Bai Su said in a trembling voice: "you are talking nonsense! My father is not like that at all In her mind, her father has always been an upright, brave and diligent good man. Who would have thought that he would become a heinous bastard in his mouth. In order to get other people's things,

How can Bai Su accept it? Housekeeper Lin said, "that man is your father. Naturally, you are willing to say good things for him? But I tell you, your father just poisoned our old man and stole all the cups. Then he burned the whole house for fear that his whereabouts would be revealed. Otherwise, my husband would be killed if he was absent that day! "

"No! My father never said it. There must be a misunderstanding! "

"At that time, our husband was not strong enough and had no evidence, so he had to bear it. Later, it was not easy to find the evidence. It's a pity that your father died."

Bai Su firmly didn't believe it. He covered his ears and cried out, "shut up! Shut up

"Ha ha, what's the use of this now? Whether you admit it or not, is that cup good in your family? Now that you have these cups, you can't even admit that you're still in debt! "

"It's true that you've seen it in my house, but what evidence do you have that your words are true? Maybe you just see my father's gone and talk nonsense, trying to get my things!" "You just get it back. I have a way to prove that it belongs to our family. The lower edge of the cup was once left by our old man with far infrared rays. As long as there is a special light shining in the past, we can see the logo of the Lin family. At that time, it was quite expensive and troublesome to make a mark, which shows how much our family cherish the cup. "

He said and pressed Bai Su forward. Bai Su struggled and cried, "let me go, you liar, I don't believe you!"

Housekeeper Lin sneered: "Miss Bai, we should know who is the liar! If I don't leave again, I'll be rude to you! " He said he had a pistol on his hand, aimed at Bai Su's eyebrow, and there was a trace of killing in his eyes.

Bai Su glared at him angrily. Originally, she was very irritable. She immediately yelled, "what's the use of threatening me? I just won't give it. If you have the ability, you'll kill me!"

"Do you really think I dare not?" Housekeeper Lin clenched his teeth.

Bai Su said: "you kill me, I will not say even if I die!" She closed her eyes and said nothing, waiting to die.

Steward Lin's hand held the pistol and hesitated to start. Tang Qi's body arched up, ready to hand to save people.

Just at this time, I heard the wind and a cold laugh. Bai Su and housekeeper Lin are stunned. They look at the past together. Bai Su says, "what's going on?"? Is Tang Qi pretending to be a ghost? At this time, someone behind the Bush sneered: "it's really shameless Lin family. Even if it has your logo on it, it doesn't have to be robbed according to the way you said. Maybe your family gave it to Bai Su's father? You watch her father die, so you want to

come and escape? What a shame

Bai Suxin Tao, this voice is not from Tang Qi. Who is this person?

"Who are you?" Housekeeper Lin raised his pistol and looked around, his face full of vigilance. At this time, a big eagle flew over the sky and came straight to housekeeper Lin's eyes. Housekeeper Lin was startled. Unexpectedly, he shot at the sky all the time. The eagle quickly hid away and a pile of feathers fell on his head. Housekeeper Lin continued to catch the eagle. At this time, a man in black jumped over and pulled Bai Su to the side Let's go. Of course, Bai Su doesn't want to follow him. I know who you are? So I started to struggle.

"You let me go, I don't know you!"

The man said, "I'm your Savior. How can you treat me?" The tone was full of anger.

Bai Su said, "Tang Qi is nearby. I don't need you to help me!"

In a hurry, he told the truth. Not only did this man hear this, but also housekeeper Lin, who was fighting against the eagle, let go of the eagle and glared at Bai Su: "are you telling the truth? Is Tang Qi here? "

"Yes! He was worried that I had a problem when I came out to see you. As expected, he saw that you had killed Wang Jian. " Said Bai su.

Another person said with a smile: "I was who, turned out to be Tang Qi, OK, don't hide, hurry out, we all know each other!" It turns out that this person is not someone else, but Wang Gang. The eagle is always by his side.

Tang Qi had no choice but to walk out of the trees and frown at them. Bai Su ran behind Tang Qi and kept panting. Thinking of what happened just now, she couldn't help crying.

