"Of course, I spent 30 million to buy it. Look at this topaz. Pure glass

He smugly pointed to the yellow gem.

Tang Qi walked over, gently grasped it with his hand, and then frowned.

"Well, is it a good thing?" Lin Jingjiang asked.

Tang Qi did not speak, and continued to touch the other gems with his hands.

Lin Jingjiang asked several times, and when he saw that Tang Qi didn't speak, he became quite bored.

"I said Tang Qi, don't let me praise you a few times, and you'll be arrogant. Do you want to say it or not? If you don't say it, I'm not polite! " He said, slapping the table.

Tang Qi said with a smile, "what do you want? Do you still want to kill me? "

"You You are so unreasonable. I ask you, what's the matter with these gems? Is it very valuable? Ding Hu has repeatedly promised that the original stone is quite good. "

"Well, among the four gems, the red one is pretty good. It's the most expensive one." Tang Qi took it and showed it to him.

"Oh? So, this ruby... "

Tang Qi ignored him and continued to caress these gems, saying: "although this ruby has a lot of impurities, and there is a lot of colloid mixed in it, it's just a jade. It's almost worth 3000 yuan."

After hearing this, Lin Jingjiang's face changed. What does that mean? The most valuable is only 3000 yuan? So the other gems are He patted the table: "no, how could it be 3000 yuan. Don't talk nonsense here

Tang Qi said: "I knew you didn't admit it. I'll use the knife you just used."

He said and cut the better meteorite knife Lin feifeng had just made directly at the gem. He only heard a puff, and the gem was directly divided into two parts. When Lin Jingjiang saw that the gem had been cut, he cried out.

"No, it's my gem. How can it be like this! I'm going to use the whole piece of jade to make jewelry. You cut it in half for me. What am I going to do? "

Tang Qi grabs the gem and shows it to him: "you don't have to shout first! Just look at it. " "What's good to see!" When he saw this gem, his face immediately changed. Although he didn't know much about gems, he could still see such gems clearly. This is a super bad inferior product. There is almost no color in it. At first glance, the color is fake. It's really a super fake.

If Tang Qi hadn't cut it directly, I didn't think it would be like this! He clenched his teeth and said, "this gem is made of fake technology. It costs me ten million yuan!"

Tang Qi said: "there are gems in this one. The others are even worse. They are made of gemstone powder. It seems that you are stupid and have a lot of money. Who don't you cheat?" Lin Jingjiang is biting his teeth. He still doesn't want to believe that he was cheated! Tang Qi didn't wait for him to have any hesitation. He took a knife and chopped up the other three pieces. This knife is also of good quality. Cutting this writing is like cutting tofu. The powder is fast and the inside is fake.

Lin Jingjiang roared: "how can you fool me like this! I'm so angry

Lin feifeng asked Tang Qi curiously: "why is this so? Even if he doesn't cut it in half now, he has to process it sooner or later. How can he make it like this and give it to Lin Jingjiang? This time Ding Hu is too arrogant. "

Tang Qi said with a smile: "of course, it's not so simple. I did a little hand and foot when touching this thing, so I soon found the problem."

"What's the problem?"

"Don't say it, don't say it." Tang Qi said with a smile.

Lin feifeng snorted: "they are still playing tricks at this time!" It turns out that Tang Qi used the Earth Mother God beads at that time. The heaven Mother God beads are used to make the cultural relics look very valuable from the outside. On the contrary, the Earth Mother God beads can quickly expose the defects of the antiques that were not bad. Otherwise, according to Lin Jingjiang's IQ, he can't easily distinguish what the inferior gemstones are. Tang Qi grabs the magic bead in his hand and caresses these gems, quickly turning them into inferior ones. But if Lin feifeng knows about this Shenzhu, it must be very troublesome. Let's keep it secret. Therefore, Lin feifeng is also very angry. Although Tang Qi is willing to help herself, he is still far away from her. Does he really take me as an auxiliary tool to kill Ding Hu? How hateful!

Lin feifeng bit her lips and looked at Tang Qi's side face. She said, "no matter what, bear with me first. I'll use you first.".

Lin Jingjiang got angry over there and said, "what's wrong with this? Even if he looks down on me, he can't fool me with such a bad thing!"

