super lord

Chapter 231

Chapter 231: The Phoenix Feather Bird Cub Arrives.


Hearing the explanation of the super lord system, Arthur couldn’t help but burst into foul language.

Then, Arthur curiously opened his mouth and asked the super lord system: “Since this is the cub of a legendary Warcraft Phoenix Feather Bird, why did the Four Seasons Chamber of Commerce not recognize it, but instead recognized it as the cub of the Flaming Feather Bird?” ”

“This is because there is no difference between the phoenix feather bird cub and the flaming feather bird cub, so let alone the Four Seasons Chamber of Commerce, even the phoenix feather bird family and the flaming feather bird family may recognize the mistake, and only after the phoenix feather bird cub and the flaming feather bird cub step into the growth stage, there will be a difference between the two.”

Of course, although there is no difference between phoenix feather bird cubs and flaming feather bird cubs, under normal circumstances, because the two monsters do not live together, there will be no problem that phoenix feather bird cubs are recognized as flaming bird cubs, and flaming feather bird cubs are recognized as phoenix feather birds.

“It is very unlikely that a phoenix-feathered bird baby will be considered a flaming feather bird cub like this.”

Hearing Arthur’s inquiry, the Super Lord System spoke.

Hearing the super lord system’s answer, Arthur thought for a while and said, “It’s the same!” This kind of auction of the Phoenix Feather Bird cub 06 as a flaming feather bird is estimated to be the first time in the history of the Magic Continent. ”

However, this is also good, if the Four Seasons Chamber of Commerce knows that what is taken out this time is not the cub of the earth-level Warcraft Flaming Feather Bird, but the cub of the legendary Warcraft Phoenix Feather Bird, it is estimated that it will not be taken out for auction, and I will not have the opportunity to pick up a legendary Warcraft cub said here, looking at the phoenix feather bird cub that was auctioned as the Flaming Feather Bird cub in the auction venue, Arthur immediately opened his mouth to bid.

Because the bidding of the phoenix feather bird cub was raised to more than two million as early as when Arthur talked to the super lord system, Arthur bid directly for three million this time.

Although the flying monster is more expensive than other monsters, it is only more expensive, so for this phoenix feather bird cub that is regarded as the cub of the flaming feather bird, the psychological reserve price of the owner of the box in the auction hall is about three million.

So, after Arthur offered three million bids, no one opened his mouth to compete with Arthur.

Therefore, Arthur was lucky to photograph this legendary monster worth hundreds of millions or even billions at a price of three million, the cub of the phoenix feather bird.

Of course, for the Four Seasons Chamber of Commerce, which auctioned the Phoenix Feather Bird cub as the Flaming Feather Bird Cub, Arthur was undoubtedly the same as the owner of the third box who had previously photographed the Moon Shadow Leopard cub.

With the phoenix feather bird cub being auctioned by Arthur for three million gold coins, now, this auction held by the Four Seasons Chamber of Commerce is now the last auction item, that is, the finale in the finale.

Soon, the Four Seasons Chamber of Commerce sent the seventh finale auction item, which was the last auction item of this auction, to the auction floor.

And this last auction item is the main purpose of the owners of the boxes in the auction hall to participate in the auction, a small magic crystal mine that can continuously produce a steady stream of medium-grade magic crystals.

Of course, for Arthur, this small magic crystal ore mother that can continuously produce medium-grade magic crystals is no longer very important.

Because, Arthur’s attention now is all on the phoenix feather bird cub released by the Four Seasons Chamber of Commerce.

The image of the phoenix feather bird cub is similar to that of a sparrow, the only difference is that the feathers of the phoenix feather bird cub are fiery red. After paying the three million gold coins for the Phoenix Feather Bird cub to the staff of the Four Seasons Chamber of Commerce, this legendary magical beast, the cub of the Phoenix Feather Bird, was handed over to Arthur by the staff of the Four Seasons Chamber of Commerce.

After getting the phoenix feather bird cub in his hand, Arthur Chao couldn’t wait to use contract magic and signed a contract with the phoenix feather bird cub. Since then, this phoenix-feathered bird cub, which may have evolved into the mythical beast Phoenix, has been marked with Arthur’s mark.

After contracting the phoenix feather bird cubs, Arthur took out the fire low-grade spirit fruit from the small world and gave them to the phoenix feather bird cubs to eat.

Looking at the phoenix-feathered bird cub who was treated as a treasure by Arthur and fed with the low-level spirit fruit of the fire system, knowing that Arthur saw that Erin, who was owned by the sky-level dragons, he couldn’t help but speak: “Arthur, as for? This is just the cub of an earth-level demon beast flaming feather bird. ”

After Erin spoke, Yuon Chris, who had long wanted to open her mouth to preach to Arthur, immediately spoke: “Erin is right, this is just the cub of an earth-level monster flaming bird, do you like it again, as for spending three million gold coins to shoot it?” ”

“This is not a cub of a flaming feather bird, but a flying monster cub that is much stronger than a flaming feather bird, and when it becomes an adult, the entire Carlos Kingdom will not be enough for it to fight.”

Hearing the words of Erin and her father, Yuon Chris, Arthur spoke.

However, he did not reveal the identity of the phoenix feather bird to everyone in the box.

Of course, this is not that Arthur does not trust the people in the box, but the identity of the phoenix feather bird, which is too noble, if it is known by others, it will inevitably cause some big trouble.

After all, a legendary-level demon beast cub is enough to alarm a legendary-level existence and even a bronze demigod-level existence. Therefore, the identity of the phoenix feather bird can not be disclosed without being revealed.

On the other hand, after hearing Arthur’s words, knowing that Arthur shot 380 was not the cub of the earth-level Warcraft, but the cub of the legendary Warcraft [Yuang Chris and Erin can think of the legendary Warcraft, as for the epic level or even the legendary level of the higher level, it is impossible to think about it], he did not say anything, but looked curiously at the phoenix feather bird cub who was eating the low-level spirit fruit of the fire system.

Of course, it is natural that the only ones who are curious about the cubs of the phoenix feather bird cannot be Yuang Chris and Irene, and everyone in the eleventh box is very curious about the cub of the phoenix feather bird.

And just when Arthur and everyone in Box Eleven were curiously looking at the phoenix feather bird cubs, the last finale auction prepared by the Four Seasons Chamber of Commerce, the small intermediate magic crystal ore mother, also began to bid.

As a small medium-grade magic crystal mother that can continuously produce intermediate magic crystal ore, the starting price of small intermediate magic crystal ore mother is not cheap, directly starting at the price of one million gold coins, and each price increase must not be less than ten thousand.

Although the starting price of the small intermediate Magic Crystal Mine Mother was very high, it could not dampen the enthusiasm of the auctioneers in the auction hall.

No, auctioneer Luya had just announced the start of the auction, and an auctioneer in the box directly increased the price by 500,000 and began to bid for this small medium-grade magic crystal ore at the price of 1.5 million gold coins.

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