Tang Qi suddenly remembered something, and then looked at her: "can you tell me now? You yelled at the signs you saw in the secret passage, but when they asked, you said, "I don't know."

"Well, it's no use saying it now." Yingzi sighed, "because the mechanisms I saw before are completely different from what I see now."

"How do you know if it's useful if you don't say it? Anyway, what's idle now is also idle. Let's talk about it. " Tang Qi asked. "Oh, well, I'll tell you." Looking at the darkness in front of her, Chiyang yingzi sighed and began to tell Tang Qi. She thought that she had seen this sign, which was also in her hometown, but it wasn't on the mountain, but the location of the air raid shelter, and it didn't appear on the wall, indicating something like secret drawings.

Tang Qi said, "what is this for?"

"Well. In fact, this is on the bowl. "

"Bowl?" Tang Qi frowned and said, "I didn't expect that." "Yes, at that time, there were American troops stationed in my hometown. We often had air defense exercises and so on. Our school often participated in them. After entering, we were given a bowl, sometimes a bowl of milk, sometimes rice and soy milk. My families were very poor, so they all felt very happy at that time."

Tang Qi was very surprised and said, "there is such a thing. Isn't your country developed?" "There are also poor people in developed countries," Chiyang said with a smile. If I didn't have a poor family, do you think I would be willing to take part in the fighting? All in all, I was still very young at that time. Maybe my memory may be biased, but I can see that the mark is the same as the thing on the bowl. I remember asking the person in charge over there, who is also the builder of the air raid shelter, why did he draw such a circle? "

"For what?"

"In fact, it doesn't matter. He said the pattern on the bowl is..."

Creak! Without waiting for Sakura to finish this sentence, a crisp sound suddenly came from the wall behind them. Although the sound was not very loud, it was enough to shock Tang Qi. Subconsciously, he grabbed Sakura Chiyang's hand and pulled it behind him.

"Who is it?"

No one answered, but I don't know when a stone gate appeared on the wall. It was about two or three inches wide. Bursts of cold wind blew in, which made people feel a little creepy.

"It's the same as what I heard." She whispered, with a sense of fear in her voice.

Tang Qi said, "what did you say?"

"Tang Qi, the man said at that time that there is a sign for help on the bowl. With this circle, you can open the secret door. Do you think there is a sign for a circle on it?"

Tang Qi went to the back of the stone gate and looked at it. Sure enough, he saw the sign of the circle. He stood still and said, "so, do all the circles he saw just now have a door?"

"No!" Chiyang yingzi was shocked and said, "so Baiyun was captured because of this?"

"It's possible. The other party came out of the door and took her. Quietly left. It is estimated that nine out of ten people are dead now. "

"So it is. So there may be someone from the other side behind She nervously looked around, worried that at any time there would be a sick man and the like who would use machine guns to burst them all.

Tang Qi said, "I will protect you. I said, "it's impossible. Hell, how could it happen that people suddenly disappear?" He looked around again and found that there was no other sign except this place, so he said, "come on, Sakura, let's go in and see what's inside. The rest of the doors can't go in any more. They are all in those big pits, so let's go in and have a look at this one.

" He pushed the door and went inside, but he was stopped by Sakura. There was an anxious look on her face.

"No, Tang Qi, who knows what's in it! We pay attention to safety. "

Tang Qi said with a smile: "don't you know our current situation? Anyway, I think it's better for you to take a reckless way. "

"Don't be like this, Tang Qi. Although I know what you said is true, I don't think I can go to death casually."

"It doesn't matter. The man who's watching us is not willing to die before we find something. Let's go." Tang Qi took her hand and walked forward. The space inside is dim and I can't see clearly what's there. Tang Qi's belongings just dropped under the cliff by accident, so he could only take out his mobile phone and take photos everywhere. Compared with the secret passages outside, the secret passages inside are more delicate

than those outside. The edges and corners have been smoothed out.