"Tang Qi! Do you think my father is really that mean? " Although Tang Qi only met Bai Su's father once, he was still quite pure about his character, so he couldn't believe all of steward Lin's words. So Tang Qi just held Bai Su and said, "don't cry. What's the matter? Who knows, you can't listen to himIt's a good word. I'll find out for you. "

Housekeeper Lin said, "you can't say that. Tang Qi, we have affectations with you. How can you do that?"

Tang Qi said, "is there any evidence?"

"Of course, there's evidence. The names under the glasses..."

Bai Su said: "it just means that it may have been owned by you before. It can't be said that my father killed you and took away the things. Don't talk about them here."

Lin Guanjia said: "this bitch, it seems to see someone come to help, dare to speak."

Wang Gang said: "steward Lin, you don't have to talk nonsense here! It's not true. The cup was indeed given to Bai Su's father by your family, because I was at the scene

When this remark came out, everyone was stunned. I didn't expect such a thing to happen.

Tang Qi said, "so you've been tracking the white pigment all the time?" "Yes, because I heard that the Lin family is going to grab the cup and kill her at this time, so I'm not sure. Come and have a look, because my father and I used to be friends. Don't worry, Bai su. No one can take away your

home things one day when I'm here."

Bai Su was relieved and said in a hurry, "that's not what he said!"

"Yes, it was because he owed your father money at that time, so he had no choice but to use the cup as a mortgage and turn over 20 million yuan from your father. Who knows that now they not only don't want to pay back the money, but also want to use such a mean lie to get the cup back from you!"

Housekeeper Lin snorted, and his eyes were all cold. He sneered, "when can we need outsiders to intervene in our Lin family's affairs? I think you've lived enough?"

"What? Do you think your three legged Kung Fu can kill us? You look down on me too much. Besides, I'm still with Tang Qi now. Come here if you have the ability. I want to see how you do it! "

"OK, I'll help you if you want to die!" Steward Lin suddenly whistled, only heard the footsteps of people in all directions, dozens of people in black rushed out together, and all of them pointed pistols at them. Tang Qi pulls Bai Su behind him and protects him.

"What do you want to do?"

Housekeeper Lin said, "don't do anything. If you promise to take out the cup, I'll let you go. If you don't promise, I'll kill you all!"

Wang Gang pulled Tang Qi's arm: "why didn't you notice that there were people around?"

Tang Qi said with a smile, "didn't you notice that?"

"It's terrible. Even if we hand it in, we'll be dead."

"No, you are so powerful. How can you allow someone to plot against us?"

"But what if I don't succeed? Even if I'm a ghost, I won't let you go, big fool Tang Qi Bai Su said: "it's always our business. Why do you want to embarrass Tang Qi? Let them go. I'll give you the cup. Hurry up She doesn't want Tang Qi to have an accident. Housekeeper Lin is biting his teeth. Even if I let Tang Qi go, it's still a big problem in the future.

we can't let them live!

After making up his mind, he said with a smile, "well, since Miss Bai is so generous, I'll forgive him. Now tell me, where is the cup?"

Bai Sugang was about to speak. Suddenly, Wang Gang called out, "don't say it. If you say it, we are really going to die!" "Shut up Housekeeper Lin took up the pistol and hit Wang Gang in the thigh. At the same moment, Tang Qi rushed over and hit him on the arm. The bullet flew directly into the sky and kicked him in the middle of his legs. The guy snorted and fell on the ground. He cried out.

"Kill them!" When he finished, Tang Qi knocked him unconscious. At the same time, his men rushed to Tang Qi with a pistol, ready to shoot. But in a few seconds, Wang Gang was ready for the poison, and a purple smoke dispersed. The gang fell to the ground humming. After a few convulsions, he fainted


Bai Su was so scared that he collapsed on the ground. He was scared to death just now.

Tang Qi holds Bai Su: "it's OK, baby."

Bai Su nodded: "well, I know. I'm scared to death."

Tang Qi said with a smile: "OK, I'm good at subduing these people so soon, right? Come and kiss your husband "Bah! It's Wang Gang who is saving people. How can you take credit? "

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