super lord

Chapter 217

Chapter 217: Handling the Harvest.

The population of the Black Iron Collar has increased, so the number of fighters that can be recruited will naturally increase.

Originally, the population of the black iron leader was nearly 100,000, and Arthur recruited nearly 10,000 black iron collar soldiers, and now, the population of the black iron collar has increased by 100,000, which means that Arthur can recruit 10,000 more soldiers.

Of course, since most of the 100,000 people selected by Arthur were prisoners of war, the number of soldiers Arthur could re-recruit was much more than 10,000, but as the number of soldiers increased, the logistical pressure on the black iron collar would also be greater.

And the logistics bearing capacity of the black iron leader today, although not weak, is not very strong.

After all, who called the warrior Arthur wanted to cultivate, it was a warrior of the extraordinary level!

Therefore, even if Arthur pressed all the current black iron collar logistics, he would only be able to cultivate 30,000 black iron collar warriors.

Of course, since the logistical limit of the black iron collar is thirty thousand, Arthur naturally cannot directly train thirty thousand black iron collar warriors. After all, some logistics still need to be left for future troubles, so Arthur will only train up to 25,000 Black Iron Collar warriors.

Not to mention this, this time Arthur’s expedition to the kingdom of Cham has gained a clear harvest, in addition to a population of 100,000, there are also miscellaneous items.

And for these miscellaneous items, Arthur basically sold them all to the Chamber of Commerce and obtained more than one million gold coins.

To sum up, in the war of the invasion of the Kingdom of Cham by the Kingdom of Carlos this time, the gains obtained by Riasser in the open and dark are: the two earl families of the Kingdom of Cham and the large territory of the two count families, the special product of the steel and wood collar, the prisoners of the 100,000 Cham Kingdom, more than one million gold coins and some miscellaneous things.

After sorting out the harvests of the invasion of the Kingdom of Cham by the Kingdom of Carlos this time, the next thing Arthur naturally had to do was to digest all these harvests to increase the power under his command.

First of all, the two count families subdued in the Kingdom of Cham and the blood and bronze collars under their command, Yaros is ahead and does not care. Although Arthur had already placed portals [Super Lords System Gifts] in both the Blood Bronze Collar and the Arros Territory when he left the Kingdom of Cham, the current plan Arthur is implementing for these two large territories is mainly slowly eroding.

After all, the current Arthur is not able to come up with enough power values to bring these two large territories under the jurisdiction of the super lord system.

Arthur really had only three things to deal with, that is, the steel wood plundered from the Steelwood Domain, the 100,000 Cham Kingdom Floaters, and the more than one million gold coins obtained from the sale of items.

The plundered steel wood is very easy to handle, only need to plant it in the small world, Arthur can rely on the characteristics of the small world, obtain a large amount of steel wood, so as to build more excellent warships and enter the ocean to explore.

The 100,000 Cham Kingdom prisoners allocated are also very good to handle, because the 100,000 Cham Kingdom prisoners allocated are Arthur’s selection, so the potential of these 100,000 Cham Kingdom prisoners is very good.

Although Arthur could not train all of them into black iron collar warriors at once due to the logistics of the black iron collar, there was still no problem in selecting fifteen thousand of them with the highest potential for cultivation.

As for the remaining prisoners of the Cham Kingdom, there is no need to worry, some of the work of the Black Iron Leader and the reclamation of the Flying Dragon Collar still require a lot of manpower.

And for the processing of gold coins, it is simpler, buy buy buy it.

Inside the black iron collar, there are still quite a lot of things missing.

Due to the invasion of the Kingdom of Charles against the Kingdom of Cham this time, more gains were obtained. Therefore, by the time Arthur measured this harvest and processed almost the same, more than a month had passed.

In the following months, Arthur began a retreat after handing over the Black Iron Collar and the Wyvern Collar to Ferg, Fox, and Raymond, Carur, Laputa, Palos and others.

By the way, it is worth mentioning that in the months when Arthur took Irene, Lilith, Alice, Nicole, and Aegina to participate in the invasion war of the Kingdom of Carlos against the Kingdom of Cham, Raymond, Karur, Laputa, and Palos have all accumulated and have broken through to the earth level.

Compared with the thick and thin hair of Raymond, Karur, Laputa, and Palos, Emilia and the other twelve Arthur’s maids are not bad, among which Emilia’s strength has reached the peak of the earth level, only one step away, and she can break through to the sky level. The twelve maids successfully broke through to the earth level before Arthur returned to the black iron collar [Nicole, Aegina and the two of them in the middle of the earth level]

Since then, all fifteen personal maids under Arthur have arrived at the earth level.

Of course, the fastest improvement under Arthur is the ghost tribe that Arthur has subdued in the Flying Dragon Domain.

When Arthur took Irene, Nicole and others to participate in the invasion war of the Kingdom of Carlos against the Kingdom of Cham, the executive officer of Ferg had been following Arthur’s orders and selecting suitable evolutionary spiritual plants for the ghost tribe.

And Ferg, the executive officer, also lived up to the trust of Arthur, the lord, and successfully collected the spirit plants needed by the small ghost tribe to advance to the big ghost tribe in the ghost tribe, and since then, Arthur has subdued the ghost tribe in the flying dragon, and all the ghost tribes have advanced to become the big ghost clan.

And after all the ghost clans advanced to become the big ghost clan, their strength increased rapidly.

So much so, by the time Arthur returned to the Black Iron Domain, more than three hundred great ghost clans had all reached the gold level.

Ghost Clan.

The only pity is that these more than three hundred big ghost clan warriors are not independent evolution such as Ram, Rem, and the 023 sisters, and their normal combat power is also only gold-level, rather than like Ram, Rem, and 023 sisters, at the peak of the gold level, they have the combat power clothes of the late earth-level.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that after all the ghost races in the ghost tribe have advanced to become the big ghost race, the sisters Ram, Reim, and 023 have already had a tendency to evolve the ghost race independently again.

Unfortunately, perhaps because the Ram, Reim, and 023 sisters have not met any conditions, so although the Ram, Reim, and 023 sisters have the trend of independent evolution again, they have not evolved independently into the ghost race.

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