Tang Qi walked over and said: "the secret way in this should not be made by the Japanese."

"What do you mean, is it a secret way?"Tang Qi said: "yes, I think the tomb is what I should see when I walk over here."

"Really? Then let's go quickly. " Sakura is in a hurry to move forward. She hopes to leave here now. It would be better if she could find an exit. Looking at the signs on the wall, Tang Qize could see some painted patterns, some cattle and sheep, chariots, and all kinds of court maids. Tang Qi's heart moves. Is this the secret way of the tomb? How can the door be opened so easily? If you think about it, there is only one possibility.

Tang Qi said, "I know. This door is deliberately let us in by that person. We must go into the grave to help him find what he wants, and then we will die. "

"So it is." Red Yang cherry son took Tang Qi's hand, nervous said: "Tang Qi! We can't die, can we? "

"Of course, how can we just die?" Tang Qi went ahead.

Chiyang yingzi, nervously following Tang Qi, thinks that if someone has to die, I'd rather die instead of you. I don't want you to die. If I die, I can change Tang Qi's life. I'm willing to pay.

Tang Qi said, "yingzi, what are you thinking?"

"Nothing," Tang Qi said, "have you heard what I just said?"

"Of course! You said What did you say? "

Tang Qi said: "I knew you didn't listen. Look at your feet." Chiyang yingzi looked down at the ground, and then exclaimed in shock: "ah! It's a gem, a lot of gems! " It turns out that the edge under the ground is full of pearls. Every few meters there is a light green night pearl about the size of a fist, shining gently.

because she was worried about Tang Qi just now, she didn't find it.

"You've always loved money, but you didn't react to it?"

"Who said that? I'm just thinking about things. I didn't notice. "

Tang Qi said with a smile: "the beads here are very valuable. It's better to lift them up and take them home."

"Don't be kidding. You're not like that."

"Let's go. With these pearl guides, I believe we can find that place soon." Tang Qi said.

At this time, the voice of the man just heard: "ha ha, you are very confident. I don't believe you can open the place where we can't open it?"

"I'm not like you." Tang Qi looked up at it: "I have a condition."

"You said

"If I really open that coffin, you will let her out. I can't help you in vain."

Yingzi was about to say something when Tang Qi pressed her hand: "don't say it. One of us must live. You go out first. I'm trying to find a way."

"OK, no problem. You can work hard." They don't talk anymore.

Chiyang yingzi was a little angry and threw away Tang Qi's hand: "you are really, I won't let you die here alone! It's really hateful that you always regard me as a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death! "

"I've said it many times. I can't die." Tang Qi said with a smile.

"I don't care about you!" Yingzi strides to the front, followed by Tang Qi. The passage in front is bigger and bigger. As expected, as Tang Qi imagined, there is a huge coffin.

In fact, it could not have been so easy to find. It may be that these people have visited many times, so they have already cleaned up the useless things.

The coffin is ten meters long and about two meters high. It is bronze. There are some animal patterns carved on it. There are some Southern Dynasty characters on the bottom of the coffin. It should be the coffin of a noble woman with great status.

"Tang Qi, is it the owner of that dress?"

Tang Qi said, "it's possible."

"In this way, there are a lot of poisonous smoke inside. Is that the one that poisoned Baiyun?" "Almost." Tang Qi said while pressing his hand on the lid of the coffin. Sure enough, there was a mechanism. It seemed that it was really difficult to open it. How can I open it? Tang Qi's heart is full of doubts. His hand gently stroked around the coffin, and then his heart suddenly moved, which was like

"What's the matter?"

"Nothing." Tang Qi didn't tell the truth.

At this time, the voice of the man appeared again: "you don't want to talk any more, just open the lid quickly. I've been waiting for you for a long time. It's not useless to listen to you here. " "Don't worry. I have to find a way to open it." Tang Qi raised his head and said, "but I want you to realize the promise first. Let the cherry go. "

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