super lord

Chapter 219

Chapter 219: Magic Force.

Of course, if that’s all, then the newly formed maid army is nothing.

What really valued Arthur was the great improvement that the one hundred and twenty newly recruited maids had received in recent months with the sufficient resources provided by Arthur after practicing the star breathing method taught by Arthur.

Since the newly recruited one hundred and twenty maids originally possessed good strength, they were basically all gold level after changing their better cultivation methods and the sufficient cultivation resources provided by Arthur.

In addition to the formation and promotion of the special force of the maid force, another special force under Arthur has gradually grown stronger after the population of the Black Iron Collar and the Flying Dragon Collar has greatly increased.

And this special force is the magical force led by Arthur’s personal maid, Shirley, whose strength has now reached the peak of the earth-level.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that Erin and Lilith, Alice and the three, are also members of the magic force. The Magic Force consists of two teams, the Magic Maid Team and the Black Iron Leader Magic Team.

Among them, the members of the magical maid team are all selected by Shirley from a group of maids under Arthur, although the magic cultivation potential of these maids may not be high, but their appearance is absolutely outstanding.

Of course, with the sufficient cultivation resources provided by Arthur, the magic cultivation potential of these magical maid team members is not high, and the lowest strength of all members has reached the intermediate [silver level], and the high strength has reached the advanced [gold level].

As for reaching the Great Magician [Earth Level] level, there was no one. After all, the level of a great magician is still difficult to cultivate, otherwise, Arthur’s subordinates would not have been able to subdue the Blood Bronze Count Family and the Count of Arros Family in the Kingdom of Cham, only Shirley, the Great Magician.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that the magicians under Arthur are basically trained by Arthur from scratch [magicians are more noble, even if they are captured on the battlefield, they will basically be redeemed by their kingdom, and it is impossible to be subdued by Arthur like Emilia, Nicole, Aegina and others].

Unlike the team of magical maids, which are selected from among Arthur’s maids, the members of the Black Iron Leader Magic Team are selected from the personnel in the Black Iron Collar and the Wyvern Domain.

Therefore, even if the personnel with magic cultivation talent are rare, among the more than 200,000 people of the Black Iron Collar and the Flying Dragon Collar, the members of the Black Iron Collar Magic Team still reach more than a thousand.

Of course, since a large part of these more than a thousand people were selected from the newly increased population of the Black Iron Collar and the Flying Dragon Collar this time, the members of this black iron collar magic team with a number of more than a thousand people were not strong, and most of them were just becoming trainee magicians.

In addition, the cultivation resources obtained by the Black Iron Collar Magic Team could not be compared with the cultivation resources obtained by the Magic Maid Team, and now, the strongest in the Black Iron Collar Magic Team was only an intermediate magician.

Looking at Nicole, Shirley, and Raymond, the resources consumed by the cultivation of the warriors under their command in the past few months of retreat cultivation.

Arthur, who had never worried about the cultivation resources of his soldiers since the Black Iron Collar exploited the magic crystal vein in the branch forest of the Carlos Forest, couldn’t help but sigh now: “I can’t imagine that my Arthur still has a day when the cultivation resources are not enough. ”

However, this is not to blame Arthur, after all, the resources that can support more than twenty thousand and nearly thirty thousand cultivation are indeed a lot. Not to mention, Arthur was still in full supply every day, for several months.

You know, even a count lord only supplies the cultivation resources of thousands of people, and the cultivation resources it supplies are not supplied every day like Arthur, but only once a few days or even once a month.

Seeing that he could still supply cultivation resources for a few more months, Arthur knew that it was time for him to look for more cultivation resources, of course, before going to find cultivation resources, go home for the New Year.

After all, it’s the end of the year.

Because of the two-legged wyvern as a mount, this time home, Arthur did not return to the Flaming Castle in advance with a group of guards in advance through the small territories in the Earl of Flame.

Instead, seven days before the New Year, he and Erin brought gifts for their parents and rode on the mount of the two-legged wyvern to return to the Flaming Castle from the air.

Since the two-legged wyverns ridden by Arthur, Irene and the others were all gold-level monsters, Arthur, Irene and the others returned to the Flame Castle from the Black Iron Territory very quickly.

On the same day, he set off from the Black Iron Collar and arrived at the Flaming Castle on the same day.

As soon as Arthur and Irene returned to the Flaming Castle, their sisters Ai Bing and Ai Xue, twin sisters, complained to Arthur and Irene: “Sister Irene, brother Arthur, you came back too slowly, obviously so close to home.” ”

“There are a lot of things going on in the territory, so I’m slower to come back.”

Hearing the complaints of Ai Bing, Ai Xue, the two twin sisters, Arthur found a reason to reply.


Then, looking at Ai Bing, Ai Xue, he asked, “It’s you two, studying at the Royal Capital Magic Academy, how did you come back so quickly?” ”

“Hee-hee, who let us two be magical geniuses and can take leave in advance, so, we took leave in advance and came back.”

Hearing Arthur’s answer, Ai Bing and Ai Xue both opened their mouths to answer.

Hearing the answers of Ai Bing and Ai Xue, Arthur said with a skeptical face: “Magical genius, just you? ”

However, it is no wonder that Arthur is suspicious, there are too many talents in the black iron collar and the wyvern collar, so that Arthur unknowingly put the standard of the black iron collar on Ai Bing and Ai Xue.

Among the black iron collar, Ai Bing, who is now seventeen years old and has only reached the intermediate level magician after many years of cultivation, and Ai Xue are naturally not geniuses.

After all, in the Black Iron Domain, the maids under Arthur who had only practiced for two or three years were already intermediate magicians, and the excellent ones became senior magicians.

In fact, Arthur forgot that the sub-meditation method of the star meditation method practiced by those maids under his command was a level better than the meditation method circulating in the Kingdom of Carlos.

Therefore, Ai Bing, who is now only seventeen years old and has become an intermediate magician, and Ai Xue, in the Wang Capital Magic Academy, where most of their peers are only junior magicians, are naturally magical geniuses ten.

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