What feelings do people like Wang Gaomu have? He and Tang Qi want to please Takeda, so he chose to stand on the opposite side of Tang Qi. The pistol she gave him just now worked. He had never fired a pistol before, so he was very nervous, and his fingers were trembling.

Tang Qi looked back at Wang Gaomu and said with a sneer, "why, do you still want to kill me?"

"If you dare to move xian'er, I'll kill you!"

xian'er gasped and said, "well done, you've killed Tang Qi now." Wang Gaomu was stunned, and then said: "no No, this man can't be killed! " He just pretended that he was ok, but he let himself kill Tang Qi. He couldn't do it. If someone died, Takeda didn't care. Am I going to die? Besides,

he has never killed anyone. He doesn't want to do such a thing.

It's a pity that Tang Qi'er didn't dare to kill him

"Shut up!" Wang Gaomu yelled: "I love Xianer, but I don't want to cause people's lives. Let Tang Qi go!"

Xian'er said, "it's no use what you say. I want you to kill Tang Qi. Otherwise, when he takes the initiative, we'll all die! What are you hesitating about? "

"But I..."

"If you do it, I will marry you right away. As long as you break up with that girl, we will not be hindered. Think about it, I'm the red man around Takeda. I'll give you some good words, and you'll be rich in the future!"

Wang Gaomu's heart suddenly moved when he heard that. What he said is right. If I can satisfy him

Tang Qi said: "Wang Gaomu, if you really do it, the other party may directly back you to the front. How charming do you really think you are? You are just a chess piece. You are going to be finished. You have to think about it."

Xian'er said angrily, "don't talk nonsense here, Tang Qi. Our husband won't be like this!"

"What is Takeda? Do you need me to say? Don't you count it in your heart? " "I I like this one... " Wang Gaomu is hesitating now. He always thinks what they say is reasonable. If I promise to kill Tang Qi, he is a big man with friends all over the world. What should I do if something really happens? But if I don't kill him, will I offend Wu Tian? What will I do in the future?

His hand has been aimed at Tang Qi, constantly shaking, especially nervous expression.

Just as he hesitated, Tang Qi suddenly called out: "ah!

"What's the matter?" Wang Gaomu was so scared that he almost threw the pistol away. Tang Qi said, "it's nothing. Look how beautiful the stars are outside?" He said and looked out at the window.

Xian'er said angrily: "you are in a desperate struggle. Hurry up, Wang Gaomu. Don't hesitate. Kill Tang Qi! Otherwise, I'll kill you! " Wang Gaomu is very thoughtful and does what he wants. If I kill Tang Qi for her sake, Takeda will like me. Thinking of this, Wang Gaomu starts to pull the trigger. At this moment, he suddenly feels that Tang Qi has a funny smile in his eyes. He seems to be very happy.

"What are you laughing at? When you die, you can still laugh?"

"Of course, because I think life is very beautiful. Of course, I have to laugh, and your back is also very beautiful." Tang Qi said with a smile. As soon as Wang Gaomu looked back, he was directly hit on his head by a vase before he could see what was going on. All of a sudden, there was a sharp pain on his forehead, and the golden flowers were popping up in front of his eyes. The pistol marshal was in his 100th year, and he also directly sat on the ground. Then the people behind him hit again. It turned out that it was his original mate Li su'en. She had been hiding in the next room. But when Wang Gaomu threatened Tang Qi, she finally came out and directly smashed him. As for Xianer sitting on the sofa, Tang Qi and Wang Gaomu cover her eyes, so they don't see her. Now seeing that Tang Qi didn't die, Wang Gaomu fell to the ground instead. She was so angry that she scolded her.

"You are such a waste! Nothing can be done successfully

Wang Gaomu angrily pushed Li su'en to the ground: "bitch! You know how to influence me! " "You bastard, you beat me for a Japanese?" Li su'en is entangled with him. Wang Gaomu reaches out to pinch her neck and prepares to strangle her directly. She will be scolded. What will xian'er think of me in the future? Who knows just about to start, Tang Qi's voice came from the back of his neck: "don't move, or I'll blow you up with a pistol." He shivered all over. Looking back, he saw that Li Dong had taken out the pistol and aimed it at his own direction. Suddenly, his heart was cold. It's over. I'm dead. But xian'er wanted to help on the sofa, but she had no strength all over her body. She could only scold angrily: "I asked a woman to help you. What kind of hero are you, damned Tang Qi!"

