And there was a super boring love movie playing in it. There were no more than three people in the whole theater. Tang Qi bought a box of popcorn and handed it to Bai Su: "come on, honey, eat it."

Bai Su said, "you sit far away from me, or she won't show up."

"OK, I'll go. I'll help you if there's a problem. "

"Wait a minute!" Bai Su snatched back the box of popcorn: "you go!"

Tang Qi shrugged and sat directly behind her, watching her secretly.

Bai Su is eating popcorn and watching movies alone. It seems that he has forgotten Tang Qi's story behind him. Tang Qi was bored watching the movie and was about to go to sleep. The movie was too bad. The heroine was just like a bamboo pole. She couldn't watch it in her swimsuit. She was bored to death. Just at this time, a woman's footsteps in the back ring up, high heels, very crisp.

Is she a super beauty?

When Tang Qi looked back, a 20-year-old woman came over. She was slim, wearing a long red windbreaker and a pair of sunglasses. She looked good. She twisted her waist, went to Bai Su's side, and then sat down

Tang Qi thought that it was a woman she was connecting with. The two women said something, then Bai Su suddenly stood up and hit the box of popcorn on the woman's face. Tang Qiyi smiles. This woman is so lovely all the time.

The woman exclaimed and grabbed Bai su. Bai Su had already jumped up from the seat. They fought, but it was obvious that she was not the opponent of the woman. Tang Qi waved his hand in a hurry. Bai Su recalled and ran to Tang Qi's direction.

Who knows that he only took a few steps, suddenly grasped the direction of the neck with his hand, and sat down on the ground convulsively. The rest of them all fell asleep and didn't know that something more wonderful was going on.

When Tang Qi saw that something was wrong, he rushed to save people. When she got close, she found that a silver wire had strangled her neck, and the painful white pigment could only hold it and sit on the ground. She couldn't make a sound. Seeing Tang Qi coming, the woman said in a cold voice, "it's nothing to do with you, young man. Don't make trouble by yourself." She said that she was going to hold on to her. Bai Su could only hold on to the silver wire, but it was a strange mechanism. The harder she tried, the more tightly she closed it. Now she could only breathe.

"No, this woman is my wife. I can't let you take her away." Tang Qi opens his arms to block her direction. "Well, you've come to seek death yourself, and I'll help you!" The woman said that when she turned her hand, another silver wire flew out. Tang Qi rushed out at the moment of her hand and grabbed her wrist. The silver wire flew over the top of Tang Qi's head. The woman scolded a dirty word, and the silver wire turned back to haunt Tang Qi. Unexpectedly, Tang Qi bent over and grabbed her own body. All these actions were successful Win in the moment of lightning flint, it is really not admirable.

The woman and Bai Su are trapped by the silver silk, very painful.

Tang Qi said, "how can we release people? My daughter-in-law is suffering now. "

The woman snorted and refused to speak. Tang Qi said, "if you don't want to live, I can't help it, but you'd better say it for yourself." He said with a force.

But because Tang Qili was too big, she couldn't stand it any longer. Silver became more and more nervous, and soon she had to compromise. "Knife Knife... " She said, pointing to her waist.

Tang Qi felt it from her body. Her skin is very delicate and tight, but it's a little black. Other things are good. The woman feels Tang Qi's hand. She's going to be crazy. This sex wolf! "Don't be angry. I didn't mean it." Tang Qi smiles and grabs a knife, which is only half a foot long and extremely sharp. When the blade comes out of the body, a blue light shines in the cinema, Kaka! Tang Qixian liberated Bai Su's neck, and then released the woman.

Two women are strangled neck, pain to death, immediately sitting in the seat is a loud cough.

When she finally recovered, the woman was about to leave, but Tang Qi pressed her neck, and the knife aimed at her.

"I don't want to kill you, but you don't want to leave so arrogantly."

The woman spat: "Bai Su, you don't mean what you say, and our husband won't forgive you!"

Bai Su said angrily, "do you mean to talk about me? Qiu Yiyi's whereabouts. What do you want me to tell you? "

It turns out that as soon as the woman sat down, she said that she couldn't find Qiu Yi, but there was an aunt's whereabouts and asked her to take out 500000 yuan. At that time, Bai Su was on fire. Isn't that a fraud? What do I want his aunt to do? So I got into a fight with her.

