super lord

Chapter 160

Chapter 160: Great Ghost Clan Twin Sisters.

Although the Little Ghost Clan and the Big Ghost Clan in the Little Ghost Clan village have chosen to submit to themselves, Arthur, as a more suspicious one, does not immediately believe in submitting to his Little Ghost Clan and Big Ghost Clan.

After all, he used coercion to make the little ghost clan and the big ghost clan here submit to him.

Of course, it was simple for Arthur to make the subordinate little and big ghosts completely loyal. A deed is enough to solve this problem.

And for Arthur, who had already exchanged a full thousand contract places, it was still very easy to take out more than three hundred places to contract the submission of the little ghost clan and the big ghost clan.

Soon, under Arthur’s signal, more than three hundred little ghosts and big ghosts in the little ghost village signed a contract with Arthur. Since then, Arthur has completely subdued more than three hundred little ghosts and big ghosts in the village of the little ghost tribe.

After subduing the Little Ghost Clan and the Big Ghost Clan in the Little Ghost Clan’s village, Arthur did not have the idea of capturing the Little Ghost Clan and the Big Ghost Clan in the Little Ghost Clan village after receiving the information of the Little Ghost Race from the Super Lord System.

After all, they have already subjugated the big ghost clan and the little ghost clan, so what are they arresting for.

And since there is no need to implement the idea of capturing the little ghost clan and the big ghost clan, then Arthur’s previous back hand to capture the little ghost clan is naturally not needed.

Immediately, Arthur hid himself before, ready to use it to capture Irene, Lilith and others who did not submit to his little ghost clan and big ghost clan, and summoned him.

Erin, Lilith and the others, who no longer need to hide, quickly walked out and appeared in front of a group of small ghosts and big ghosts, looking at the group of little ghosts and big ghosts, Erin opened her mouth and asked Arthur: “Arthur, your purpose is accomplished?” ”

“It’s done, now these little ghost clans and big ghost clans have been subdued by me.”

Hearing Erin’s inquiry, Arthur said with a happy face.

No wonder Arthur would be happy, who could not be happy to be able to subdue the little ghost race, a monster race with extraordinary potential! Compared to Arthur’s happy face, Erin was full of puzzlement.

Because, in her opinion, the little ghost tribe and the big ghost clan, whether in terms of strength or appearance [lack of water resources, so the little ghost tribe and the big ghost tribe in the little ghost tribe village, rarely bathe, and the appearance is naturally not good], why did Arthur spend effort to subdue them, like he did with the goblins before, can’t they all be killed?

Of course, Erin would think so, only because Erin did not understand the potential of the little ghost clan.

However, this is not to blame Erin, after all, who called the Kingdom of Carlos too small compared to the entire Magic Continent? And Irene, as a member of the Carlos Kingdom, naturally it is impossible to understand the Little Ghost Clan, which is a relatively secret race on the Magic Continent.

Of course, Arthur would not explain this to Erin. After all, Erin didn’t ask him again.

In view of the fact that the little ghosts and big ghosts in the little ghost village have not bathed for too long, Arthur once again took out a large amount of water resources, so that these little ghosts and big ghosts in the little ghost village who have not bathed for too long can wash well.

And Arthur’s action couldn’t help but move the little ghosts and big ghosts who had already submitted to Arthur.

After all, in the eyes of the little ghosts and big ghosts who have already submitted to Arthur, water resources are so precious, and Arthur, the master, is even willing to let them use such precious water resources to bathe, how can this not make the little ghosts and big ghosts who have submitted to Arthur move.

Since they are ready to let the little ghost clan and the big ghost clan go to the bath, the clothes naturally cannot be left behind.

However, because the size of the little ghost tribe is very similar to that of human six or seven-year-old children, and Arthur’s small world, there are no children’s clothes, so Arthur can only take out a bunch of adult clothes and give them to the little ghost and the big ghost who have surrendered to him.

And this move once again moved the little ghost clan and the big ghost clan who submitted to Arthur.

After all, the small and large ghost tribes on this medium-sized island have not worn human clothes before, and they all rely on animal skins to make clothes.

After preparing the water and clothes for bathing, the little and big ghosts who had submitted to Arthur retreated and went to wash

··· Ask for flowers…

The cleaning process was very fast, and after a while, a group of little ghosts dragging adult clothes, similar to human six or seven-year-old children, but with one or two more ghost horns on their heads and dark brown skin, appeared in front of Arthur, Irene and others.

“So cute!”

After the cleansing, the little ghost clan is no longer as sloppy as before the cleaning, and its appearance is a little cute, no, Lilith said directly to a little ghost clan wearing pink clothes with two ghost horns on her head.

Not long after the little ghost clan came out, the six big ghost clans also finished cleaning and walked out.

The first four apprentice-level big ghost races to come out, there is nothing to say, as a monster race that is already similar to humans, these four big ghost races are basically not much different from humans except for the ghost horns on their heads.


What really surprised Arthur were the two bronze-level ghosts.

Because, these two bronze-level big ghost clans turned out to be girls, moreover, they were quite beautiful girls. Her appearance is not under Erin, Emilia, and Nicole.

If you add the same faces of their twins, as well as the alien flavor of the ghost horns on their heads, their attractiveness is higher than that of Erin, Emilia and others.

By the way, it is worth mentioning that although these two bronze-level big ghosts are twins, the resolution is still very high. Because, although the two have the same appearance, their hair colors are different, one is pink and the other is blue.

Looking at the two big ghosts walking towards him, Arthur couldn’t help but exclaim, “Unexpectedly, you two turned out to be women?” ”

“Master, what’s wrong with the woman?”

Hearing Arthur’s words, the blue-haired ghost clan couldn’t help but ask Arthur.


Hearing the blue-haired ghost’s inquiry, Arthur shook his head and spoke. Then, thinking that he still didn’t know the names of the two bronze-level ghosts, Arthur asked again, “What are your names?” ”

“We don’t have a name.”

Hearing Arthur’s inquiry, the pink-haired ghost clan and the blue-haired ghost clan spoke again.

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