"I didn't say I was a hero," Tang saidAt this time, Wang Gaomu wanted to run away from Li su'en, but Li su'en kept his waist and didn't let him run away. Angry, he kept struggling and yelling: "you bitch, let me go, or I won't be polite!"

"I won't let you go! I didn't expect that you would even kill people for the sake of this Japanese woman. You are not human Wang Gaomu's eyes showed a trace of chill, and he kicked her stomach hard, seeing that the woman could not escape. Fortunately, Tang Qi suddenly kicked his ass from behind him. This guy stepped on the ground, and his face just hit a flower bottle in front of the windowsill. With a bang, his face suddenly bled and cried with pain.

Li su'en gasped to one side and said to Tang Qi, "thank you. If it wasn't for you, I would die!"

"It's OK. Didn't you save me just now?" Tang Qi said with a smile: "I also want to repay you." In fact, even without Li su'en's help, Tang Qi is more than enough to deal with this person. However, in order to make women feel that his existence is useful, he comforts them. Sure enough, Li su'en was very happy. At this time, xian'er could not move at all. Wang gaomufei stood up against the wall and looked back at Tang Qi. "I'll fight with you, I'll kill you for revenge!" He said that he was about to rush to Tang Qi's direction, but Tang Qi shot him in the knee in no hurry. In fact, he just rubbed the skin and didn't hurt the bones and muscles. However, Wang Gaomu still knelt on the ground with a cry of pain, and he kept twitching. Seeing her husband's painful expression, Li su'en was very sad. He rushed to help him up, but he bumped him to one side.

"You don't have to be hypocritical, bitch! Get out of here, I'll kill you all when I have a chance! "

Li su'en was angry and sad, and began to cry.

Tang Qi said: "OK, don't cry. Your husband is rotten. Think about how to divorce."

"I see. I'm blind. I've fallen in love with such a beast. Don't you want a divorce? I'll help you!"

Wang Gaomu was surprised and immediately went to see xian'er's direction: "she promised to divorce me on the second floor!" Who knows xian'er is just a cold smile. Now Wang Gaomu is not worth a cent in his eyes. Even if she is divorced, she will not price him. But now I don't want to talk about it. Maybe I can get some benefits from him. Thinking of this, she said, "now that this

, let's finish it as soon as possible."

Tang Qi said: "you can get a divorce, but Wang Gaomu, should you return the money you owe her? If you are a man, don't always think about encroaching on his wife's property and doing things that people look down upon."

"That's what I am. Can you manage it? There's no way to get money! " Wang Gaomu growled at his wife with his neck: "if it wasn't for you, could I hurt my leg?"

"I can't help it. Now I can only give you a few shots to let you have a long memory." Tang Qi said to continue to aim at her to shoot, Wang Gaomu cried: "you have the ability to kill me!"

"No, I won't kill you. Your wife will be very sad. I will abandon you and make you a eunuch. " Tang Qi said a shot aimed at her legs, Wang Gaomu now began to tense up, hands covered, began to shout.

"No! You can't do that! " "Why not? I always do whatever I want. Can you stop me? " Tang Qi sneered and fired another shot at him. He wiped the tender meat on his legs, and the blood was dripping on his legs. Wang Gaomu almost fainted. Li su'en was not as nervous as he was just now, but just looked at him coldly. Just now this guy's heart and lungs have completely chilled her. Xian'er didn't care. Only Wang Gaomu kept begging for mercy.

"Please forgive me. I already know I'm wrong. Let me go once."

Tang Qi said: "I see what you said is so sincere. I'll give you a chance to return the property to him."

"I still, I just..."

Tang Qi turned to Li su'en and said, "you can decide for yourself how to divide the property." Li su'en said with a smile: "I'm not unreasonable either. The money in your account is shared equally with me. Who should pay for the house and villa according to the previous proportion, but the antiques and jewelry my father gave me must be given to me. That's the treasure my father gave me. Why should I be cheated by you

"Yes, I know. I promise you. You let Tang Qi let me go." Tang Qi said: "you can't be trusted. You'd better hurry up and tell the whereabouts of the things, and then talk about it."

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