super lord

Chapter 099

Chapter 99: Plunder Begins.

After dealing with the cultivation problems of Emilia and Nicole, Arthur left the small world and began to rest. After all, in order to take the Limestone City today, he spent a lot of effort.

Although, the Marquis of the Monitor Lizard, the Marquis of the Giant Bear and other great lords of the Carlos Kingdom took the Limestone City with the army of the Carlos Kingdom not long after.

But in order to expand the victory, the Marquis of the Monitor Lizard, the Marquis of the Giant Bear and other great lords of the Carlos Kingdom, or the day after they took the Limestone City, they directly gathered a group of Carlos warriors in the Limestone City.

After leaving two counts with earth-level strength, with more than 50,000 soldiers of the Karos Kingdom stationed in the Limestone Heavy City, guarding a group of prisoners in the Limestone Heavy City, the Marquis of the Monitor Lizard, the Marquis of the Giant Bear and other great lords of the Carlos Kingdom, took the remaining 150,000 Karos Kingdom troops and went straight to the second line of defense of the Arukaki Kingdom against the Karos Kingdom, Eris City.

Since this time, the entire army of the Carlos Kingdom went straight to Eris City in 06, so there was no time wasted on the road.

In just ten days, the entire army of the Carlos Kingdom, led by the Marquis of the Monitor Lizard, the Marquis of the Giant Bear and other great lords of the Kingdom of Carlos, came to the city of Erith.

However, although the Marquis of the Monitor Lizard, the Marquis of the Giant Bear and other great lords of the Carlos Kingdom, the speed of rushing to Eris City with the army of the Carlos Kingdom was fast enough. But it still didn’t go faster than the support speed of the Arukaki Kingdom.

Therefore, the enemies that the army of the Kingdom of Carlos who rushed to Eris City were no longer the 30,000 troops in the city of Erith, but the entire 180,000 army of the Kingdom of Arukaki.

Fortunately, the Marquis of the Monitor Lizard, the Marquis of the Giant Bear and other great lords of the Kingdom of Carlos invaded the Kingdom of Arukaki only for plunder, and did not intend to seize the territory of the Kingdom of Arukaki.

Therefore, for a time, the 150,000 army led by the great lords of the Karos Kingdom, such as the Marquis of the Monitor Lizard and the Marquis of the Giant Bear, directly confronted the 180,000 army of the Arukaki Kingdom in the city of Erith City.

Due to the fact that the strength of the two sides is not much different, neither side dares to take the initiative to attack.

And taking advantage of the confrontation between the main army and the 180,000 troops of the Arukaki Kingdom in the city of Eris City, the Marquis of the Monitor Lizard, the Marquis of the Giant Bear and other great lords of the Karos Kingdom directly let the small lords who participated in the attack on the Arukaki Kingdom this time begin to plunder the territory of the Arukaki Kingdom from the Limestone Heavy City of the Arukaki Kingdom to the Eris City.

Although Arthur is now an earth-level existence, Arthur is still only a baron. Therefore, Arthur was also one of the small lords who plundered the territory of the kingdom of Aruta.

Therefore, early in the morning of the second day of the confrontation between the army of the Kingdom of Carlos and the army of the Kingdom of Arukaki, Arthur set out early with the Knights of the Black Iron Collar under his command.

In order to obtain the greatest benefits, Arthur did not pay attention to the barony and viscount he encountered along the way, but directly took the knights of the black iron collar under his command and came to the direct territory of a count in the kingdom of Arukaki early.

By the way, it is worth mentioning that this count of the kingdom of Arukaki, Arthur also knows, is the Lord Count of Emilia’s father, Baron Wolf.

Perhaps because Count Wolf had long been defeated by Marquis Bear, Marquis Lizard and others, and fled to Eris City with his family, when Arthur brought his black iron knights to Wolf City, the direct territory under Count Wolf, he did not encounter much resistance and entered Wolf City.

Perhaps because it was known for a long time that Arthur and other leaders of the Kingdom of Carlos were coming to invade, most of the residents of Wolf City hid at home early.

There are only a few of them, still on the streets of Wolf City.

Therefore, when Arthur entered the Evil Wolf City with his Black Iron Knights, the streets in the Evil Wolf City inevitably seemed a little empty.

But how can that work?

After arriving all the way to the City Lord’s Mansion in Evil Wolf City, Arthur opened his mouth and instructed Karur, the golden knight: “Karur, you take a hundred black iron collar knights to inform the residents of Evil Wolf City, and let them come to the City Lord’s Mansion as soon as possible to report.” ”

“Yes, Lord Arthur.”

Hearing Arthur’s command, Carol answered.

Then, he took a hundred black iron collar knights to give a notice to the residents of Evil Wolf City.

Perhaps because the civilians on the Magic Continent had experienced this kind of thing more, not long after Arthur asked Karol and the others to give the notice, the residents of Evil Wolf City began to gather towards the City Lord’s Mansion.

Although the scale of Evil Wolf City was not as large as that of Flame City, the number of residents in Evil Wolf City was still as high as 80,000.

Due to the large number of residents in Wolf City, Arthur had to let the residents of Wolf City enter the square next to the main mansion of Wolf City in batches.

Although Arthur’s black iron collar is very lacking in civilians, Arthur 907 does not, bringing all the inhabitants of Wolf City back to the Kingdom of Carlos.

Because, that’s not realistic.

After all, who called Arthur only brought more than five hundred black iron collar warriors this time.

Therefore, in the face of the residents of Wolf City, Arthur mainly selected some residents with craftsmanship and good talents, as well as their families.

Therefore, in the face of the more than 80,000 residents of Wolf City, Arthur only chose to take more than 5,000 people.

By the way, it is worth mentioning that perhaps because of Arthur’s luck, among the more than 5,000 residents of Wolf City selected by Arthur, there are several miners responsible for mining the veins under Count Wolf.

So, with these miners, Arthur found three veins belonging to the Wolf Count.

Although these three veins belonging to the Count of the Evil Wolf are not rare veins such as magic crystal veins and concentrate gold veins, they are also silver veins, hematite veins and copper veins with relatively large effects.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that these three veins belonging to the Count of the Wolf, in addition to the silver vein, which is a small vein, the hematite vein and the copper vein, are all medium-sized veins.

Therefore, it can be said that Arthur’s luck is still very good.

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