super lord

Chapter 233

Chapter 233 – Great World of Gods and Demons.

The resources needed to support the cultivation of more than 20,000 extraordinary warriors were extremely huge, so huge that the many magic crystal veins that Arthur now possessed were not enough to supply the cultivation needs of more than 20,000 extraordinary warriors.

Although, this is also related to the cultivation resources that Arthur has supplied to more than 20,000 extraordinary warriors.

In order to ensure that sufficient cultivation resources are provided for the more than 20,000 extraordinary warriors under his command, so that the more than 20,000 extraordinary warriors under his command can improve their strength as soon as possible.

In addition to letting Raymond take the Black Iron Leader fleet to the sea surface to find island exploration resources, Arthur also let his fishmen set off from the fishman and explore various ocean areas along the seabed.

In addition, Arthur also restarted the plan to explore the dungeon in the Carlos Forest branch near the Black Iron Collar because of insufficient strength and did not want to be discovered.

However, before executing the cave exploration plan, Arthur is ready to solve the Harvest Lord next door to the Black Iron Collar. Arthur did not forget that the harvest lord next door to his black iron collar could always stare at his black iron collar.

Previously, on the battlefield where the Kingdom of Carlos invaded the Kingdom of Cham, because he was busy dealing with the matter of the Blood Bronze Collar, he did not have time to rectify him, and he was lucky.

And now, in order not to let the cave in the branch forest of Carlos Forest be discovered, just solve these 107 harvest lords who have been staring at the black iron collar.

It just so happened that after the auction of the Four Seasons Chamber of Commerce before, when he returned to the Black Iron Collar from Flame City, Ferg reported to himself that the Harvest Collar was suspected of discovering a magic crystal vein, and just went to the Harvest Harvest to verify it.

If it is true, you can also supplement your own not very sufficient cultivation resources. With this in mind, Arthur began to act.

To deal with the harvest collar, Arthur did not take action himself, but ordered his three people, Emilia, Nicole, and Ayina, with a group of newly recruited maids, to go to the harvest to deal with the harvest collar.

Although Shabula, the lord of the harvest domain, is a traverser and has his own goldfinger, he is no match when facing Emilia, Nicole, Aegina and a group of handmaids sent by Arthur.

Emilia, Nicole, and Ayina did not make a move, and the Lord of the Harvest, the henchmen of the traverser Shabula White Porcelain, were killed by a group of maids led by Arthur Emilia, Nicole, and Ayina, and he himself was also captured by the maids brought by Emilia, Nicole, and Aegina.

After all, although Shabula White Porcelain is a traverser, because the time to cross is too short, although he obtained a lot of chance through the golden finger after crossing, he is now just a silver-level knight.

And among the newly recruited maids under Arthur, there were many maids with gold-level strength, and after completing the task assigned by Arthur, Emilia, Nicole, and Ayina let the newly recruited maids escort Shabula, who was still in confusion, back to the black iron collar.

Shabula, who was escorted to the black iron collar by Arthur and other newly recruited maids, immediately realized the identities of Emilia, Nicole, Ayina and the other maids after coming to the black iron collar, and when he opened his mouth and said to the maids who escorted him: “This is the black iron collar, you are the black iron collar!” ”

“Be honest!”

The maid who escorted her did not pay attention to what Shabula said, but Shabula’s noise angered the maid who escorted him, and this maid who escorted him warned while kicking him.

And Shabula was honest after being kicked by the maid. No way, he doesn’t want to be kicked again.

After escorting Shabula to the Black Iron Collar, it didn’t take long for Emilia, Nicole, and Ayina to bring the maid escorting Shabula to the Black Iron Castle where Arthur was.

With Shabula, the newly recruited maid under Arthur escorted to the hall of the Black Iron Castle where Arthur was, and the super lord system that took the initiative to remind the identity of the phoenix bird cub at the auction of the Four Seasons Chamber of Commerce took the initiative to speak again under Arthur’s surprise.

“Huh? Host, your luck is a little good, I didn’t expect to meet the indigenous traverser of this god and demon world. ”

Hearing the words of the super lord system, Arthur suddenly didn’t understand, what is the Great World of Gods and Demons? And what are the indigenous crossers?

If he didn’t understand, he asked, and immediately Arthur opened his mouth and asked the super lord system: “System, what are you talking about the Great World of Gods and Demons?” And what are the indigenous crossers? ”

“Huh? How to say it? Let’s say to the host in this way, the world where the host is now is the god and demon world in the god and demon world, and the location where the host is now is the main plane of the god and demon world. ”

The Great World of Gods and Demons is built together by the main world of the World of Gods and Demons and many other worlds in the Great World of Gods and Demons.

“As for the indigenous traverser, it is the system’s name for the traverser who crosses from other worlds in the Great World of God and Demon to the World of God and Demon.”

Hearing Arthur’s inquiry, the super lord system did not have anything to hide, and directly opened his mouth to explain to Arthur.

Hearing the explanation of the super lord system, Arthur opened his mouth and asked the super lord system: “System, I won’t be an indigenous traverser too, right?” ”

“Host, are you doubting the vision of this system?”

Hearing Arthur’s inquiry, the Super Lord System did not immediately answer Arthur’s question, but opened his mouth to ask Arthur.

For the rhetorical question of the super lord system, Arthur, who did not understand something, could only open his mouth again and ask the super lord system: “What’s wrong?” ”

“This system was born in the Supreme Origin Realm, how can you look at the indigenous traversers of the Great World of Gods and Demons.”

Listening to the words of the super lord system tsundere, although the super lord system did not answer its own questions from the front, it explained from the side that he was not an indigenous traverser from other worlds of the Great World of Gods and Demons.

As for which world he came from, Arthur didn’t have much interest in knowing, anyway, he didn’t come from other worlds of the gods and demons that were easily observed by gods and demons.

Moreover, compared to what world he came from, Arthur was more curious, Shabula, the indigenous traverser, did Goldfinger think of this, Arthur immediately opened his mouth and asked the super lord system: “System, does this indigenous traverser have Goldfinger?” ”

“Yes, but the host doesn’t care, the goldfinger possessed by this indigenous traverser is far from being comparable to this system, just has some treasure hunting functions.”

Hearing Arthur’s inquiry, the Super Lord System replied.

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