super lord

Chapter 155

Chapter 155: Island Forest.

Because he wanted to explore medium-sized islands, the next day, early in the morning, Arthur got up early and enjoyed the considerate service of the maids, and Arthur took Erin, Emilia and others to the humble camp set up yesterday by the soldiers of the Black Iron Fleet.

“Lord Lord!”

Looking at Arthur, Raymond, Karul and other black-collared warriors who came to the camp, he greeted respectfully. Looking at Raymond, the captain of the Black Iron Fleet and now the head of the humble camp on the medium-sized island, Arthur asked, “Raymond, did something happen in the camp last night?” ”


“Didn’t you? It shouldn’t be! ”

Hearing Raymond’s answer, Arthur was a little surprised.

Because, in his opinion, when the Black Iron Leader fleet landed on this medium-sized island yesterday, the noise was still full, and it stands to reason that the natives on the medium-sized island should have noticed it.

Therefore, the indigenous people on this medium-sized island should send “people” to check it out.

As a result, it is somewhat strange that after one night, the indigenous people on this medium-sized island have not moved. Although it was strange that there was no movement from the natives on the medium-sized islands, Arthur didn’t care too much either.

After all, is there a wise aboriginal on this medium-sized island? What if, this medium-sized island has no intelligent natives, but only magical beasts without intelligence?

Anyway, no matter what, he is going to explore this medium-sized island.

Thinking of this, Arthur even opened his mouth and ordered Raymond: “Raymond, send someone to explore this medium-sized island!” ”

“Yes, my lord.”

Hearing Arthur’s order, Raymond answered, and then turned around and went to carry out Arthur’s order.

After Raymond left, Arthur looked at Irene, Lilith, Alice, Emilia and others who gathered around him, and couldn’t help but propose: “Sister Irene, Sister Lilith, Sister Alice, we also join the exploration team to explore this medium-sized island.” ”

“Exploring the island? Yes, I’m okay with that. ”

Hearing Arthur’s proposal, Erin thought for a while and quickly agreed to Arthur’s proposal.

After Erin agreed, the others naturally had no opinion, including Lilith and Alice.

After all, no matter what happened before, they are now under Arthur’s command, so they only need to follow Arthur’s orders. After that, Arthur, Erin, Emilia and others naturally joined the team to explore medium-sized islands.

Of course, it is said to join the team, in fact, Arthur and Irene, Emilia and others, set out as a team alone. Since the weakest in the team are gold-level existences, Arthur, Irene and the others’ exploration team did not carefully explore the medium-sized island like other teams composed of soldiers of the Black Iron Fleet, but directly walked towards the center of the medium-sized island.

The medium-sized island is a large island of more than 8,000 square kilometers, surrounded by a sandy beach and reef, while in the interior there are several peaks and a forest of dense trees.

Of course, this is seen from this direction where the Black Iron Collar fleet landed.

As for whether the interior of the medium-sized island is all forest, Arthur knows nothing.

The humble camp built by the Black Iron Leader fleet was at the junction of a reef area and a forest. Therefore, Arthur and his party set out from the humble camp and soon entered the forest.

Perhaps because the Black Iron Leader fleet landed on this medium-sized island yesterday and the movement when building a simple camp was too large, Arthur, Irene and others did not find any monsters and beasts when they entered the island forest to explore.

However, although Arthur and his party did not find the figure of the monster or beast, they found a lot of herbs in the forest. And, perhaps because these herbs have never been picked for a long time, there are very many of them.

Unfortunately, the purpose of Arthur’s group was not these herbs, so after discovering these herbs, Arthur and his group did not pay much attention to them, and continued to move towards the depths of the island forest.


… Later, perhaps because Arthur and his party went deeper and deeper into the island forest, they gradually found some beasts and low-level monsters.

And for these discovered beasts and low-level monsters, Arthur and his party did not have any idea of dodging, and went straight forward. After all, these discovered beasts and low-level Warcraft were not a threat to Arthur’s team that was the weakest in the gold level.

And these beasts and monsters discovered by Arthur and his party may also be aware of the threat of Arthur’s group, and after the arrival of Arthur’s group, they all took evasion methods.

Of course, there are so many monsters and beasts in the island forest, there are always a few monsters and beasts with bad brains. No, a Warcraft race was eyeing Arthur and his group.

0··· Woooo

With a wolf howl, a coyote gradually appeared around Arthur, Erin’s group, and surrounded Arthur’s pedestrians.

Coyotes, a low-level Warcraft race, are about the same size as ordinary wolves, and can become trainee-level Warcraft as adults.

Perhaps because he was accustomed to dominating in the surrounding island forest area, or perhaps because he felt that Arthur’s group was not threatening, the coyote king did not hide his figure behind the wolves, but took his own coyote guard and appeared directly in front of Arthur’s group.

Coyote Guard, the Guardian of the Coyote King, early Bronze Level. Coyote King, the leader of the coyote clan, the peak of the bronze level.

Looking at the coyote king who appeared in front of her and the others, Alice said a little angrily: “Arthur, is this coyote king looking down on us? Dare to appear directly in front of us. ”

“Indeed, this coyote king just looks down on us.”

Hearing Alice’s words, before Arthur could speak, Erin spoke even more.

Hearing Erin’s words, Alice immediately said to Arthur unpleasantly: “In that case, let it taste our power!” Arthur, these coyotes are handed over to us. ”

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