super lord

Chapter 191

Chapter 191: The Background of the Char Romu Family.

After solving a group of small lords of the Iron Lords who were blocking the road, the army of the Kingdom of Carlos led by Arthur soon came to the main city of the Iron Lord, Steel City.

Unlike the city of Yaro, which is controlled by the Yaros family, which has little defense, the steel lord city controlled by the Charromu family is very prominent.

Although the Iron Marquis and his two younger brothers took with them a lot of Steel-collar warriors when they went to the eastern coastal defense line of the Cham Kingdom and the border city of Chachar, there are still many Steel-collar warriors stationed on the walls of Steel City, no less than 10,000. And the 10,000 Iron Leader warriors and the extremely defensive walls of Steel City are enough to resist the attack of the 50,000 soldiers of the Carlos Kingdom army led by Arthur.

Of course, if it was just that, Arthur didn’t have to worry, because even if the more than 10,000 Steel-collar warriors of the Iron Collar resisted the attack of a group of 06 Carlos Kingdom warriors with the help of the walls of Steel City, they could not resist the attack of the earth-level combat power in the Carlos Kingdom army led by Arthur.

After all, the current earth-level combat power of the Steel Lord’s face is only the Marquise of the Iron Domain.

Unfortunately, in today’s Steel City, there is not only the Iron Lord’s Marquise, this earth-level combat power, in addition to the marquise’s earth-level combat power, there are also four earth-level combat power in Steel City.

And these five earth-level combat power is almost equal to the earth-level combat power in the army of the Carlos Kingdom led by Arthur.

After all, in the army of the Carlos Kingdom led by Arthur, in addition to Arthur, the earth-level combat power and the recently breakthrough Baron Hunter are included [Nicole and Aegina are not counted, although the combat power of the two has reached the earth-level, but the realm is still the peak of the gold level], but only six.

Moreover, most of these six earth-level combat powers are early earth-level combat powers, mid-earth-level combat powers, and not even one earth-level late combat power.

Although there are only five earth-level combat forces in Steel City, they are basically mid-earth-level.

Therefore, although Arthur’s side has an additional earth-level combat power, in fact, the combat power of the two sides is equal. Of course, if Arthur made a move, then the five earth-level combat powers in Steel City were naturally nothing. Unfortunately, Arthur today can’t make a move at all.

Because, as soon as Arthur makes a move, his sky-level strength will definitely be discovered by the Charlomu family.

And once the Charromu family’s heritage discovers Arthur’s earth-level strength, then Arthur will definitely encounter the siege of the Charromu family’s heritage.

As an extremely wealthy marquis family in the Cham Kingdom, the heritage of the Charromu family is naturally not comparable to the heritage of the Yaros family.

Not to mention anything else, just the sky-level powerhouses, there are five Charromu families, one late sky-level, two mid-sky-level, and two early-sky-level.

Although these five Sky-level are nothing to Arthur, whose real combat power has reached the legendary level, it is also very difficult for Arthur to take down the five Sky-level combat power of the Charromu family.

After all, if a Sky-level existence wants to run, even a Legendary-level existence may not be able to take it down. And as long as a sky-level existence escapes, Arthur’s strength, the information will definitely be exposed to the Kingdom of Cham.

Therefore, in this battle against Steel City, Arthur was able to try not to shoot without making a move.

Looking at the extremely heavily defended Steel City not far away, Arthur suddenly had no intention of attacking, and directly opened his mouth to the group of Carlos Kingdom soldiers under his command and ordered: “Rest, camp!” ”

“Yes, Commander!”

Hearing Arthur’s order, a group of soldiers of the Kingdom of Carlos who heard Arthur’s order spoke.

Subsequently, the army of the Kingdom of Carlos led by Arthur set up camp not far from Steel City.

“me off!”

Looking at the army of the Carlos Kingdom who had set up camp in front of her eyes, the Marquise of the Iron Lord, who had a very hot temper, said directly angrily.

Then, looking at the army of the Carlos Kingdom who was camped not far from Steel City, the Marquise of the Iron Lord, when she opened her mouth and asked a white-haired old man in a gray magic robe beside her: “Grand Magician Korov, can you take advantage of the time when the army of the Karos Kingdom is camped and give them a powerful magic?” ”

“No, although they are camping, they have not let their guard down, if I unleash magic on them now, not only will I not achieve any results, but it will also provoke them to attack Steel City.”

Hearing the words of the Marquise of the Iron Lord, the great magician named Korov shook his head and explained.

Hearing Korov’s explanation, the Marquise of the Iron Lordship knew that she could not stop the army of the Kingdom of Carlos from setting up camp outside Steel City.

Immediately, he complained a little frustrated: “Are we just going to let them set up camp outside Steel City?” ”

“No way, who let us in Steel City, there are not many warriors left now, 360!”

Hearing the complaints of the Marquise of the Iron Collar, a middle-aged man in battle armor spoke.

Hearing the words of the middle-aged war-armored man, the Marquise of the Iron Collar, with the last glimmer of hope, asked, “Can we ask the ancestor to make a move?” ”

Hearing the words of the Iron Lord, the middle-aged war-armored man, the Great Magician of Korov, and two other earth-level combat power existences, quickly opened his mouth to deny: “No!” ”

“Why not?”

Hearing the denial of the four earth-level combat powers, the Marquise of the Iron Lordship asked.

Hearing the Marquise of the Iron Collar’s inquiry, the middle-aged war-armored man, the Great Magician of Korov, and the other two earth-level combat powers, their backs were full of bitter smiles.

In the end, it was the Great Sorcerer Korov who stood up and explained: “Madam, this time we made a move, it can already be regarded as a violation of the war regulations, if the ancestor also makes a move, then we are provoking the war regulations, and at that time, our Charromu family will become the target of everyone.” ”

“At that time, what awaits our Charromu family will only perish.”

“Then let them set up camp.”

Hearing the explanation of the Grand Magician Korov, the Marquise of the Iron Lord, who was frightened by the meaning of the words of the Grand Magician of Korov, said weakly.

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