super lord

Chapter 244

Chapter 244: Subduing the Four-Armed Mountain Ape Clan.

Subsequently, regardless of the wishes of the four-armed mountain ape king, he directly and forcibly signed a contract with the four-armed mountain ape king, and since then, the king of the four-armed mountain ape family, one of the three dominant races in the underground world mountain range, has become another sky-level demon pet under Arthur.

After signing a contract with the four-armed mountain ape king, Arthur did not stop, but continued to move against the earth-level four-armed mountain ape leader in the four-armed mountain ape family.

Because, the four-armed mountain ape family is different from the cloud eagle family, although the four-armed mountain ape king is the king of the four-armed mountain ape family, but the four-armed mountain ape king’s control over the four-armed mountain ape family is far from comparable to the cloud eagle king’s control of the cloud and fog eagle family.

If nothing else, just the four-armed mountain ape king gave the earth-level four-armed mountain ape leader an order not to move, and the earth-level four-armed mountain ape leader would not obey.

And this is also the reason why Arthur subdued and forcibly signed a contract with the four-armed mountain ape king, and also took action against the leader of the earth-level four-armed mountain ape in the four-armed mountain ape family.

No way, who called the four-armed mountain ape king before the four-armed mountain ape leader was smoked, the four-armed mountain ape leader did not listen to the four-armed mountain ape king!

Relying on his own combat power that is enough to match the legendary existence, Arthur dealt with the earth-level four-armed mountain ape leader, which can be described as one hand, and it didn’t take long for the more than forty earth-level four-armed mountain ape leaders brought by the four-armed mountain ape king to be all pulled to the ground by Arthur.

The ferocity level even frightened the hundreds of gold-level four-armed mountain apes who followed the four-armed mountain ape king to take a step back, deeply afraid that Arthur would see them unpleasantly, so he measured them to lie on the ground.

After subduing the leaders of more than forty earth-level four-armed mountain apes who came with the four-armed mountain ape king, Arthur forcibly signed a contract with more than forty earth-level four-armed mountain ape leaders.

When the contract was signed with the leader of more than forty earth-level four-armed mountain apes, Arthur asked these more than forty earth-level four-armed mountain apes and the sky-level four-armed mountain ape king to subdue the gold-level four-armed mountain ape king who came with the four-armed mountain ape king.

Following Arthur’s order, the sky-level four-armed mountain ape king and more than forty earth-level four-armed mountain ape leaders started with the gold-level four-armed mountain apes who followed the four-armed mountain ape king.

Perhaps because they were pumped by Arthur before, the four-armed mountain ape king and more than forty four-armed mountain ape leaders used Arthur’s previous whipping move to whip a group of gold-level four-armed mountain apes who followed the four-armed mountain ape king.

Syllable! Syllable! Syllable! Syllable! Syllable! Syllable!…..

With a “popping” sound, the gold-level four-armed mountain apes who followed the four-armed mountain ape king were all pumped to the ground by the four-armed mountain ape king and more than forty four-armed mountain ape leaders and subdued.

For the gold-level four-armed mountain apes who were subdued by the four-armed mountain ape king and the leaders of more than forty earth-level four-armed mountain apes, Arthur did not choose to sign a contract with them, but chose to send them into the small world like the gold-level cloud eagles of the cloud eagle family.

After planting the world tree seedlings, the small world with the ability to imprint was awakened, and the small world was branded for them, thus indirectly controlling these gold-level four-armed mountain apes.

Small world imprint, Arthur’s small world after planting the world tree seedlings, the ability to obtain can be sent to the small world for Arthur to send to the small world, leaving a brand that belongs to the small world.

The creatures who have been branded by the small world will henceforth be under the orders of the lord of the small world, that is, Arthur.

Unfortunately, the current small world is still relatively weak, and the number of small world imprints that can be laid for living beings is not much, and there are only 100,000 small world imprints.

In addition, the strength of the creatures imprinted by the small world cannot surpass Arthur, and Arthur, who is now at the peak of the sky level, can only let the small world brand the small world for the peak creatures of the sky level.

Fortunately, the legendary creatures that Arthur has encountered now are only sunbirds in the underground world.

Not to mention this, after all the gold-level four-armed mountain apes who were subdued by the four-armed mountain ape king and more than forty earth-level four-armed mountain ape leaders were sent to the small world to imprint the small world, Arthur did not leave a group of gold-level four-armed mountain apes in the small world like the gold-level cloud eagles of the cloud eagle family.

Instead, after branding a group of gold-level four-armed mountain apes in the small world, they were released from the small world.

As for why Arthur treated the four-armed mountain ape family and the cloud eagle family so differently, it was naturally because Arthur’s arrangement for the cloud eagle family was different from the arrangement for the four-armed mountain ape.


For the Cloud Eagle clan, Arthur arranged the Cloud Eagle family as the mounts of his maids.

As for the four-armed mountain ape family, Arthur is ready to let the four-armed mountain ape family stay in the fruit forest where they live to make monkey wine for Arthur.

Because the reason why Arthur subdued the four-armed mountain ape family is to brew monkey wine.

The monkey wine brewed by the four-armed mountain ape is different from the ordinary monkey wine, and the monkey wine brewed by the four-armed mountain ape is added by the four-armed mountain ape family with a lot of spirit fruits.

Therefore, the monkey wine brewed by the four-armed mountain ape family already belongs to the spirit wine.


And the spirit wine is extremely helpful for cultivation.

Spirit wine, like Ling Zhi, also has a low-level, intermediate, high-level, and top-level division.

Among them, low-level spirit wine can work on gold-level cultivators, middle-level spirit wine can work on earth-level and sky-level cultivators, high-level spirit wine can work on legendary level cultivators, and top-level spirit wine can work on epic level cultivators and legendary-level cultivators.

In addition, the best of the top spirit wine can even have an effect on demigod-level existences.

It is precisely because the monkey wine brewed by the four-armed mountain ape belongs to the spirit wine that Arthur will accept the four-armed mountain ape family.

Otherwise, the four-armed mountain ape clan will only end up with the bloodthirsty bat clan, the clan will be destroyed, the fruit forest will be ransacked by Arthur, and the magic crystal vein that cannot exist in the fruit forest area will be dug up by Arthur.

After subduing the four-armed mountain ape king and more than forty earth-level four-armed mountain ape leaders, as well as hundreds of gold-level four-armed mountain apes who followed the four-armed mountain ape king, Arthur and Emilia, Nicole, Ayina and others entered the fruit forest under the leadership of the four-armed mountain ape king.

Then, with the help of the four-armed mountain ape king and more than forty earth-level four-armed mountain ape leaders, all the four-armed mountain apes remaining in the fruit forest area were taken down and sent to the small world to mark the small world.

Since then, two of the three major overlord races in the underground world mountain range region have been attributed to Arthur.

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