"Are you cheating online?"

The woman said angrily, "you don't need to doubt people, you don't need to use people. We are so unbearable in your mind. Don't use them if you have the ability! Isn't that humiliating? I haven't said anything. You used popcorn to button me up

Tang Qi said: "but what aunt are you talking about..." "He's just meeting his aunt, and our information can't be wrong. Qiu Yi's parents died, and he had a good relationship with his aunt. We thought that even if he didn't contact anyone, he would also find this woman, so we said, who knows that she beat him before he finished speaking? What a pityThat's right

At this time, Bai Su was a little regretful. It turned out that what the other party said was business. He thought he was deliberately angry with me.

Tang Qi said, "where is his aunt?"

"After we thought about this method, we installed an eavesdropper in her phone. Then we just received a phone call. Qiu Yi called and said that he wanted to visit. His aunt said it was inconvenient at home, so she made an appointment to be outside another day."

"Another day?" Bai Su frowned and said, "so you don't know where this man is."

"Give us half a million to help you find out."

Without waiting for Bai Su to speak, Tang Qi directly took out the original check: "OK, I'll give you the money."

"Tang Qi..."

"It's OK. Anyway, the other party can't be beaten for nothing." Tang Qi gives the money to the woman. The woman hums and takes it. Then she wants a knife. Tang Qi said: "I can't give it to you for the time being. When you find Qiu Yi's whereabouts, I'll give it to you no later."

"Mean! You are a big man, and you bully a woman like me

Tang Qi said with a smile: "otherwise, who knows if you will hold a grudge against my wife because of this incident? Give us the address. "

Women's way of thinking, so it seems that they can't trust us, but it doesn't matter if you are willing to find it yourself. We're relieved!

So I gave you the address.

Tang Qi thanks and lets her go. The woman left in a huff.

Bai Su then said, "why do you give her so much money? Do you have money to burn?" "No, I'm rich." Tang Qi said with a smile. She now has a few million yuan interest on her bank deposit, plus her antique shop and wealth management products. Michelin's father sold her jewelry shop, and she can't spend all her money, so she doesn't have to be soft handed. But the white pigment is not the same, although it is also a rich family, but after the death of his father, there is no source, so it is very distressing to see Tang Qi spending money casually.

"I don't know if the other party can find out, so much money has been given."

Tang Qi said with a smile: "wife, you dislike my spending money."

"No! Who's your wife! "

"I'll leave my money to you." Tang Qi holds her hand with a smile.

Bai Su said, "I'm too lazy to fight with you. Go to my aunt's house." “ok。 Go Two people do not see the film, directly out, according to the address above said to find people. Unfortunately, although found, but no one to look for. This woman is an ordinary old lady. She doesn't go out every day except to buy vegetables. Tang Qi deliberately gets close to her, and now she doesn't even know what her nephew does. It's a little Alzheimer's.

Seeing such a situation, Bai Su sighed: "it seems hard to find it."

"We can only let the other side keep an eye on us. Let's go!"

When they left the old lady together and went back to the city, they happened to pass by a small jewelry market. They turned around and found that the jewelry in the counter was basically ordinary. However, because of the low price, the business was booming.

"There's a gambling stone ahead!" Bai Su points to the front excitedly.

Sure enough, the counter in front of us was full of people, and someone opened the stone at the scene. Because many people had never seen it, they all gathered around. Tang Qi has not been in touch with this for a long time. He is also a little interested and follows Bai Su forward.

"My father used to gamble on stones when he was in southern Xinjiang. As a result, he bought a rotten stone and spent hundreds of thousands in vain. But my father was not angry at all. He thought it was very interesting."

Tang Qi said with a smile: "really, your father is a broad-minded person." "Of course! My father is my hero. It's a pity that he was forced to death by Bai Meng. " Thinking of this, Bai Su is in a very sad mood. If they were not Bai family, they would be able to live as well as before, but now they can only remember their father here.

Tang Qi comfortingly patted her on the shoulder: "live a good life and rest assured for your father."

"I know." Bai Su choked and said, "you don't have to say that I will live well."

While they were talking, someone had already carried a stone and put it on the back shelf. The stone is about half a meter long. It is reddish brown and black in some places. It is an extremely rare original stone, which is admired by all the people around. After all, no one has ever seen the stone before.

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