super lord

Chapter 168

Chapter 168: Return to the Black Iron Collar.

Compared to the World Tree Seedlings and three random class buildings, the value of a hundred acres of special Spirit Planting Dragon Tooth Rice and a two-way teleportation array was not that great.

In particular, the value of the two-way teleportation array in the super lord system exchange function is only one and a half million force value. Moreover, the reason why this two-way teleportation array opened from the Super Lord Gift Pack can be worth 1.5 million power values is because it does not require magic crystals when teleporting like other two-way teleportation arrays, but can independently absorb the magic power between heaven and earth and maintain teleportation.

Otherwise, an ordinary two-way teleportation array would be worth at most half a million forces.

Of course, this two-way teleportation array opened by the super lord gift package is still very helpful for Arthur today.

After all, Arthur’s newly conquered medium-sized island is too far away from the Black Iron Lord.

With the two-way teleportation array opened by the Super Lord Gift Pack, Arthur and Arthur’s subordinates can easily shuttle between the Black Iron Collar and medium-sized islands.

Compared with the two-way teleportation array, one hundred acres of special spirit plant dragon tooth rice, although 980 is not as valuable as the World Tree Seedlings and three random low-level troop buildings, it is also much higher than the value of the two-way teleportation array.

As a special spirit plant, the value of an acre of dragon tooth rice in the super lord system exchange function is not much higher than that of ordinary spirit plants, and it only needs 80,000 power values to exchange for one mu.

And the value of a hundred acres of dragon tooth rice is only eight million power values.

Of course, don’t look at the value of this dragon tooth rice is not very high, but its effect is still great.

For cultivators, especially those who practice the breathing method, in addition to a lot of resources, they also need a lot of food to cultivate.

For example, Arthur, don’t look at the few soldiers under Arthur today, a group of black iron led soldiers and patrol members in charge of patrolling, the total number of less than seven thousand people, but the food they consume every day is twice as much food as the Flame Count except the Black Iron Domain, and all the armies combined consume.

And this is still because there is a lot of meat in the food of the black iron collar.

Otherwise, the food consumed by the black iron-collar warriors every day would be doubled.

Therefore, although the unit price of dragon tooth rice in the super lord system exchange function [one mu] is not very high, it has the effect of filling the stomach of Hugh cultivators, in addition, dragon tooth rice also has a slight effect of assisting frost repair.

For the four items opened from the Super Lord Pack, Arthur thought a little and made arrangements.

Among them, the heaviest things such as the World Tree Seedlings were directly planted by Arthur in the small world, and the iron-armored guards class buildings that were used to help the small world grow up, the scaled iron cavalry class buildings and the dragon rider soldier class buildings were placed by Arthur on the black iron collar and medium-sized islands respectively.

Among them, the Ironclad Guards class building and the scaled armored Iron Cavalry class building, because they are both land-type troops, cannot play the greatest role on the island, and Arthur placed them in the black iron collar.

The Wyvern Rider Soldier building, because it is a flying class, is placed on a medium-sized island.

By the way, after placing the wyvern soldier type building on the medium-sized island, Arthur changed the name of the wyvern collar to the medium-sized island by the way, in addition to placing the wyvern rider soldier building on the wyvern collar, Arthur also placed a hundred acres of dragon tooth rice in the wyvern collar, as for why Arthur did not place a hundred acres of dragon tooth rice in the small world, it is because the spirit plant placed in the small world will not provide Arthur with power value, only placed in Arthur’s territory, Arthur can get the power value provided by the spirit plant.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that dragon tooth rice, as a special spiritual plant, is not very attractive to Warcraft.

Otherwise, Arthur would rather not obtain the power value provided by the dragon tooth rice, and also place the dragon tooth rice in the small world like the spirit plants such as the Flame Fruit Tree and the Water Yuan Fruit Tree.

As for the arrangement of the two-way teleportation array, Arthur directly placed it at the landing gate of the Flying Dragon Collar [the Black Iron Collar fleet ascended to the position of the Flying Dragon Collar] and the port of Wanghai City of the Black Iron Leader.

After arranging all the dead items from the Super Lord Pack, Arthur and his party stayed in the Dragon Collar for a few days, and then prepared to return to the Black Iron Domain.

This time back, Arthur did not choose to bring Ram, Rem, Zero Two and other ghost warriors, as well as a group of bipedal wyverns in the wyvern domain.

After all, the flying dragon collar that placed a hundred acres of dragon tooth rice still needs to be taken care of, and the ghost warriors such as Ram and Rem and a group of bipedal flying dragons are just right.

After handing over the Wyvern Collar to Ram, Rem and other Wyvern Collar natives, Arthur left the Wyvern Collar with a group of Black Iron Leader warriors.

Due to the two-way teleportation array between the Flying Dragon Collar and the Black Iron Collar, Arthur and the others chose to return to the Black Iron Collar through the teleportation array this time.

The sudden return of Arthur, Irene and others directly startled everyone at the port of Haicheng, because the return of Arthur, Irene and others was too sudden.

Fortunately, Arthur opened his mouth to explain the existence of a two-way teleportation array.

Later, after learning that Arthur had found a medium-sized island in the ocean and occupied it, the management of Ferg, Fox and other black iron leaders could not help but feel happy for Arthur.

After all, as Arthur’s subordinates, their fate has long been bound to Arthur.

After telling Ferg the general information of the Wyvern Domain, Arthur opened his mouth and ordered to Ferg: “Ferg, this lord is preparing to develop agriculture and animal husbandry in the Wyvern Domain, you arrange manpower and prepare to go to the Wyvern Territory to open up land!” ”

“Yes, my lord.”

Hearing Arthur’s order, Ferg answered directly, and then excitedly went to complete what Arthur had explained.

In the following period, due to the development of the Flying Dragon Collar, the lords of the Black Iron Collar couldn’t help but get busy.

And when the residents of the Black Iron Leader were busy with the development of the flying dragon, Arthur was not idle, and directly took Emilia, Nicole and others to help the Toothed Fishman tribe, occupying the sea area where the Toothed Fishman tribe lived and several surrounding seas.

Unfortunately, due to the lack of power value, Arthur only incorporated the sea area where the Sharptoothed Fishman tribe is located into his territory.

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