super lord

Chapter 240

Chapter 240: Super Large High-grade Magic Crystal Vein.

Of course, even if a large part of the energy of these hundreds of thousands of magic cores has been overflowed, there are still tens of thousands of magic cores with little energy overflow, and the value is still not cheap.

In the lair of the Cloud Eagle group, in addition to this large number of magic cores, there are many other valuable items.

Of course, in addition to the items in the cloud eagle group’s lair, there is also a very valuable item on the cliff where the cloud eagle group’s nest is located, that is, the cloud grass that is spread throughout the cliff.

Although among the cloud grasses that are spread throughout the cliffs, there are no top cloud grasses of more than a thousand years, but there are still hundreds of high-grade cloud grasses that are more than a hundred years old and less than a thousand years.

In addition, there are countless medium-grade cloud grasses in years of 50 to 100 years and low-grade cloud grasses in years of 10 to 50 years.

Of course, the largest number is the half-spirit plant cloud mist grass that is about ten years old.

For these cloud grasses, Arthur did not collect them, but transplanted them all into the small world.

After all, as long as these cloud grasses are cultivated more, prepare sufficient energy, and cultivate high-level spirit plants that are more than a hundred years old, it is not a problem.

Because Arthur transplanted cloud grass into the small world together with the surface of the cliff, Arthur transplanted cloud grass very quickly, and it took less than an hour to transplant all the cloud grass that covered the entire cliff into the small world.

After dealing with the items in the cloud eagle group’s lair and the transplantation of many cloud grasses, Arthur can start on the cliff wall to see what is hidden inside the cliff, which can supply so many cloud grasses to grow.

After driving the leader of the earth-level cloud eagle away from the cliff with Emilia, Nicole, Ayina and others, as well as the cloud eagle king and a group of cloud eagle leaders, he launched an attack on the cliff that was the lair of the cloud eagle group.

The things inside the cliff can not be discovered by the cloud eagle group living on the cliff for so long, and it is naturally impossible for Arthur and others to be discovered so easily.

However, as Arthur and Emilia, Nicole, Aquina and others, as well as the leaders of the Cloud Eagle and the Cloud Eagle King, continued to attack the cliff wall and smashed the cliff down a layer, Arthur finally knew what was inside the cliff.

It was a magic crystal vein, but this magic crystal vein had not been fully developed, and Arthur did not know the specific level of this magic crystal vein.

However, just by looking at the high-level magic crystal that Arthur and the others saw, he knew that this was a lowest-level and middle-level magic crystal vein. After all, only an intermediate Magic Crystal vein could give birth to a high-level Magic Crystal.

Of course, according to the many high-grade magic crystals that Arthur and the others saw, the possibility that this magic crystal vein was a medium-grade magic crystal vein was very low. On the contrary, it is the possibility of high-level magic crystal veins and top-level magic crystal veins that are very large.

Of course, the level of this magic crystal vein still has to be mined before you know.

Immediately, Arthur asked the spider to disband the released mutant demon spider doppelganger, and then reabsorbed the energy, differentiated the mutant demon spider doppelganger, and mined the magic crystal vein.

Note: In addition to being eliminated, the mutant demon spider doppelganger that the spider has divided can also decide whether to dissolve according to the spider’s thoughts. However, under normal circumstances, spiders will not disband the mutant demon spider doppelganger, after all, re-differentiation of the mutant demon spider avatar consumes a lot of energy.

It was now, with the support of the high-level magic crystal revealed by the magic crystal vein in front of him, Arthur dared to let the spider do this.

In addition to letting the spider disband the mutant demon spider doppelganger and re-diverging the mutant demon spider doppelganger to mine the magic crystal vein, Arthur did not let go of the cloud eagle group that had just been subdued.

Although the number of cloud eagles in the cloud eagle group is much smaller than the number of mutant demon spider doppelgangers that spiders can differentiate, it can’t hold the strength of cloud eagles!

The mining speed of more than 3,000 adult gold-level cloud eagles and more than thirty earth-level cloud eagle leaders is not slower than the mining speed of the mutant demon spider doppelgangers that have been diverged from spiders, and even faster…

As many as 100,000 mutant demon spider avatars, and the mining speed of more than 3,000 adult gold-level cloud eagles and more than thirty earth-level cloud eagle leaders is still very fast.

But in a short time, there was a bunch of high-level magic crystals in front of Arthur.

However, perhaps because the magic crystal vein that Arthur wanted to mine was too big, even if more than 100,000 mutant demon spiders were mined together with more than three thousand adult gold-level cloud eagles, it took more than ten days to completely mine this magic crystal vein.

After completely mining this magic crystal vein, Arthur also knew the level of this magic crystal vein, which was a super large high-grade magic crystal vein.

After mining such a large high-level magic crystal vein, the harvest brought to Arthur is great, at the very least, the extraordinary warriors under Arthur’s command will not lack cultivation resources for a long time.

The only thing that made Arthur unsatisfied was that no matter how many magic crystals were in this super-large high-grade magic crystal vein, it was of no use to Arthur’s cultivation.

Because, now he is the peak of the sky level, and Arthur, who is not far from the legendary level, needs the cultivation resources that are the Yuan Crystal above the Magic Crystal.

However, perhaps because Arthur was kissed by Lady Luck, when Arthur received all the mined magic crystals in the small world, Spider 4.2 suddenly ran and told Arthur the good news.

“Master, when we finished mining this magic crystal vein, we found a small metacrystalline associated vein.”

“What? Spider, you said that a small Yuan Crystal associated vein was found near this super large high-grade magic crystal vein? ”

Hearing the spider’s report, Arthur couldn’t help but confirm to the spider again.

Hearing Arthur’s inquiry, the spider opened his mouth and replied: “Yes, master, we have found a small metacrystalline associated vein. ”

“Spider, take me quickly!”

Confirmed by the spider, Arthur immediately said to the spider excitedly.

Subsequently, Arthur, led by the spider, came to the vicinity of the small metacrystalline associated vein.

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