone City, the traces of Carlos’ army were discovered by the patrol team responsible for patrolling Limestone City.

“Enemy Attack~”

“Enemy Attack~”

“Enemy attack”

With the shouts of a patrol soldier named Arukaki Kingdom, the whereabouts of Carlos’ army were completely exposed.

And the great lords located under the limestone heavy city wall, after hearing the shouts of the soldiers on the limestone heavy city wall, knew that the time had come for a surprise attack.

Immediately, he opened his mouth and ordered the knights under his command: “Move, take the gate of the Limestone City.” ”

And the knights who participated in this surprise attack battle, after hearing the orders of the great lords, also took action.

Although, as the first line of defense against the invasion of the Karos Kingdom of Arukaki, the walls of the Limestone Heavy City were twenty meters high.

But for Yuang, Arthur and more than a thousand other beings who are the weakest are bronze-level existences, and the twenty-meter-high city wall is just an existence that can be easily skipped.

After all, a trainee-level peak knight alone can jump twenty meters, let alone a bronze-level?

After jumping onto the city wall, Yuang, Arthur and the others directly divided into two ways, one way to deal with the patrol soldiers on the city wall, and the other responsible for opening the gate of the graystone heavy city.

Although there were more than 10,000 soldiers of the Kingdom of Arukaki who patrolled the wall where Arthur and others were located, there were more than 10,000 people, which was more than a thousand times more than the more than a thousand warriors of the Kingdom of Arukaki that attacked by Arthur and others this time.

But who is called Yuang, Arthur and more than a thousand other people who attacked the limestone heavy city wall, and their individual strength is stronger than the soldiers of the Arukaki kingdom who patrol the limestone heavy city wall?

Therefore, even if Arthur and his group divide into two ways, they can suppress a group of attacking Arukaki Kingdom warriors, after all, who calls the walls of the Limestone Heavy City are so wide that they can’t let too many people pass through at the same time, and in terms of individual strength, a group of Arukaki Kingdom warriors patrolling the Limestone Heavy City Wall are not as good as Arthur and other Carlos Kingdom warriors whose strength is the lowest bronze.

Just as Yuang, Arthur and others suppressed the patrol warriors of the Arukaki Kingdom on the Limestone Heavy City Wall all the way, the other Arukaki Kingdom warriors who were responsible for taking down the Limestone Heavy City Gate were also quickly cleaning up the accumulation behind the Limestone Heavy City Gate [The gate of the Limestone Heavy City is composed of two large iron gates, which are relatively easy to be knocked open, so, in order to prevent the army of the Kingdom of Carlos from directly crashing open the gate, the gate of the Limestone Heavy City is directly used by the defenders of the Arukaki Kingdom in the Limestone Heavy City, with a large number of heavy objects to live].

And just when Yuang, Arthur and other extraordinary warriors who attacked the walls of the Arukaki Kingdom, suppressed the patrol soldiers of the Arukaki Kingdom on the Limestone Heavy City Wall, and cleaned up the many piles at the Limestone Heavy City Gate.

The army of the Carlos Kingdom outside the Limestone City was also led by several great lords and rushed towards the Limestone City.

In the Limestone City, a group of Arukaki Kingdom troops who heard the shouts of the patrol soldiers, also led by the legion leader, and a group of soldiers who had previously fled from the Great Bear Fort and the Great Lord’s command, also rushed towards the city gate.

Looking at the Limestone Heavy City, the support of the Arukaki Kingdom that was getting closer and closer to the city gate, and there were still a lot of piles left under the city gate.

Arthur knew that without opening the gates of the Limestone City, Arthur knew that if this continued, their surprise battle this time would definitely fail.

Immediately, Arthur did not care about blocking the incoming patrol warriors of the kingdom of Arukaki on the city wall, jumped directly off the city wall, came to the limestone heavy city, and collected the heavy objects piled up at the gate of the limestone heavy city into the small world.

At the same time, Arthur also shouted to the soldiers of the Carlos Kingdom who were responsible for cleaning up the gate of the Limestone Heavy City: “If you have a space ring or other storage means, quickly put away these piles and speed up the speed of opening the city gate…”

Hearing Arthur’s shout, a group of warriors who were responsible for clearing the accumulation at the gate of the limestone heavy city and had storage means all acted according to Arthur’s appearance.

With the help of storage means, Arthur and other soldiers who cleaned up the accumulation at the gate of the Limestone City suddenly accelerated a lot by cleaning up the accumulation in the Limestone City.

Soon, all the accumulations at the gate of the limestone city were cleared.

Subsequently, before the reinforcements in the Limestone City arrived, the gates of the Limestone Heavy City were opened.

After opening the gate of the Limestone City, it is only a matter of time before Arthur and others resist the reinforcements in the Limestone City and prevent them from blocking the gate of the Limestone City, then it is only a matter of time before they can take the Limestone City.

Looking at the opened Limestone Heavy City Gate, and the soldiers of the Carlos Kingdom who poured into the Limestone Heavy City from the city gate, the commander of the Arukaki Kingdom Legion, who finally rushed to the Limestone Heavy City Gate, said to Arthur and the others with anger: “You guys are really damned!” ”

Subsequently, the commander of the Arukaki Kingdom Legion 2.1, whose strength reached the late stage of the Earth Knight, directly attacked Arthur and his group at the city gate.

I saw that when the legion leader of the Arukaki Kingdom made a move, Arthur’s side also reached the strength of the late Earth Knight, the Marquis Jumu, directly faced the legion leader of the Arukaki Kingdom.

Unfortunately, in order to take the Greystone City this time, Arthur and the others were responsible for the surprise attack, and the strength of the great lords was not weak.

And the great lords of the Arukaki Kingdom who came to support, seeing that the legion leader had already made a move against the Marquis of Jumu, they immediately made a move against Arthur and his group.

In this regard, the great lords in Arthur’s group naturally did not sit still and made a move.

Even Arthur made a move against a great lord of the kingdom of Arukaki who had the early strength of the earth knight.

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