Tang Qi said: "it's too easy to understand, because he has decided to kill you as soon as possible, otherwise why don't you worry at all? I believe that when he comes back to suhai, he will offer you to go out and then kill you. ""Impossible..." Lin feifeng laughed: "do you really think you are great? In his opinion, it's just like me. Will he let you stay around and know that he usurped my position? Of course, the less people know about these disgraceful things, the better. I said it for you,

if you don't agree, I'll leave. Tang Qi, let's go

Tang Qi nodded: "Lin Jingjiang, you can do it yourself. Of course, you can kneel down and plead for him, saying that you are willing to be a slave all your life. You don't care if what he gives you is fake. If you buy his fake all your life, you will be released."

"Stop it!" Lin Jingjiang's eyes are red: "I understand, I promise you."

Lin feifeng next heart happy: "you are willing to cooperate with me?" That's great. It worked out so fast! Lin Jingjiang sat on the sofa and looked at Lin feifeng and Tang Qi. After a long time of anger, he said, "although I'm willing to help you, I'm not good at all. I don't want to be his slave, but why take risks with you when I go back to the city? If you can't do it well, you'll lose your life. "

If I succeed, it's OK. If I fail, can I do it? It's better to go back to the capital.

Lin feifeng seems to have thought about his worries for a long time, and directly threw the string of hands and the clear spring bead on his hand back to his hand. Lin Jingjiang grabs her and looks at her in surprise.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Obviously, you don't understand? I'll give you the bead you always wanted, which is worth tens of millions. In addition, when I kill that Dinghu, I'll share one third of his field with you. How's it going? "

Lin Jingjiang was overjoyed. He stood up and said, "what you said is true?"

"I, Lin feifeng, have never believed what I said? You chose to follow me all the way in my most difficult time. Wouldn't it be too much if I didn't do something to repay you? "

Lin Jingjiang patted his thigh: "OK, it's settled. What do you want?"

"I want your 30 masters, and give me some more. I want to get my territory back, you know?"

"No problem. I'll give you whatever you want." Lin Jingjiang agreed very simply, that hand tightly grasped the clear spring bead. All eyes are greedy. Tang Qixin said that this man's greed is really undisguised.

When Lin feifeng and Tang Qi leave. It was Lin Jingjiang who sent it out in person, and his attitude has become quite good.

After walking on the road for a while, Lin feifeng suddenly stood still and sneered: "don't you think it's ridiculous, Tang Qi? Lin feifeng even has a day to ask for help, and he has to use so many advantages to lure him to do things."

Tang Qi said: "it's nothing. Sometimes, in order to realize your dream, you should make the necessary sacrifice. Besides, you just promise verbally. After Ding Hu is killed, you can still find a chance to destroy Lin Jingjiang."

"Ha ha, I'm good with this ability."

Tang Qiyi said with a smile, "no, you don't need any skills. That qingquanzhu can kill him."

Lin feifeng was stunned, then frowned at him: "I don't know what you mean?"

"Don't be kidding. You don't know what you mean. The Milky halo outside qingquanzhu is poisonous. He grabs it in his hand every day. With the bracelet in his hand, it is estimated that he will die in less than half a year."

"You are just bullshit." "Although his bracelet is soaked with precious spices and medicines, it is highly toxic when mixed with qingquanzhu. I think you may know that after Ding Hu gave him that thing, he began to think about how to get rid of Lin Jingjiang, right? It's a great move. " Tang Qi gave her a big thumbs up. Lin feifeng bit her lip and wanted to slap Tang Qi to death. She really hates smart people. At the beginning, Ding Hu was a smart person. She used her feelings and lost her position. Now she meets the same treacherous Tang Qi! No, Tang Qi seems to be more difficult than Ding Hu!

Tang Qi said with a smile: "don't look at me like that, OK? Don't worry, I won't say it before and I won't say it later. It has nothing to do with me. But you Lin family are really powerful, experts in poisoning. "

Lin feifeng walked a few steps, then suddenly sneered: "that's nature, just like your friend Gao Tian. Didn't he just die in front of you?" Tang Qi was shocked when he heard her saying this. Then he grabbed her wrist. Lin feifeng didn't expect it. She almost fell to the ground. She cried angrily: "Tang Qi! What are you going to do? Do you want to scare me to death

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